Memory Delta Wiki
ICV Kuvak
Ship image.
Class: Vulcan ringship
Affiliation: Interstellar Coalition, Space Command
Icon: Federation icon image. Vulcan icon image.
Commander: Syvak
Status: Destroyed (2264)

In an alternate timeline where Terra Prime kept United Earth from joining the Coalition of Planets in 2155, the ICV Kuvak was a 23rd century Interstellar Coalition starship, a Vulcan-built ringship in Space Command service in the 2260s decade. Its commanding officer was Captain Syvak. (ST - Myriad Universes - Infinity's Prism novel: A Less Perfect Union)

Service history[]


Minister Kuvak in 2154

In the 22nd century, Kuvak was a minister in the Vulcan High Command, the government of the Confederacy of Vulcan. (ENT episode: "Awakening")

A ship named the Kuvak was active in the 2260s and served the Interstellar Coalition, the successor state of the Coalition of Planets. It had an all-Vulcan crew.

USS Enterprise

The UESS Enterprise at Babel

In the year 2264, the Kuvak' was assigned to ferrying Councillor Sarek to Babel, where the Coalition had been founded in 2161. The Coalition had invited United Earth and its Commonwealth Colonies for diplomatic talks on peace and potential membership to the site. The United Earth Starfleet ship Enterprise entered orbit near the Kuvak.

Romulan Commander

Commander Keras in 2264

The Romulan Star Empire sought to disrupt the talks. The Kuvak detected Agent Keras' cloaked ship. The Romulans responded by destroying the Kuvak, making it look like the Enterprise had committed the crime.

The crew of the Enterprise, led by Captain Christopher Pike and Commander James T. Kirk, were able to uncover the Romulan plot and clear their names, allowing the talks to proceed despite the tragic loss of the Kuvak. Keras was captured and taken into care by his lookalike Councillor Keras.

About a century later, the Humans had joined the Interstellar Coalition, and Keras lived as Sarek's guest on Vulcan. (ST - Myriad Universes - Infinity's Prism novel: A Less Perfect Union)


  • commanding officer:
  • helmsman:
    • Lieutenant Setek
  • science officer:
    • Sublieutenant Stonn
  • passenger:
    • Councillor Sarek (2264)