Memory Delta Wiki
ICV Vanik
Ship image.
Class: Vulcan ringship
Affiliation: Interstellar Coalition, Space Command
Icon: Federation icon image. Vulcan icon image.
Commander: T'Prynn
Status: Active (2264)

In an alternate timeline where Terra Prime kept United Earth from joining the Coalition of Planets in 2155, the ICV Vanik was a 23rd century Interstellar Coalition starship, a Vulcan-built ringship in Space Command service in the 2260s decade. Its commanding officer was Captain T'Prynn. (ST - Myriad Universes - Infinity's Prism novel: A Less Perfect Union)

Service history[]


Captain Vanik in 2151

In the 21st and 22nd centuries, Captain Vanik spent decades serving the Vulcan High Command. By the year 2151, he was the commanding officer of the Suurok-class combat cruiser Ti'Mur. (ENT episode: "Breaking the Ice")

A ship named the Vanik was active in the 2260s and served the Interstellar Coalition, the successor state of the Coalition of Planets.

James Kirk (Coalition timeline)

James T. Kirk in 2264

In 2264, the Vanik performed border patrol duties and came across the United Earth transport Galileo. The Earth ship crossed the border, prompting Captain T'Prynn to order the Galileo stopped. The transport carried seven Humans to Vulcan on an invitation by the Vulcan Science Academy. In the encounter with the Vanik, the Galileo was destroyed and lost with all hands. The deaths included Doctor Carol Kirk and her son David, the family of UESS Enterprise first officer Commander James T. Kirk.

This led to Commander Kirk's deepening grudge against the Interstellar Coalition. (ST - Myriad Universes - Infinity's Prism novel: A Less Perfect Union)

