Memory Delta Wiki
ISS Nobunaga

The ISS Nobunaga

In the mirror universe, the ISS Nobunaga was a Constitution-class starship modeled after the USS Defiant. Its construction was ordered by Empress Hoshi Sato I due to renewed rebellion activity. The vessel was equipped by Commander Charles Tucker III with a prefix code that would allow the Empress to take control of the ship through subspace. However, while the Nobunaga was stationed at Beta Nairobi, Tucker gave the code to a clone of Jonathan Archer, who had joined the rebellion against the Empress. Archer then used the Nobunaga in strikes against the Empire. (ENT - Mirror Universe short story: "Nobunaga")


The ship was personally named by Empress Sato herself, the ship was so named as what Empress Sato called it "A great blade slicing through all of my enemies." Similar to the well known actual Japanese sword itself.

The ship may have been named for the mirror counterpart of Oda Nobunaga, who began the unification of Japan in the late 16th century.