Memory Delta Wiki
Iliana Ghemor
Character image.
Iliana Ghemor in 2372
Full name: Iliana Ghemor
Species: Cardassian
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Cardassia
Born: 24th century
Affiliation: Maquis
Mother: Kaleen Ghemor
Father: Tekeny Ghemor
Marital Status: Dating
Spouse(s): Skrain Dukat
Occupation: Resistance fighter
Insignia: Maquis insignia.

In the alternate mirror universe, Iliana Ghemor is a female Cardassian, the daughter of Tekeny Ghemor and the cousin of Alon Ghemor. She is a member of the Maquis and she became the lover of Skrain Dukat in 2372. In 2394, she was rescued by Intendant Kira Nerys and Starfleet Vice Admiral Kira.
