Memory Delta Wiki
Full name: J'mpok, son of Q'thoq
Species: Klingon
Gender: Male
Homeworld: Qo'noS
Died: 2411
Affiliation: Klingon Empire, Klingon High Council
Father: Q'thoq
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Politician
Assignment: Klingon High Council
Insignia: Klingon insignia image.
Office Held: Chancellor of the Klingon High Council
In Office: 2393-present
Preceded By: Martok

J'mpok, son of Q'thoq is a male Klingon politician and member of the High Council, who became Chancellor in 2393 after slaying Martok under questionable circumstances. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)


In 2388, a year after the destruction of Romulus, J'mpok led hardliners on the Klingon High Council that believed the Federation and Romulans should pay for the destruction of the Klingon fleet that was sent to stop Nero. (ST comic: "Countdown")

In 2391, J'mpok gathered together ship captains loyal to his house into one fleet after Chancellor Martok refused to entertain J'mpok's idea to fight the Federation and Romulans. This fleet invaded the Zeta Pictoris system but was routed by a Romulan fleet led by Admiral Taris. This began a split in the High Council, as well as eventually leading to Taris being named Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire.

The next year, the Klingon High Council hardliners led by J'mpok demanded an invasion of Gorn space, and Martok, refusing to give in to their demands, continuously rejected them. In 2393, while meeting at the Great Hall, J'mpok slew Martok and assumed control of the Empire. The support for J'mpok's agenda concerned Federation political analysts, who expected things to come to a head by 2395. Under J'mpok's leadership, the Klingons invaded Gorn space and brought its people under the banner of the Empire. In 2399, when the Federation Council condemned the invasion of Gorn space, J'mpok withdrew the Klingon Empire from the Khitomer Accords, beginning a new war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. (ST website: The Path to 2409)

The House of Torg openly supported J'mpok. (ST website: The Path to 2409)

According to Romulan comm chatter in early 2409, J'mpok claimed the war against the Federation was to preserve the culture of the Klingons and their allies. (STO mission: "A Day on the Farm")

He was killed at the end of the Klingon Civil War of 2411 by J'Ula and succeeded as Chancellor by a clone of L'Rell.
