Memory Delta Wiki
John Frederick
Full name: John Frederick
Species: Terran
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Earth
Died: 2355
Affiliation: Terran Empire
Marital Status: Single
Assignment: Emperor
Rank: Emperor
Insignia: Seal of the Terran Empire.
Office Held: Emperor of the
Terran Empire

In an alternate mirror universe, John Frederick was a male Terran who became Emperor of the Terran Empire. He was Emperor from 2346 to 2355, he was killed by a assassin.

Monarchs of the Terran Empire
by century Icon of the Terran Empire.
21st century George the Second
22nd century Sato I
23rd century Sato ITyphuss James HalliwellSatoSatoUnnamed man
24th century John FrederickSato IISato IIIKathryn JanewaySato IV
24th century
(Parallel timeline)
Annika Hansen