Memory Delta Wiki
For other uses of Supergirl, see Supergirl (disambiguation).
For her Earth-Prime counterpart, see Kara Danvers.
Kara Danvers
Biological Information
Gender Female
Species Kryptonian
Status Alive
Universe Information
Home universe Earth-1
General Information
Occupation Reporter of CatCo Worldwide Media
Leader of the Superfriends
(in secret)
D.E.O. agent
(in secret)
Personal assistant to Cat Grant
Waitress of Noonan's
(part-time; formerly)
Intern of Midvale Newspaper
Nanny for the Quintons
(part-time; formerly)
Affiliation CatCo Worldwide Media
CatCo Magazine
(in secret)
(in secret)
Midvale Newspaper
Family Zor-El
Alura Zor-El
(paternal uncle; deceased)
Lara Lor-Van
(paternal aunt by marriage; deceased)
(maternal aunt; deceased)
(maternal uncle by marriage)
(paternal cousin)
Jonathan Kent
(paternal first cousin once removed)
Jordan Kent
(paternal first cousin once removed)
Jeremiah Danvers
(adoptive father)
Eliza Danvers
(adoptive mother)
Alex Danvers
(adoptive sister)
(grandmother; presumed deceased)
(adoptive maternal grandmother; deceased)
Alter ego Supergirl
Code name Supergirl
Actor Melissa Benoist
Malina Weissman
(young; seasons 1-2)
Izabela Vidovic
(young; season 3-present)
"Hope, help, and compassion for all. That's what I stand for."
— Supergirl to Red Daughter

Kara Danvers (born 2336 as Kara Zor-El) is a female Kryptonian who is the daughter of Zor-El and Alura. Kara is also the cousin of Clark Kent, the adoptive daughter of Jeremiah and Eliza Danvers, the adoptive sister of Alex Danvers, ex-girlfriend/friend of James Olsen and Mon-El, the best friend of Lena Luthor, and a good friend of Winn Schott, J'onn J'onzz, Chloe Sullivan, Typhuss James Kira and Lois Lane, as well as a member of Superfriends. She was the personal assistant of Cat Grant at CatCo Worldwide Media until being promoted to a reporter for CatCo Magazine.

She was sent to Earth from the dying planet of Krypton to protect her younger cousin, Kal-El. However, Kara's pod got knocked off-course by Krypton's explosion, sending her ship into the Phantom Zone where she slept for 24 years, while being suspended in time and not aging. Her pod later escaped, and Kara arrived on Earth, where she was placed with the Danvers family by a now-adult Kal-El, who was known to the Humans as "Clark Kent". She decided to move to National City with Alex and have a normal life, being Cat Grant's assistant at CatCo.

Kara was forced to reveal herself to save an crashing transport ship that Alex was on. She was nicknamed Supergirl by Cat Grant, and stylized as the "Girl of Steel", the "Maiden of Might", and the "Last Daughter of Krypton". Kara was recruited by the D.E.O., a secret agency Alex works for. She helps the D.E.O. chase down a number of alien criminals that Kara inadvertently helped escaped the Phantom Zone, and later threats that include Project Cadmus, Daxamite invaders, Worldkillers, Agent Liberty and Lex Luthor.


  • Supergirl suit: Kara wears a protective suit as her super-heroine alter-ego, Supergirl, to hide her identity from her enemies when out fighting crime. It was designed by her friend, Winn Schott. While it is unknown what materials the suit is made from, it is just as durable as Kara, having only been pierced by alien technology such as Vartox's axe and Kryptonite. Kara is notably able to change into her suit in seconds with her speed, usually keeping it underneath her civilian clothing. The suit includes a cape, which aids Kara in maneuvering while flying. Later, Mon-El taught Kara how to use the cape as a defensive weapon in hand-to-hand combat. Mon-El stated that Kara’s cape was studied to create his own and that it was made of a Kryptonian meta-material which he also called smart cloth. This suit also bears the glyph of the great house of El appearing as an S at the center of a heart-like shape meaning El mayarah which is Kryptonian for stronger together. However, Querl designed for Kara a new suit made of nanotechnology, with pants, which is attached to Kara’s glasses so that the suit materialized when she whips them off.
  • Nanotech Anti-Kryptonite suit: During the fight with Leviathan Lena designed Kara a protective suit to protect her from the Kryptonite they were using against her. This suit materialized like Supergirl’s actual suit designed by Querl Dox which is also made of nanotechnology. Like Supergirl’s actual suit, This suit also has the heart the glyph of great house of El.
  • Glasses: As a teenager, Kara was given a pair of lead lined glasses by Jeremiah Danvers to help her control her X-ray vision. She continues to wear them as an adult to hide her identity as Supergirl.