Memory Delta Wiki
Khyzon class
IGV Kyzon
Affiliation: Federation, Starfleet/
Andorian Empire, Imperial Guard
Type: Kumari-line escort
Service period: from 2409 onwards
Crew: 85
Maximum speed: transwarp and
quantum slipstream velocities
Cruising speed: warp factor 9.9+
Armaments: Kumari phaser wing cannons,
Andorian dual heavy phaser cannons,
2x quantum torpedo launchers,
Andorian dual phaser beam bank,
Andorian dual phaser cannons, Andorian phaser turret,
experimental hyperexcited ion stream projector
Defences: deflector shields
Systems: wing cannon platforms
Auxiliary craft: Federation shuttlecraft
Kumari Line

The Khyzon class starship were a class of vessels that were developed by the Andorian race and were used in the early 25th century. These ships served the role of escorts and were derived from the Kumari-class line. Unlike their parent line, these vessels had an emphasis for scientific systems and included a Tachyon Induction Relay.


Class variations[]

The hull of the Khyzon-class escort allowed its commanding officer to choose from four different designs of livery, which could be modified further. The four options were designated Andorian, Charal, Khyzon and Kumari. In addition to the standard hull patterns available for Starfleet ships, the escort's components could be patterned in Kumari A and Kumari B.

Furthermore, the installation of deflector shields from specific factions modified the hull appearance, including shields from the Reman Resistance, the Breen Confederacy and the Dominion.

Known vessels[]

Andorian starship classes
By name AtliraAtlirithCharalChimesh • (D3) • IlthirinKhyzonKumariKutharOmtilShranSevaijenSpiritTaholsinTanathooefThofsinThozynThrisUmarevYravas Emblem of the Andorian Empire.
By type attack shipcourierescape podescort (2370s-80s)escort (2400s onwards, Charal-class)cruiserdestroyerescort (2400s onwards, Khyzon-class)escort (2400s onwards,Kumari-class)battlecruiser (2140s-2260s)battlecruiser (Interstellar Union, 2290s)battlecruiser (2380s)fighterfreighterfrigatelight cruiser (2150s-2160s)light escort (2400s)pilot escort (engineering variant)pilot escort (science variant)pilot escort (tactical variant)science vesselshuttlesurveyorwarship (2140s-2150s)warship (2360s)
translated names in parentheses