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Kira Meru II
Character image.
Kira Meru II in 2429
Full name: Kira Meru II
Species: Bajoran-Human hybrid
Gender: Female
Homeworld: Bajor
Birthplace: Starfleet ship
Born: November 11th, 2389
Affiliation: Federation,
Third Republic of Bajor
Mother: Kira Nerys
Father: Typhuss James Kira
Sibling(s): Shakaar Edon Kira
Kira Hoshi Sato
Marital Status: Single
Other relatives: Piper Halliwell
Phoebe Halliwell
Prue Halliwell
(aunt, deceased, 2386),
Paige Halliwell
Michael Alan Halliwell
Occupation: Farmer

Kira Meru II is a female Bajoran-Human hybrid who is the daughter of Kira Nerys, a Bajoran woman and Typhuss James Kira, a Human man who lives in the 24th century. She was named after Kira's mother, Kira Meru. She was born in 2389 on November 11th.

Early life[]

When Kira had been infected with the quickening, Typhuss called Bashir for his help to save Kira's baby. Julian needed a fresh strain of the quickening to come up with a cure. They headed for the Gamma Quadrant and went to Teplan.

Julian took a sample from a young woman and beamed back to the ship. Then Julian and the rest of the away team returned to the ship. Julian was able to cure Kira's baby and Kira Meru II was born in 2389 on November 11th. She was named after Kira's mother, Kira Meru. They returned Typhuss and his family to Bajor.

When Kira Meru II was older, she was a farmer on her parent's farm in Dahkur Province.

Background information[]

Kira Meru II is played by Barbara Bosson as an adult and an unknown actress as a baby and little girl.
