Memory Delta Wiki
New Lantea's mainland
Astrographical information



Lantean system

Number of Suns

Lantean Star

Number of Moons

5 mooons
Lantea's moon

Societal information

Humans (present)
Snake-like creature

Technological period

None (present)
Extremely advanced (past)

Earth interest

Location of
Starbase Atlantis
Location of Atlantis

Under control of

United Federation of Planets
Lanteans, Athosians (past)

Out of universe information

Star Trek: Intrepid

"It's stable atmosphere, big ocean. Besides the large, particularly venomous snake-like creature that inhabits the mainland, it looks to be a welcoming environment."
Rodney McKay

Lantea, designated New Lantea or M35-117 by the Federation, is a planet in the Pegasus galaxy which became famous as the location of Atlantis.

Before the real name of the planet was known to the Atlantis Expedition, Lieutenant Aiden Ford suggested naming the planet "Atlantica", which Major John Sheppard rejected.


The planet has an Earth-like atmospheric composition capable of supporting life, and its sun is a "Class-G" star. Similar to Lantea, it also has a large ocean, in which Atlantis previously resided. Its mainland is notable for a large, venomous Snake-like creature, and is home to a plant very similar to Earth's Begonia eiromischa, which was declared officially extinct in 2007. It has five moons, though only one is visible to the unaided eye. The planet is prone to ionospheric storms.

Lantea is one of only two known planets in its solar system which has an atmosphere capable of sustaining human life. The majority of Lantea's surface area is covered with a large ocean. It has only one, relatively small, continent, covering roughly 15 million square miles. The planet has a mean solar time equivalent to at least 27 Earth hours.

There exists at least three animal life forms on the planet; a whale-like fish, named Flagisallus by the Ancients, a giant lobster-like crustacean, and a [fish remarkably similar to a trout found on Earth. During its entire history, no intelligent life has developed, although the Flagisallus does show signs of intelligence.

Life on the planet is threatened by two great dangers. First, every 20 years the ocean gets unusually warm, which causes the development of powerful storms that can cover nearly 20% of the planet and cause great destruction. Another great danger is a Coronal mass ejection of the planet's sun which happens about every 15,000 years, and is capable of destroying all life on the planet. The Ancients formerly prevented this by expanding the shield of the city to cover a great portion of the planet. Nevertheless, the areas unprotected by the shield suffered damage so extreme that it caused the extinction of several species. Without Atlantis residing on Lantea, future life on the planet is potentially at risk of mass-extinction.

Powered by three mostly-charged ZPMs, Atlantis can make the trip from Earth to Lantea in nine days.


After the Ancients left Earth between 5 and 10 million years ago, they finally settled in the Pegasus galaxy, being on Lantea for at least 45,000 years. From there, Atlantis was sitting as an island on the water, and the Ancients started to explore their new home galaxy, seeding life on planets and building a whole new network of Stargates, this time using a new design. To protect their new home, the Ancients built a large network of defence satellites stationed all across the Lantean system. To have an alternative power source for their city, the Ancients also built a mobile drilling platform to tap into geothermal energy on the ocean floor.


Atlantis on the oceans of Lantea

While exploring the galaxy, the Ancients—which were called the Lanteans in this galaxy—encountered creatures called Iratus bugs. These creatures fed on humans, and the mix of human DNA with Iratus DNA while the bug was going through egg-laying cycles caused mutations in the bugs' offspring. Generations of these mutations resulted in a race called the Wraith, which soon started to take over the galaxy. This started a centuries-long war with the Ancients. During this war, the Wraith sent many ships to Lantea to destroy Atlantis. On their way, they destroyed the whole satellite network, except for one, and attacked the city from orbit. The Ancients repelled the attacks. However, unknown to them, one Wraith cruiser from the first attack wave survived and crash-landed into the ocean, where it lay dormant for more than 10,000 years. Finally, the Ancients submerged Atlantis and left the city for their old home, Earth.

Alternate realities[]

  • In the first alternate reality, Sheppard's team visited on an alternate Daedalus, Starbase Atlantis did not appear to be there.
  • In the second alternate reality, Sheppard's team visited on an alternate Daedalus, Starbase Atlantis was under attack from an unknown ship.
  • In the third alternate reality, Sheppard's team visited on an alternate Daedalus the planet's sun was a red giant, something which was not predicted to happen in the main universe for around 48,000 years.
  • In the fourth alternate reality, Sheppard's team visited on an alternate Daedalus, the planet appeared to have been impacted by a large space object, possibly a giant meteor, destroying it and forming a cloud of asteroids. This may have occurred thousands, even millions of years ago.