Memory Delta Wiki

Dinah Laurel Lance (November 15, 2349–April 6, 2389; resurrected 2390), known simply as Laurel Lance, is a female Human who is a citizen of Star City and was one of its most beloved public servants. Laurel is the oldest daughter of Quentin and Dinah Lance (after whom she was named), the older sister of Sara Lance, she is the ex-fiancee of the late Oliver Queen and she is the ex-girlfriend/ex-lover of Typhuss James Halliwell. She was a lawyer who held the position of assistant district attorney until she was promoted to district attorney. However, after Laurel found out that Sara was a vigilante known as The Canary, she was inspired to take up vigilantism and received training from Ted Grant, and later by her close friend and her sister's former lover, Nyssa al Ghul. She eventually joined Team Arrow and became known as the Black Canary, the second Canary of her beloved city.

After an explosion occurred in the middle of Star City while fighting Damien Darhk, Laurel was fatally stabbed and, later that night, was officially pronounced deceased and passed away surrounded by Felicity and Typhuss just moments before her father arrived.

Following her death, her actions as Black Canary were made public by Felicity in order to preserve her reputation as a hero to Star City.

However, her body was dug up by Talia al Ghul, who was now the leader of the League of Assassins, and was resurrected by the waters of the Lazarus Pit but did have her memories from before.

In 2393, Laurel and Felicity left Earth-203 to live on Earth-1 with their families and to start new lives in a new place. Laurel became friends with the Earth-1 doppelgänger of Typhuss and even lives in his apartment as a roommate and sometimes cooks dinner for the two of them. (Birds of Prey movie: "Earth-203 Encounter")


  • Guns: Laurel is very proficient in using guns. She keeps one holstered on her left leg and another one holstered on her right leg though rarely uses it, only in times of emergencies.
  • Black Canary suit: Laurel wears a black leather suit while fighting crime as Black Canary. The suit was a modified version of the one used by her sister. She also wore a black mask and used to wear the blonde wig prior to abandoning it to hide her identity from her enemies.
  • Tactical tonfas: Laurel later used a tactical onfa or side-handle baton, like the one used by SCIS officers. She is able to wield this weapon proficiently while fighting enemies including League of Assassins members. After, five months, she has adopted a second tonfa when facing H.I.V.E., to help her deal with multiple skilled opponents.
  • Expandable batons: After a while of being the Black Canary, Laurel has started to use two batons as her main weapons.
  • Canary Cry: An updated version of the sonic device that both Sara and Laurel used. This device was made by Cisco Ramon as a favor to Laurel.

Former equipment[]

  • Sonic device: Laurel used the sonic device of her sister to stun two criminals and break their shuttle windows. She later abandoned this device after asking Cisco to make her a modified version.
  • Blonde wig: Like Sara, Laurel initially wore a beach-blonde wig to hide her identity as Black Canary before abandoning it.
Other versions of Laurel Lance
Doppelgängers of Laurel Lance

Earth: Prime
Earth: 1216X20323404041505152535456626667707187929495969799135136893999alternate Earthalternate Earth 2New Earth-PrimeNew Earth-2 Prime
