Dinah Laurel Lance (born November 15, 2349), she is known simply as Laurel Lance, she is also known by her married names simply known as Laurel Lance-Halliwell or Dinah Laurel Lance-Halliwell who is a reformed female meta-human criminal-turned-district attorney and later vigilante.
Laurel is from New Earth-Prime, Laurel is a citizen of Starling City and later Central City for a few years, she is the oldest daughter of the late Quentin and Dinah Lance (after whom she was named), the older sister of Sara Lance, the maternal aunt of an unnamed child, and she is the wife of Typhuss James Halliwell. After exposure to the dark matter released from Harrison Wells S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator, Laurel gained the power to scream at a high frequency. Bitter and heartbroken due to her father's death, she chose to use these powers for evil and adopting the name Black Siren, and became a high-ranking lieutenant of a meta-human group led by the speedster known as Zoom.
Laurel was brought over to Earth-1 to participate in the Metapocalypse and personally fought The Flash until she was defeated by Team Flash and imprisoned in the S.T.A.R. Labs pipeline. Half a year later, she was released by the serial killer Adrian Chase and aided in his vendetta against Oliver Queen, culminating in the destruction of Lian Yu. Surviving this, Laurel was rescued by Cayden James and joined his cabal until he was killed by Ricardo Diaz and the group disbanded. Afterward, Laurel revealed herself to the public (pretending to be her late Earth-1 counterpart) in order to get protection from Diaz.
In a misguided attempt to protect herself and her father's Earth-1 counterpart, she joined Diaz's criminal organization, acting as his mole inside Team Arrow. However, having grown fond of Quentin and Oliver, Laurel soon betrayed Diaz in favor of Team Arrow. After a battle against Diaz, Laurel was devastated when Quentin, whom she had come to see as her own father, was killed while saving her. After Oliver was sentenced to prison, Laurel became the new district attorney of Star City, replacing Sam Armand. Her relationship with Team Arrow remained strained aside from Felicity Smoak, whom she became close friends with.
Laurel briefly returned to her criminal activities after Emiko Adachi framed her for murder, but was ultimately successful in pursuing redemption with the help of Felicity, Dinah Drake, Typhuss and Sara Lance.
Upon deciding to right her wrongs, Felicity gave Laurel her Earth-1's counterpart's suit, allowing her to take up the mantle as Black Canary of New Earth-Prime.
Early life[]
Laurel Lance was born to Quentin Lance and Dinah Lance and raised in Starling City alongside Sara Lance, her younger sister. In her childhood, Laurel's father worked a lot, which caused friction between them. On Laurel's 13th birthday, her father showed up without her birthday cake from Carlye's, which he would buy every year. Upset, Laurel threw a tantrum, yelling that she hated him. Her father then went back out to get her cake, but was killed in a shuttle accident collision by a drunk pilot. Laurel was informed of the incident through a phone call that same evening, leaving her traumatized and devastated, deeply regretting her last words to her father.
A rebellious and tricky teenager growing up, Laurel was implied to have been a mean girl, often using her beauty to get what she wanted.
At some point during her early youth, Laurel met Typhuss James Halliwell and the two fell deeply in love. She also became close with Thea Queen and Tommy Merlyn. Laurel's relationship with Typhuss was not always stable though, as he once cheated on her with her friend, Dinah Drake but Laurel apparently managed to forgive them. In 2373, Tommy was killed in a shipwreck while out at sea and his father, Malcolm Merlyn, was the only survivor. This made an even more heartbroken Laurel move to Central City to start a new life with Typhuss. However, Laurel never truly recovered from Tommy's death so in a downward spiral of depression, she began making a series of "bad decisions".
Over the years, Laurel never got a real job or any sort of degree.
Working for Zoom[]
Becoming a meta-human[]
On December 11, 2379, Laurel was one of the many affected by the explosion of Harrison Wells' particle accelerator, while under unclear circumstances where she was most likely screaming, and gained the power to emit powerful sonic screams.
Shortly after discovering her newfound ability, Laurel confronted Brett Collins, the drunk driver who killed her father and screamed at him, launching him back and over his own shuttle. Although the man actually survived her assault and died few months later after an accident whilst on his porch, Laurel believed for years she had killed him, making him her first supposed victim.
Following this, Laurel began using her powers for personal gain, becoming a criminal named "Black Siren". She soon joined Hunter Zolomon/Zoom's army and became one of his enforcers in Central City known for demolishing buildings. At some point, Laurel emerged as a high-ranking lieutenant of Zoom, earning enough respect from Hunter that he was willing to converse without a mask. This made her the only known individual to be aware of Hunter's identity and his deception as "Jay Garrick/The Flash". Laurel was also associated with Francisco Ramon/Reverb and Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost. She became aware of Reverb's desire to seize control from Zoom, but never took his claims seriously. Laurel also came to know of a man called Damien Darhk, whom she grew to fear and acknowledge as a terrible person.
Invading Earth-1[]
As part of his plan to conquer Earth-1, Zoom brought over his entire army of meta-humans, including Laurel, whom he ordered to attack various buildings at random to lure out the Flash. Laurel found out of her Earth-1 doppelgänger's recent death, yet felt little remorse for her. Laurel first attacked Mercury Labs and leveled the entire building, but the Flash was able to save everyone inside. Next, Laurel lured out the Flash into the streets to fight him. At first, the Flash mistook her for Black Canary, who was a friend of his, and tried to reason with her, but she simply laughed in amusement and attacked him. Laurel used her sonic cry to weaken the Flash before physically attacking and easily subduing him. Before she could kill him though, Wally West ran his shuttle into Laurel and helped the Flash escape.
Black Siren later met up with Hunter at the Central City SCIS Department precinct, bragging of her defeat of the Flash but questioned why she was attacking buildings at random. Hunter explained that he needed the Flash distracted so that he wouldn't see his real plan coming until it was too late. When Laurel asked what he was up to, Hunter coldly replied, "no good", leaving her visibly disturbed.
Laurel, as instructed, went to demolish another building but was confronted by "Reverb" and "Killer Frost", much to her disbelief as she believed them to be dead. "Reverb" and "Killer Frost" seemingly proposed to overthrow Zoom by teaming up together. Laurel appeared to consider the offer, but was skeptical and tossed a brick at "Reverb". When he caught it with his right hand, Laurel realized that "Reverb" and "Killer Frost" where actually their Earth-1 counterparts Vibe and Caitlin Snow, as Reverb was left-handed. As Laurel tried to kill them, Vibe hit her with a sonic blast activated subconsciously, but was unable to do so again. Unfazed, Laurel simply tried to kill them again, but was disoriented and knocked out by a device Harry set up to render all New Earth-Prime residents unconscious.
Laurel was locked up in the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator. Upon awakening, she attempted to break out but her sonic scream had no effect on the soundproof cell, to which Cisco mocked Laurel and she gave up in annoyance. Caitlin wondered if they should tell Sara and Quentin Lance, the sister and father of her deceased Earth-1 counterpart, about New Earth-Prime Laurel, but Barry voted against the idea, not wanting to ruin their memory of the Laurel they knew.
Working with Prometheus[]
Impersonating "Laurel Lance"[]
In December 2389, Laurel was broken out of the pipeline by Adrian Chase/Prometheus without tripping any of S.T.A.R. Labs alarms, offering her freedom in exchange for her help in his vendetta against his enemy, Green Arrow, the Earth-1 Oliver Queen. Grateful to Prometheus for freeing her, Laurel agreed and they left the facility without Team Flash knowing of the breakout until three days later. Adrian sent Laurel to Star City to infiltrate Team Arrow and impersonate her Earth-1 counterpart to emotionally torment Oliver. Laurel was hesitant upon learning that one of Adrian's targets in his vendetta was Quentin, her father's Earth-1 counterpart, but Adrian promised to spare him if she complied with his orders. To prepare, Laurel dyed her hair blonde to further resemble her counterpart and learned, presumably through Adrian, of the Waverider and the Legends. Laurel also learned other vital information about her counterpart's life, including her relationship with Oliver and the latter's affair with Sara.
When Oliver returned to the Arrowcave, Laurel was waiting for him and greeted him. Laurel gave a cover story to Oliver and Felicity Smoak that Sara transported "her" to the Waverider before she "died", saved her, and then returned her to their present without causing an aberration. She also learned that her Earth-1 counterpart's father had descended back into alcoholism. Later at a party Felicity held to celebrate "her return", Laurel called Thea Queen, who was overjoyed she was "alive", and was introduced to the new Team Arrow recruits Rene Ramirez/Wild Dog, Rory Regan/Ragman, and Curtis Holt/Mr. Terrific. While having drinks, Laurel almost slipped up and nearly took the wine instead of the club soda, remembering at the last second that Earth-1 Laurel was an alcoholic.
Afterwards, Laurel returned to the Arrowcave, where Felicity had just realized her deception. Relieved to finally drop her facade, Laurel attacked Felicity and Rory, sadistically expressing disappointment that she wouldn't be able to hear either of them scream because of her powers' one-sided effect. Before she could kill them, Oliver stopped her and while stunned to see Laurel attacking them, she used her scream on him to cover her escape.
Laurel later met up with Prometheus, who expressed disappointment that she blew her cover so soon. When Laurel protested she could've simply killed Team Arrow, Prometheus attacked her. Holding her throat closed so she couldn't scream, Prometheus reminded Laurel that her survival was dependent upon her obedience, not her questioning. Horrified, she agreed.
Laurel later called Oliver and apologized for attacking him, claiming that Prometheus forced her to do so and offered to help. While skeptical, Oliver agreed to hear her out and they met at the Black Canary statue. Green Arrow was skeptical about her story but Laurel insisted she was being used. As Black Siren offered to help however, Ragman, Wild Dog, and Mr. Terrific attacked her. Laurel used her powers to knock them all to the ground, destroying the Black Canary statue in the process. However, Green Arrow used a tranquilizer arrow to render Laurel unconscious.
Laurel woke up in a meta-human cell in the Arrowcave, much to her annoyance, and insisted that she was being honest about being used by Prometheus. However, Oliver was distrustful given what Team Flash told him about her history as Zoom's lieutenant. Laurel didn't blame him for his distrust, admitting that she has made several bad choices since gaining her powers. Laurel told Oliver about her relationship with his Earth-2 counterpart and how his death sent her down that path, expressing her belief that she was no longer capable of being anything other than a criminal. Taking pity on her, Oliver tried to convince Laurel that nobody is beyond saving, and offered her protection against Prometheus if she told him what she knew about him. While Laurel was ultimately manipulating Oliver into lowering his guard, her words did appear at least somewhat genuine.
Later when Felicity gave Laurel a glass of water, Laurel wondered what happened between her and Oliver, aware of their failed relationship. She mockingly asked if Felicity had a sister, sneering how she heard Oliver "loves sisters". Unlike Oliver, Felicity did not believe Laurel was capable of redemption and told her to get used to being locked up, to which Laurel stared at her in contempt. Suddenly, the power went out and Laurel used this opportunity to escape. Unbeknownst to Laurel, Felicity placed tracking nanites in the glass of water she drank, hoping it would lead Team Arrow to Prometheus.
Laurel went to a warehouse to meet up with Prometheus, where they were attacked by Team Arrow. While Prometheus was occupied with Ragman and Green Arrow, Laurel incapacitated Wild Dog and Mr. Terrific before taunting Felicity about killing her too. Just then, Green Arrow appeared and begged Laurel not to, pleading that if she kills Felicity, then she truly is beyond saving. Green Arrow tried to convince Laurel she can still be who she was before she lost her family, and he could help her find that person again. Despite appearing to consider his words, Laurel simply retorted, "she was never there" and attacked Felicity but Green Arrow protected her. As Laurel tried to kill them both, Mr. Terrific used a dampening device to negate her powers and Felicity swiftly knocked her out.
Rather than being sent back to S.T.A.R. Labs, Laurel was instead transported to A.R.G.U.S. custody, both for improved security measures and so Oliver can keep her close, hoping to help Laurel find redemption one day.
Kidnapping Oliver's loved ones[]
Sometime after Adrian was arrested, he arranged for Laurel to be freed from A.R.G.U.S. by having Evelyn Sharp blackmail a guard. Laurel and Evelyn, working with Talia al Ghul and her assassins, kidnapped Dinah Drake and Rene from their apartments and later Curtis when he came looking for Dinah. Talia then sent Laurel and Evelyn to an A.R.G.U.S. safe house where Thea and Quentin were being kept in, with Laurel once again impersonating her late Earth-1 counterpart. The sight of Laurel threw Quentin completely off and as Thea tried to explain the situation to him, Evelyn used tranquilizer darts to render them unconscious.
Laurel and Evelyn drove Thea and Quentin to a shipping yard, where they unloaded their captives. When Thea wondered where they were being taken, Laurel claimed it was a "surprise". She restrained Quentin in a shipping container, sarcastically calling him "Dad", though he told her not to call him that. Laurel asked if the restraints were too tight, admitting to a surprised Quentin that this wasn't easy for her, though he was unwilling to believe her. Laurel explained that she's helping Adrian because she owes her freedom to him and has been given assurances that Quentin will be spared from his agenda. Quentin scoffed at this, stating that his Laurel wouldn't be stupid enough to take Adrian for his word. Laurel agreed, acknowledging that Quentin loved and lost his daughter and how hard seeing her must be before leaving.
She and Evelyn later blackmailed Oliver into freeing Adrian by threatening his son, William Clayton. Laurel then traveled to Lian Yu with Prometheus's team and the captive Team Arrow members to await Oliver's arrival.
Final battle on Lian Yu[]
Once on Lian Yu, Laurel acted as Adrian's right-hand woman, tasked with dealing with the prisoners and patrolling the grounds with a few members of Talia's cult at her side. She brought in Quentin and John Diggle to join Dinah and Rene. When Diggle questioned why Laurel would assist a guy she barely knows in getting revenge on another guy she barely knows, Laurel responded that while Adrian freed her, she doesn't owe Oliver a thing.
Laurel continued watching the grounds and stumbled upon Slade Wilson seemingly knocking out Oliver and handing him over. She triumphantly brought Oliver to the rest of the prisoners. However, this was actually a ruse by Oliver and Slade to free Team Arrow and they all escaped. While leaving, they were confronted by Adrian, with Laurel and an army of cult members by his side.
A battle broke out and Laurel personally targeted Dinah. The two women fought physically until they simultaneously used their sonic screams, creating a shockwave that pushed each of them back. Laurel was knocked to the ground while Dinah crashed into some nearby pottery. Dinah struggled to get back up, but Laurel stood up with ease and taunted Dinah about thinking the latter could "replace" her. Laurel prepared to finish her off with a scream, but was knocked out by Quentin with Dinah's bo-staff. Laurel was left on the island as it exploded following Adrian killing himself to detonate hidden C4 bombs.
Laurel managed to survive the explosions by taking shelter in the monastery. When Dinah and Quentin arrived to search for survivors, Laurel ambushed them and held a knife to Dinah's throat. Laurel planned to kill her, sadistically assuring Dinah that she would "be too dead to care" about losing her sonic scream. Suddenly, Laurel was shot by Quentin in the stomach and fell down, believed to be dead. Some time after, Laurel was rescued by an associate of Cayden James, who helped her up and they left Lian Yu. In exchange, she agreed to help Cayden with his agenda.
Working with Cayden James[]
Return to Star City[]
Five months later, Laurel returned to Star City and immediately attacked the Star City SCIS Department, destroying it with her own mercenaries and killing all its officers. She and her group were later attacked by Team Arrow on the bridge, during which a fight broke out between Black Siren and Black Canary. The two were evenly matched at first but Laurel eventually disarmed Dinah and used the latter's bo-staff to knock out both her and Quentin.
Team Arrow initially believed Laurel planned to attack the SCIS benefit in order to get revenge on Quentin, so they set up a trap for her. However, Laurel instead attacked the lightly defended Arrowcave, where she had her men fend off Diggle and plant some explosives in place, specifically ordering for her doppelgänger's suit to be destroyed. Laurel and her group were soon attacked by Team Arrow. She and Dinah fought, but Laurel managed to escape again before being confronted by Quentin at gunpoint. Bitter over him shooting and leaving her for dead on Lian Yu, Laurel guilted Quentin to lowering his gun before smugly admitting that she would have done the same thing had their roles been reversed. Laurel was later revealed to have stolen one of Curtis' prototype T-Spheres from the Arrowcave.
A few weeks later, Laurel killed three seemingly unimportant individuals: Jackson Klimavich, Veronica Medina, and Jenny Johnson. Curtis tracked Laurel through her sonic scream, tracing her to the abandoned facility of Helix the very same moment in which Felicity and Alena Whitlock broke into it. There, Laurel is revealed to be working for Cayden James, who ordered his men to kill both the hackers. However, Team Arrow intervened and a fight ensured, driving Laurel, Cayden, and their party to escape.
Later, Felicity discovered that Laurel's victims were undercover agents of the International Domain Name Directory (IDND), the global internet infrastructure, and she had stolen their fingerprints in order to enter it. Believing that Cayden intended to destroy the internet, Team Arrow attacked his party at the International Domain Name Directory vault, where Felicity managed to breach through the firewall to stop Cayden's apparent attack while Laurel fought Diggle. She was defeated, but used her scream to bring down a structure to cover her escape.
Afterwards, Cayden confirmed that their plan, Arclight, is going as planned and provided Laurel with a device to prevent Curtis from tracking her scream.
After Oliver was arrested by SCIS agent Samanda Watson, Laurel and Cayden planted a bomb under Starling Stadium during a concert of Billy Joel. However, Oliver suited up as the Green Arrow once again (his trial having been delayed) and tried to stop them, only to discover that the bomb was fake while the cops guarding the stadium were Cayden's allies. After having recorded footage of Team Arrow beating up the cops in order to persuade the citizens of Star City to vote "yes" on the anti-vigilante referendum, Cayden and Laurel escaped.
Seeds of doubt[]
Laurel was later sent by Cayden to capture Quentin, who was accompanying Thea home after Oliver and Felicity's wedding. Laurel quickly knocked out Thea (who was still recovering from her coma) and kidnapped Quentin. Before leaving, she placed a phone into an unconscious Thea's hand, through which Oliver received instructions in exchange for Quentin's safe return. Laurel talked with a captive Quentin, though she was still angry over his actions on Lian Yu. When Quentin asked about his doppelgänger, Laurel grew unsettled and sadly revealed her father died in a car accident while buying a cake for her 13th birthday. Quentin reflected that he did the same thing for his daughter, bringing Laurel to tears.
Soon after learning Oliver betrayed him, Cayden gave Laurel the order to kill Quentin, which was delayed by her discovery of Wild Dog and Mr. Terrific nearby. After fleeing with Quentin, Laurel, after a moment of hesitation, spared his life and cut his restraints, telling him to run. Green Arrow eventually caught up with the two, but Laurel used her sonic scream to bring down some overhead pipes between them as a distraction before escaping into the night.
After watching Team Arrow implode, it is revealed that Laurel had planted a hidden camera in the Arrowcave during her initial attack, which Cayden used to watch and gather intel on the team the entire time. Soon, it is shown that Laurel is not the only person working with Cayden as Vincent Sobel/Vigilante, Anatoly Knyazev, and Ricardo Diaz/Dragon all reveal themselves to be part of a larger team-up than originally thought.
Some days later, Laurel, Cayden, and Diaz broke into Jerry Bertinelli's office to force him into giving them control of the Star City Docks by threatening to have Laurel pay a visit to his daughter in New York. Later, they were ambushed by Green Arrow at their base. During the ensuring fight, Laurel was incapacitated by a trick arrow wrapping around her throat, preventing her from using her powers. However, she was quickly freed with the intervention of Anatoly's Bratva allies, Diaz's men, and Vigilante. Although Laurel suggested to kill Green Arrow, Cayden eventually ordered them to let the archer go.
The next night, Jerry and Green Arrow set a trap for Cayden's criminal cabal, attracting them to the port. Laurel fought the Green Arrow together with her allies until he managed to set an explosion and use it to escape. She watched as Diaz killed Jerry under Cayden's orders, giving them full control over the port. Cayden then allowed Laurel to put Jerry's body on display as an example.
Shaken by her recent interaction with him, Laurel started to stalk Quentin in secret, hiding every single time he looked back. However, Quentin eventually discovered her and he and Thea managed to lure Laurel into an abandoned warehouse. There, he attempted to reach out to Laurel by showing her some tapes and pictures of her Earth-1 counterpart. Quentin stated that he sees his daughter in her and believes that deep down, Laurel has her doppelgänger's good heart. Overwhelmed and upset, Laurel denied everything by declaring "this isn't [her]" and emitted a sonic scream at the projector in a panic before running away.
Later, Laurel joined Cayden as he set a trap for Wild Dog, Mr. Terrific, and Black Canary using Vincent, who had been identified as a traitor, as bait. After creating an explosion and trapping Black Canary under some rubble, Cayden cruelly ordered Laurel to execute Vincent in front of Dinah. Despite hesitating at first, Laurel went through with it under the pressure of proving her loyalty to the cabal. She sonic screamed into Vincent's ear until his regenerative powers exhausted and his brain collapsed, killing him. She and Cayden then left the scene, though Laurel was visibly remorseful of her actions.
When Cayden planned to detonate a bomb to destroy Star City, he informed Laurel, Diaz, and Anatoly that he planned for a helicopter to arrive and take them away beforehand. However, Diaz and Laurel didn't believe this and intended to leave their own way. Laurel gathered her secret stash, which included a photo of her doppelgänger and Quentin. As she was leaving, Laurel was confronted by Dinah, who sought to kill her to avenge Vincent's death. After an intense battle, Dinah was able to overpower Laurel but Quentin soon arrived to stop her. Dinah simply used her cry on Quentin but before Laurel could retaliate, she was taken down with a trick arrow by Oliver and held at gunpoint by Diggle.
After Cayden discovered that either Laurel or another member of the Cabal killed his son, he arranged a deal with Oliver to bring them all to him. Laurel was placed under Dinah and Quentin's watch. As Dinah placed a power-dampener collar on her, Laurel attempted to aggravate Dinah by mocking about how she enjoyed killing Vincent.
When Oliver and the team captured the other members of the Cabal, Quentin and Dinah brought Laurel to the meeting. There, Laurel expressed her belief to Quentin that the only way to survive is to be cruel, stating that her doppelgänger died due to her naiveté. Laurel was then brought to Cayden, who demanded the one who ordered the murder of his son to come forward. Laurel claimed to have done so, sneering that she only regretted it because his son was "cute". Cayden angrily slapped Laurel and stated he knew she didn't, pointing out how she hesitated in killing Vincent. Unbeknownst to everyone, the bomb detonator caused Laurel's collar to malfunction, allowing her to use her powers again. Laurel used her cry on Cayden before destroying the dampener. She then used her cry on everyone else and attempted to escape, but was stopped again by Dinah. The two battled until Quentin once again tried to intervene. Dinah disarmed Quentin and used his gun to shoot Laurel, who fired her cry at Dinah at the same time, knocking the latter out. Laurel then fell unconscious from the bullet wound.
Quentin patched up Laurel's wound before taking her to his shuttle and handcuffing her so she couldn't escape. When Laurel woke up and discovered her predicament, Quentin explained he was planning to find the small piece of his Laurel inside her, knowing that what she stated was a lie and the revelation that she hesitated to kill Vincent means there is still hope for her.
Working with Ricardo Diaz[]
Becoming "Laurel Lance"[]
Quentin brought Laurel to a secure cabin in the woods in order to allow her to heal and convince her that she can be a better person. Laurel eventually let herself learn more about her counterpart from Quentin to see how much she really had in common with her. After Thea discovered her whereabouts, Laurel told her to contact Oliver in order to make a deal; she will return the city's money stolen by Cayden James (which Laurel previously withdrew from his offshore account in Corto Maltese) if they get her out of the country so she could start a new life. Oliver eventually accepted and Quentin offered to accompany her, convinced that the presence of someone supporting her would change Laurel for the better.
As Curtis, Rene, and Dinah arrived at the cabin, a fight broke out between the two teams, during which Quentin tried to take Laurel to safety but was soon intercepted and quickly knocked out by Dinah. Dinah raged on Laurel for murdering a helpless Vincent and intended to kill her the same way as Laurel futilely tried to apologize. However, Curtis intervened and was able to talk Dinah out of it, allowing Laurel to incapacitate them both with a scream and escape.
Later that night at the edge of the city, Laurel begged a van driver to help her, claiming that she has just escaped after being kidnapped for two years and introduced herself as "Laurel Lance".
Brought back to Star City, Laurel revealed herself to the public (pretending to be her late Earth-1 counterpart) and claimed to the press that her death was faked by H.I.V.E., who captured and tortured her for the last two years. Laurel then proceeded to hug the newly-arrived Oliver and Quentin out of fake joy. The public is now convinced that (Earth-1) Laurel is alive. Oliver, Thea, Typhuss and Quentin questioned Laurel over her charade, to which she revealed her intent to protect herself from Cayden's murderer; Laurel is fully aware that her late doppelgänger was an important public figure, which would make it difficult for anyone to target her. Laurel threatened to out Oliver's identity as Green Arrow if they said anything. After she revealed that the money Cayden stole from the city had mysteriously disappeared from where she stashed it, Oliver, Quentin, Typhuss and Thea decided to support Laurel's cover story to the public for the time being.
Laurel was then brought to Starling General Hospital for a check-up. Quentin visited her to drop off some clothes before taking her to his home. Laurel was then abducted by Diaz's men and brought in front of Anatoly and Diaz himself, who was revealed to have taken the money, killed Cayden, and his son. Diaz told Laurel not to worry about Dinah and revealed he has his own plan to take over Star City.
Afterwards, Laurel arrived at Quentin's apartment and revealed to Oliver, Quentin, Thea, Typhuss and Dinah about Diaz's mission and where he was keeping a kidnapped Roy Harper. Albeit initially reluctant to trust her, Team Arrow decided to follow her lead and managed to rescue Roy. Later that night, Oliver went to thank her. Laurel claimed she can't change who she is, but will try to be good if Oliver gave her the space to do so. Despite not being pleased about her decision to masquerade as his Laurel, Oliver agreed. Right after he left, Laurel received a text message from Diaz telling her she did a good job, revealing that she is now working with him.
Getting closer to Diaz[]
Except occasionally cooking, Laurel spent the next week sitting on the couch and watching TV. After Quentin refused her offer to "help with the Diaz problem", he suggested that she go outside and get some fresh air or try to find a job. Laurel revealed she never had a real job and wondered how her counterpart was able to attend law school. Quentin brought her his daughter's old law school textbooks, which Laurel started to read. That night, Laurel was visited by Diaz, who brought her a take-out dinner. Diaz told Laurel that she didn't have to study law as people like them "make the law". He stated that Laurel shouldn't change in order to "impress [her] old man", something he did when he was younger.
Later, after former district attorney Sam Armand and SCIS Captain Kimberly Hill accused Oliver of obstructing justice, Laurel and Diaz watched the news together in his hideout. Diaz complimented Laurel for her idea, which she learned from her studies. He then showed Laurel the last champion of Vertigo he obtained following Team Arrow's raid, which would be the core of his drug operation. Pleased, Laurel kissed Diaz.
The morning after a Vertigo-drugged Oliver bursted into SCIS precinct in order to fight Diaz and his crooked SCIS officers but managed to escape, Black Siren met with Diaz at the station while his men were cleaning. When she asked why he didn't just kill Oliver, Diaz explained that Oliver "is more dangerous as a martyr than as Green Arrow". Diaz told Laurel that their next move is to spread the word that Star City is now "open for business".
Some time after this, Diaz introduced Laurel to Aviva Metula/Shadow Thief right before the latter departed from Star City to continue her businesses.
Shifting her allegiances[]
Seeing Diaz' true colors[]
About a week later, Black Siren accompanied Diaz to Blüdhaven in order to meet Eric Cartier, the son of an influential member of the Quadrant. Diaz proposed to Cartier to use Star City as a place to run the Quadrant's business in exchange of having a seat at the table of the organization, however Cartier asked him to found Robert Baylor, an agent of his organization who was caught by the SCIS, in order to show them if he can able to operate at their level. In less than a day Diaz found the man discovering he was working with the federals and, as Laurel demonstrated to be skeptical about his excessive concessions to the Quadrant, he reminds her that once he has won a place in the organization he will have an empire.
After Diaz gave the information on Baylor to Cartier, however, he required to him and Black Siren to get him in order to interrogate him and founding out what did he tell to the Justice Department. Hoping to get a meeting with Cartier, Sr., Diaz does as he was asked but, right after extracting him from the FBI's safehouse, both Diaz and Baylor were shot by one of Cartier's man. Having survived thanks to a bulletproof vest, Diaz went back to Cartier's nightclub and defeated all of his man alongside Black Siren, who had actually suggested to forget the plan and come back to Star City. Later Diaz tortured Cartier and, after the latter revealed he and his father never talked about him to the Quadrant because he was "a nobody" an they wanted to take Star City from his hands, Diaz beat Cartier to a pulp and order him to take it to the place where the Quadrant meetings are held.
While they were driving to the place, Laurel asked Diaz if what happened with his childhood bully, Jesse, still tormented him and he responded that it does, because he was right and he was "a loser", when she tried to cheer him up saying he was not it anymore, he told her about how he named his fear "The Dragon" and for years was everything he had but if he managed to become a member of the Quadrant he would get the enough power to not having anyone against him. Laurel compared Diaz to Zoom because of the hate the two men held inside them.
Arriving at the Quadrant's headquarters, Villa Centanni, Diaz and Laurel broke inside using Cartier as a human bomb and slaughtering dozens of their men with their bare hands and some gunshots making their way to the hall where the four leaders of the Quadrant met. Once again Diaz proposed to gave them Star City in exchange for a place in the organization and, as one of the member declared there are no free chairs at their table and Remy Cartier called him a "street suck" and a "loser", Diaz shot him in the head freeing a chair and getting welcomed into the Quadrant.
That night, Diaz went to Jesse Federico's house and kidnapped him, bringing him on a rooftop over his city where Laurel was waiting for him and, after having shown to him the last fragment of his father's picture that he had kept for over 32 years, ignoring Laurel's pleas not to do it, cruelly setting him on fire stating that he "is not a loser anymore".
Turning on Diaz[]
After Jesse's death, Laurel began to avoid Diaz until he summoned her personally. Diaz announced that the new mayor, Quentin, needed to be persuaded in respecting some "ground rules", and Laurel needed to set up a meeting between them. Though reticent, she did as ordered and took Quentin to their favorite Chinese restaurant, confessing that she was sorry as Diaz entered revealing the relationship between them and telling him to sign a few documents to privately sell some municipal property. Later that night, Laurel confronted Quentin in his office in order to convince him to sign that papers, however Quentin, disgusted that she was working with a criminal like Diaz yelled at her to stop pretending she cared about him, telling her she's worse than Diaz himself and orders her to get out of his apartment before he could came back that night. A sad and surprisingly upset Laurel stepped out of the room on the verge of tears and prepared to do what she was requested, but before she could leave the apartment, Quentin reached her apologizing for what he had said, and revealing her that he understand what it mean to "do bad thing for good reasons" as he worked for Damien Darhk in order to protect his Laurel. Quentin showed her that he had signed the documents and declared that he wanted to help her escape from Diaz, so they both promise to protect each other.
Later, after she brought the papers to Diaz, Laurel watched as he has Oliver arrested by revoking his parole and anticipating his trial at the following week, on May 3.
A few hours before the trial, Laurel was asked by Bethany Snow if she, as the Black Canary, knew the Green Arrow's real identity, which she responded that she does and that would reveal it only in the court. Later, she was summoned by Diaz, who threatened her to testify against Oliver during the trial, revealing he is the Green Arrow in order to have him sentenced for life or else he would have killed her; however, having found the courage to stand-up against the crime lord after an heart-to-heart talk with Quentin, and since Christopher Chance/Human Target had previously broke into the courtroom disguised as Tommy Merlyn revealing he's the Green Arrow before escaping, Laurel chose to testify that Tommy is the vigilante, betraying Diaz much to Oliver's shock. When asked what made her change her mind, Laurel told Quentin he did and that the first step to standing up to Diaz is standing up to him. Quentin advised her to leave town, but she told him that she knew what to do. That night, Laurel confronted Diaz at the docks, at first managing to overpower him and his men but ultimately being subdued as he used a power-dampening device to suppress her sonic scream, before taking her captive and telling her that his new plan is to kill Oliver and everyone he cares about, much to her horror.
Losing another father[]
After Oliver made a deal with the SCIS to help him liberate the city, Diaz called Quentin threatening him to remove the SCIS or else he'd kill Laurel. After meeting, Diaz took Quentin and held him in the same cell as Laurel (who was now wearing a power-dampening collar), telling him that he only promised to give him proof of life before leaving. Diaz later returned as Team Arrow and the SCIS were moving in on him, telling Quentin he was gonna shoot Laurel in front of him if he didn't comply to his terms. Laurel told Quentin not to comply to him and not let Diaz have the city, daring Diaz to shoot her believing he was bluffing. After giving Quentin five seconds, Diaz attempted to shoot her, with Quentin jumping in front of her and taking a bullet to the abdomen. Stunned, Laurel attempted to tearfully comfort Quentin, and when Diaz began to mock them, telling her he shot him where he did as a mercy so he wouldn't bleed out yet so she can get him to call the SCIS and tell them to leave the city, Laurel angrily told Diaz she was gonna kill him. As Diaz was about to shoot Laurel in front of Quentin, Oliver and the SCIS arrived, forcing Diaz to flee. He came up and found Laurel with an injured Quentin and Dinah told Oliver to go get Diaz, so he shot the lock off the cage where they were held captive and Dinah arrived shortly after as Laurel tended to Quentin.
Laurel spotted up to Dinah, believing she was going to attempt to kill her again, only to be stunned when Dinah instead freed her from her collar. The two carried Quentin out of the building to safety, using their sonic screams to fend off Diaz' men along the way and Dinah handed Laurel a gun. After getting Quentin to the paramedics, Laurel headed back into the building and went to the rooftop where Oliver had nearly subdued Diaz. Diaz dared Oliver to kill him, as it was the only way to truly defeat him and knew Oliver wouldn't. Knowing Oliver wouldn't kill him, Laurel told him that Diaz was right that he'd have to kill him to beat him before blasting Diaz off the roof with her sonic scream into a river below in an attempt to kill him herself, frustrating Oliver as he knew Diaz would survive the fall and angrily scolded Laurel, who in turn told him that she had to end it and when Oliver (knowing he'd likely survive the fall) sarcastically asked her if she'd think that the fall would kill him, she coldly stated she could only hope.
Oliver and Laurel then headed to the hospital to see Quentin, with Oliver going in to speak with him where during a conversation, finally accepted Laurel as Quentin's daughter (after denying it to him multiple times before). Laurel waited outside the room and called Quentin's other daughter and her deceased doppelgänger's sister Sara Lance, who arrived and seemed fairly amazed to see her deceased sister's face again on her doppelgänger. Laurel thanked her for coming, believing it was only right for Quentin's daughter to be there. Sara thanked her for calling her, and Laurel asked if it was strange for her to see her, which Sara responded that it was a little. Sara then asked if she was anything like her Laurel, which Laurel replied she hardly was at all, visibly disappointed at herself. Sara and her later walked over to Team Arrow and witnessed the FBI arresting Oliver, to Sara's confusion as he explained his deal to enlist their help from liberating the city from Diaz also involved him turning himself in in exchange for immunity for the rest of Team Arrow.
Dr. Schwartz approached them, and when Oliver asked how Quentin was, she told them he had seized during surgery and died as his brain was deprived of oxygen for seven minutes, leaving Laurel, Oliver, Sara, Dinah, and the rest of Team Arrow devastated as the FBI took Oliver away, who told all of them to take care of each other. As a grieving Sara hugged Felicity, Laurel turned away visibly teary-eyed and heartbroken by both Quentin's death and potentially Oliver being taken away as a well, made even worse by how it was her actions that caused Oliver to be forced to such a condition. Later as Oliver (under the direction of the FBI) revealed his identity as Green Arrow to the rest of the world and called on his friends and allies to keep fighting to save the city, Sara and Laurel cried and mourned together as they stood over Quentin's body.
Path to redemption[]
Star City's district attorney[]
Five months after Quentin's death, Laurel was appointed district attorney of Star City. When a mysterious "New Green Arrow" appeared, Laurel was interrogated by the press publicly stating that the unidentified Green Arrow cannot be Oliver Queen as the latter is still in Slabside Maximum Security Prison and that, due to Star City's zero-tolerance policy about vigilantes, if perpetrated its actions it would have been persecuted.
Mending fences[]
As Diaz resurfaced in Star City, Laurel was placed under protection by the SCIS Departement but managed to free herself from her guards by secretly sabotaging them with her sonic scream to cause nausea and dizziness in order to distract them and escape. The next morning, the newly appointed Captain Dinah confronted her in her office telling her that the Longbow Hunters are in town and she needs protection as Diaz has already killed Quentin who everybody thought was her father. After Dinah referred to that as a joke, Laurel told her that, regardless of what she believed, she actually loved Quentin, however she doesn't want the Department's protection. Dinah then decided to watch over Laurel by herself sitting in her office and starting to read a magazine. So an annoyed Laurel asked her to make herself useful and bring her coffee, which Dinah does in spite of her frustration, only to find Laurel gone as she returned to the office.
In the evening, Dinah tracked Laurel down to an abandoned facility bought by Diaz after he joined the Quadrant in order to turn it into his "castle". The DA revealed that she thought that Diaz was hiding inside it but, as Dinah tells her she intended to call her men, Laurel stopped her claiming that that was her fight and she intended to kill Diaz to get revenge for Quentin's death. Dinah told Laurel she hasn't changed a bit and is still the same lying murderer, prompting Laurel to sadly responded she's not that person anymore. Laurel and Dinah break into the facility and were faced by a member of the Longbow Hunters armed with a device that neutralized the sounds which they managed to defeat (although not capture) only by working together and combining their sonic screams.
The next day Laurel came into Dinah's office in order to thank her and announce that she will not sabotage or complain anymore about the police guards placed on her protection. Laurel then opened up to Dinah, telling her that she had forgotten how it was having someone who cared about her and that losing Quentin was the worse thing to happen to her in a long time, so she understood how Dinah had felt about losing Vincent and that, despite that she doesn't expect her forgiveness she's really deeply sorry for killing him and hoped that one day Dinah could believe she's actually changed before leaving.
Few days later Felicity Smoak came into Laurel's office asking her to help interrogating Honor, which she has captured with Rene's aid. Laurel accepted the offer and interrogated the Longbow Hunter's member by torturing her with her sonic scream, however due to Honor's resilience Felicity started to lose her temper and told Laurel to use extreme force even if it means killing the criminal, to which Laurel responded to her that once that line is crossed is impossible to come back and that she should have instead use her "big brain" to find another way out of that situation; so the two women decided to trick Honor making her believe they got distracted letting her escape, while actually they put a localization microchip on her. Then Laurel told Felicity she had to prepare to be ruthless, as when they found Diaz they would have killed him.
After some days monitoring Honor movements, the criminal disappeared making Felicity extremely nervous, to which Laurel suggested to go seeing Oliver in prison in order to calm down. However, when the woman came back she revealed that they didn't allowed her to see her husband as he was moved to "Level Two" that, apparently doesn't exist. Digging in, the two women discovered that the prison claimed that Oliver had arleady used all of his visits hours of the months and was assigned to a psychological treatment held by Dr. Jarrett Parker; so they recruited Dinah's help for their investigation finding evidence that Parker is holding a clandestine psychiatric program within Slabside with the intention to eradicate the inmates sense of identity. After the three women had received evidence of this (unknowingly for them at the hands of Talia al Ghul), they exposed Parker's illegal activities and Laurel suggested to use those evidence in order to get an appeal for Oliver's conviction.
Later that day, Laurel awkwardly tried to invite Felicity at a "friends date" only to deny it embarrassed when the woman asked if it was such.
A week later, she visited Oliver in prison in order to take proofs about how he was treated at Slabside, revealing to him that she was working at his case with Felicity; however Oliver rudely told her that he doesn't want her help as he believed that if she does something it could only be out of personal interest; remaining her one more time that it doesn't matter how much she pretend, she his not "his Laurel" and would never be it. Saddened, Laurel came back to her office and told Felicity how her meeting with Oliver has went. Felicity tried to comfort her telling he had told so only because he doesn't know yet the new person she has become; later the two women tracked down Anatoly to the munition's plant in Orchid Bay where Diaz had left him and they rescued him alongside Rene and A.R.G.U.S.; however, not trusting her, Diggle and the rest of the team decided to kick Laurel out of the rest of their hunt for Diaz. As she stormed out of A.R.G.U.S. Headquarters outraged, Felicity followed her promising that when they get Diaz she would inform her.
Laurel then concentrated on Oliver's appeal and, during her harangue (slightly referring to herself) she told the judge that "the hardest thing to do is to be a hero when no one expects you to be" and that, while the easier path is to be a criminal, during his time in prison Oliver Queen had nevertheless choose to be a hero. Despite all of this, Judge Napier denied the appeal request, but granted an internal investigation concerning the conditions of Slabside's inmates. Furious and frustrated, Laurel waited for Judge Napier in the parking lot outside the court with the intention to threaten her with force, only to be stopped by Dinah. Having assisted at her speech in the courtroom, Dinah is now convinced Laurel has really changed and urged her not to throw away all her hard work for a moment of rage. That evening, Laurel visited Oliver for the second time in order to inform him and this time, admitting that she has done a good job, he thanked her; however Laurel responded that she hasn't do it for him nor anyone else but herself, as she's not "his Laurel" or "the old Laurel" but just herself, and is working hard to be a better person.
As she's leaving the visit room, Laurel got texted by Felicity who, as promised, informed her that Diaz has been caught and have been taken to the SCIS precinct. While Dragon is held in the interrogation room, handcuffed to the table and Felicity is about to shoot him, Laurel walked in and persuaded her not to do it. Diaz teased Laurel by calling her "baby" and watched the two ladies talk. Laurel revealed that she made a deal with the FBI that if they hand Diaz over, Oliver will be set free to help them in their case against the Dragon.
A week after Oliver's release, Laurel attended the gala held by Star City in honor of his return and to support prison reform. She is greeted coldly by everyone except for Felicity and somewhat Dinah. Felicity remind the others how they should all thank her for what she did to set Oliver free. Then Oliver (genuinely) thanked her again, apologizing for not having given her the benefit of the doubt, causing her to joyfully smile and tell Oliver that his wife never gave up on stopping Diaz. She then listened to Oliver's speech on prison reform before the gala was attacked by someone impersonating the new Green Arrow. After Oliver went out as the Green Arrow once more to stop Max Fuller, Laurel dropped all charges against him and allowed Dinah to deputize Oliver as a member of the SCIS. Much to Mayor Emily Pollard's dismay.
Getting stalked[]
One evening, as a former vigilante, Laurel was invited to take part alongside Oliver at a Channel 52's talk show hosted by Rich Kannon, which he asked her how she felt regarding taking on the role of Star City's DA. Laurel answered that she chose to take the role in order to honor her father's legacy hoping to do good; to which Oliver believed she was. Laurel was surprised by Oliver's compliment, but smiled to herself. She then listened to them discuss how Oliver's own father's legacy influenced him. After registrationing the program Laurel went to a bar with Felicity and was pleasantly surprised to find out that it was not a "business call" but simply a friend date to celebrate the person she has become and of whom Felicity is sure that Quentin would be proud of. However, after Felicity left for a moment, she was confronted by Brett Collins (the Earth-1 doppelgänger of her father's murderer) who exclaimed that she deserved to be in prison due to her being the former Black Canary (at least to the public). As the man got close to her, a barman approached and held him back. Felicity returned and was confused, only for Laurel to drag them out of the bar.
The next day, Laurel was left a threatening note in her office at City Hall, which she believed was from Collins, so she asked Felicity to help her track him down strongly refusing to explain the reason she knew him. After receiving another threatening note on the window of her car, Laurel tracked Collins near a bar as he was about to urinate in the street. She got his attention and held him in a chokehold against the wall. Just as she was about to use her sonic scream on him, she was stopped by Felicity, who dragged her off.
Questioned by Felicity regarding her problems with Collins, Laurel revealed he was the drunk driver who killed her father that she believed she had murdered five years prior but has probably survived and somehow followed her on Earth-1. She also opened up with Felicity on how guilty she felt about the fight she had with her father the night he died, to which her friend comforted telling her it was not her fault and if someone was stalking her on this Earth or any other, she would have helped her. The following morning the two went to Dinah's office telling her the whole story and, to Laurel's surprise, Dinah doesn't simply believed her but also ordered Collins to be taken into custody by the SCIS as he obtained many charges over the years, including public intoxication and stalking. In that very same moment, Felicity received a text from Cisco revealing that the man is not New Earth-Prime Collins as he died in 2380 while on his porch. Feeling relieved, Laurel thanked the two women, starting to realize how it feel to count on others.
Being interviewed[]
In M. Pedowitz' documentary film "Emerald Archer: The Hood and the Rise of Vigilantism", Laurel was interviewed regarding her opinion on vigilantes, as she was one herself before becoming the DA. Laurel stated that she believed vigilantes cannot work alongside the legal system and that if they were doing the right thing they would not need to wear masks; however, given that she was posing as her Earth-1 doppelgänger, this is probably just a part of her cover story rather than her real opinion.
A few days later, after Diggle, Curtis, Typhuss and Rene were arrested for stopping Chimera illegally as vigilantes, she visited them alongside Oliver in the SCIS interrogation room and offered her help, dropping all charges against them from her office. This allowed Dinah to deputize the three as honorary members of the Star City SCIS Department.
It was later revealed that the threatening note she received was not from Collins but the "Star City Slayer", however, when he started his killing spree, Laurel was in Washington, D.C. for a week due to her work.
A week after Laurel's return, Felicity discovered that Diaz was working with A.R.G.U.S.'s Ghost Initiative and started to plot the "Operation Blow-off the Head of The Dragon" hacking A.R.G.U.S. security system in order to detonating Diaz's head by the bomb implanted into his skull by coming at one hundred feet from him and pushing a bottom, so she asked Laurel to help her as, being the DA, she could get close enough to him without any problem. Laurel however was skeptical in doing it, as she would be a prime suspect and deep down had grown fond of her DA position, not wanting to pay the price of losing everything for someone like Diaz. Felicity pointed out that it's worth the price as she needed to protect her family, to which Laurel responded that she know she was pregnant, having deduced it by the fact that she wasn't drinking alcohol nor coffee as well as consuming lot of chocolate, prompting Felicity to ask her not to tell it to anybody else, as she has yet to reveal it to Oliver, to which Laurel promised. Later, she brought Felicity some genuine food for her baby and comforted her, telling that she mustn't be afraid of Diaz as she's sure she would be able to face him as well as any other monster who would threat her family.
Investigating Emiko Adachi[]
A week later, she received a call from Ben Turner, who asked her to come visit him at Slabside in order to give her some intel. Although skeptical, Laurel decided to visit him in his cell, where the criminal informed her that Ricardo Diaz was killed and that the prison was trying to cover it up by blaming another inmate, but he knew who's the real killer. In exchange of giving her that information Turner demand to be released faster, to which Laurel told him that, as Oliver asked, she was already working on freeing him as fast as she can, so Turner asked her to see his son without the separator glass, promising to reveal her everything after that.
Laurel agreed to Turner's requests by organizing a meeting the man's cell with his son, Connor. To show his gratitude, and being a man of his word, Turner told her that on the night of Diaz's murder he was in solitary confinement, and by the wound in his cell he saw the culprit; the new Green Arrow. That night, Laurel called Emiko in her office and revealed that she knew who she was and what she did to Ricardo Diaz, however Emiko promptly replied that no one would ever believe Laurel given her past as Black Siren.
Right after this, Laurel began to follow Emiko but, one night, the latter noticed her in an alley right behind her and threw her an arrow, which Laurel managed to avoid slashing her left shoulder only slightly and then escaping before Emiko could reach her. Later that evening, she went to Oliver Queen's apartment searching for Felicity but, having found just Oliver she suggested she would have come back later, however Oliver kindly asked her to stay and, having noticed the gauze on her wound was bleeding, offered her a new one. Then, Laurel decided to explain to him how she hurt herself and what she discovered about his sister; despite Laurel's firm statement that she was just trying to do the right thing, Oliver doesn't believe to what she told him and ordered her to stay out of that story, prompting her to leave the loft in anger.
The next morning, Laurel was called at the SCIS by Dinah, who scolded her to have forced the confession of a witness in order to arrest Los Halcones' boss Ramiro Gonzales, the two women had a confrontation about their different points of view on respecting or circumventing the rules in order to catch the criminals, after which Dinah told Laurel that they still had a chance as the SWAT had arrested one of Gonzales' lieutenant, Gustavo Hernandez, and they could still frame him if Laurel had done it "the right way".
However, during said interrogation, Laurel loses her temper and threatened to kill Hernandez after he mocked the death of "her father". That night, after Hernandez was released on bail and mysteriously found dead, prompting another lieutenant to testify against Gonzalez out of fear, Dinah visited Laurel, accusing her of said murder due to having the same look she had when executing Vincent while threatening Hernandez; Laurel replied furiously that she had worked hard enough to deserve the benefit of the doubt but that no matter how hard she tried to be a better person she would always see her as Black Siren, to which Dinah replied she was sorry but the truth was that she didn't know her, and probably nor even Laurel know herself. The next day, some photo of Laurel with Diaz were leaked to the press as well as the information that linked her to Hernandez's death; while Laurel watched a report against her on the news Emiko entered her office, telling her that she was the real culprit of the murder and that she didn't do it in order to punish Laurel for having investigate her, but rather because she thought it was pathetic that she tried to be an hero as the city would always saw her as a criminal. Laurel yelled her to get out which Emiko did while telling her that she should thank her for having set her free.
Becoming Black Canary[]

Laurel as Black Canary
Angered and frustrated at her friends for not having given her the benefit of the doubt, Laurel donned once again her Black Siren persona and contacted Shadow Thief in order to make some heists together with her. They started by stealing at least $100.000 from a money launderer named Pinky Santorini using her District attorney resources.
After this, Laurel was contacted directly on her computer by Felicity, who told her that she knew Emiko had framed her and that it was just a matter of time before they stop her and the Ninth Circle, begging her not to throw all her good deeds away and return to the dark side. Laurel told her she was tired to pretend to be someone she wasn't, to which Felicity stated that she was not even Black Siren anymore, leading an angered Laurel to unplug the computer.
Later, Laurel and Shadow Thief broke into a facility to steal some diamonds but Dinah and Sara showed up starting a fight during which Laurel was able to hold and knock down both the women managing to escape with her accomplice. After they came back to their hideout, Shadow Thief told Laurel that the jobs they were making were too small and that since she had left Diaz's organization, she had made new clients who payed her to perform terroristic heist. Although initially hesitant Laurel accepted the woman's offer and they planted an explosive into their hideout in order to get rid of Dinah and Felicity after the two had located it; however Laurel secretly sabotaged it in order to detonate earlier and didn't kill anybody.
After realizing that Laurel had no killing intentions but she simply felt hurt, alone, and abandoned, Sara reached out to her at Quentin's grave. Sara told Laurel her that redemption is a long journey, but she could still be a hero. Although evidently shaken by Sara's words, Laurel eventually responded that it was too late for her and got to the meeting point with Shadow Thief in order to steal a lethal weapon, however, as she arrived at the place where said device was stored, Felicity approached her telling her that she don't have to be "Earth-1 's legacy" or do what Earth-1 Laurel's would have wanted but rather what she wanted to do.
Laurel simply told her to get out of her way, prompting Felicity to respond that if she was really intentioned to sell that weapon to mass murderers she could begin by murdering her, being subsequently supported in said statement by Sara, Typhuss and Dinah. Being unable to kill her friends, Laurel finally decided to stop her criminal spree turning against Shadow Thief, who revealed to Laurel, Felicity, Sara, Typhuss and Dinah, that she had been expecting this, then other mercenaries appeared and started to shoot at them. After a brief fight, Felicity detonate the weapon destroying the building and all four of the women managed to escape, stating that they were stronger together as the "Birds of Justice" or "something like that".
Ultimately, despite Felicity having cleared Laurel's name with help from Dinah and Typhuss claiming she went undercover, Laurel decided to seek a new path for the time being. Before Laurel left, Felicity gave her Earth-1 Laurel's old Black Canary suit, suggesting that Laurel could become Earth-2's Black Canary. The two hugged goodbye, with Laurel tearfully hoping she could be worthy of the name one day.
Before leaving Earth-1, Laurel visited Quentin's grave one last time where she met up with Sara. The two talked up missing their father and Laurel had wished she'd told him how much she appreciated his support; Sara assured her he knew. Laurel then smiled in gratitude when Sara commented that she wasn't alone anymore.
Fighting the Ninth Circle[]
After Emiko started to spread the Cygnus X-1 virus throughout Star City, Laurel, alongside Curtis, returned in order to help Team Arrow. When Felicity located the first spot on which the Ninth Circle intended to release the virus, Oliver, Diggle, Rene, Dinah, Typhuss, Roy, and Laurel tried to evacuate it and were helped by Ben Turner, now out on parole. However the team were hindered by SCIS, who was convinced they are criminals and, despite managing to limit the victims, the media gave them the fault of the terrorist attack. While having a briefing in the Arrowcave, Laurel stated that she supported Oliver's idea of trying to redeem Emiko, saying that despite she tried to destroy her life, she eventually made her a favor, helping her become a true hero and realizing what she really wants for her life. Then, Laurel and Dinah were sent to disable the relay to other bombs containing the virus, while the rest of the team realized that Emiko helded the detonator in the former Queen Consolidated building.
After completing their task, the two Canaries reached for their teammates in the building helping them defeating the Ninth Circle's men alongside the SCIS, who was convinced by their innocence. After the building was detonated, Laurel and the others managed to escape and, while celebrating their victory, she wondered aloud if this was how it felt after saving a city, to which Oliver thanked her for her help, gladly shaking her hand.
Forming the Canaries and becoming its leader[]

Laurel in 2394
In 2394, two years after the defeat of the Ninth Circle, Laurel formed the Canaries, a vigilante team with Dinah Drake and became its leader, protecting Star City along with Team Arrow, with Team Arrow now being led by John Diggle after Oliver retired from vigilantism. Her husband Typhuss even joined the Canaries after he left Team Arrow and he was asked to join the Canaries by Laurel and Dinah. In 2411, Zoe Ramirez, the daughter of Rene Ramirez, joined the Canaries to help save Star City alongside the former legendary Red Arrow and the Black Canaries. Other people joined the Canaries to help save Star City, including Felicity Smoak/Overwatch, William Clayton, Connor Hawke, Helena Bertinelli/The Huntress and Mia Smoak-Queen/Blackstar.
- Black Canary suit: Laurel wears a protective black and yellow leather suit as her superheroine alter-ego, Black Canary, to hide her identity from her enemies when she goes out fighting.
- Expandable batons: After a while of being the Black Canary, Laurel has started to use two batons as her main weapons.
- Guns: Laurel has used guns on a number of occasions when not counting on her powers.
Other versions of Laurel Lance | |||||||||||||||||||
Doppelgängers of Laurel Lance | |||||||||||||||||||
Earth: Prime