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The League of Assassins bows are are a series of bows utilized by members of the League of Assassins.

Known bows[]

PSE Chaos AD Compound bow[]

Members of the League of Assassins, commonly utilizes black PSE Chaos AD Compound bows, they are presumably the league's signature bows.

PSE X-Force Super Short Short Draw LF Compound bow[]

Malcolm Merlyn utilizes a silver PSE X-Force Super Short Short Draw LF Compound bow, he presumably obtained this bow, when he was still a member of the League of Assassins.

Takedown Recurve bow[]

Al Sah-him's bow

Al Sah-him's takedown recurve bow

Most members of the League of Assassins rarely utilizes Takedown Recurve bows, when Oliver Queen joined league, becoming known as Al Sah-him, he was given an all-black, Martin Saber Takedown Recurve bow.
