- "You're lucky you're still alive. You wouldn't be had you not been wearing league armor."
- — Nyssa al Ghul
The League of Assassins suits are a series of protective suits designed to be utilized by members of the League of Assassins.
The suits are utilized by members of the League of Assassins, are custom designed for the purpose of flexibility, stealth and maximum protection - some are leather tunics and some are made out of Kevlar - both meant to serve the purpose of lightweight yet functional body armor. The suits are similar to the Arrow suit utilized by Oliver Queen as the Arrow in appearance.
Sara Lance and Nyssa al Ghul are the only known members of the League of Assassins who do not use traditional League of Assassins suits, though Sara is shown to have worn the traditional uniform during her membership with the League in 1960.
- Identity concealment: Members of the League of Assassins uses black masks to conceal their identities and stay anonymous.
- Kevlar: The suits are lined with kevlar to prevent gunshots wounds to the users.
Known users[]
- Ra's al Ghul (briefly; deceased)
- Malcolm Merlyn/Al Sa-her (deceased)
- Sara Lance/Ta-er al-Sahfer (formerly)
- Al-Owal (deceased)
- Nyssa al Ghul (relocated to Earth-Prime)
- Maseo Yamashiro/Sarab (deceased)
- Oliver Queen/Al Sah-him (formerly)
- League of Assassins sentry (deceased)
- Mesi Natifah/Talibah
- Various League of Assassins members
Season 2[]
- "City of Heroes"
- "Broken Dolls"
- "Crucible"
- "League of Assassins"
- "Heir to the Demon"
- "Time of Death"
- "The Promise"
- "Suicide Squad"
- "Birds of Prey"
- "Deathstroke"
- "The Man Under the Hood"
- "Seeing Red"
- "Streets of Fire"
- "Unthinkable"
Season 3[]
- "The Calm"
- "Sara"
- "The Magician"
- "The Climb"
- "Left Behind"
- "Midnight City"
- "Uprising"
- "Canaries" (hallucination)
- "Nanda Parbat"
- "The Offer"
- "Suicidal Tendencies"
- "Public Enemy"
- "The Fallen"
- "Al Sah-him"
- "This Is Your Sword"
- "My Name Is Oliver Queen"
Season 4[]
- "Restoration"
- "Beyond Redemption"
- "Haunted"
- "Lost Souls"
- "Legends of Yesterday"
- "Unchained"
- "Sins of the Father"
- "Eleven-Fifty-Nine"
- "Schism"
Season 5[]
- "Invasion!" (flashback)
- "Missing"
- "Lian Yu}"
Season 6[]
- "Fallout" (flashback)
- "The Thanatos Guild"
Season 7[]
- "Elseworlds, Part 2" (hallucination)
Season 8[]
- "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Four" (vision)
The Flash[]
Season 1[]
- "Rogue Air"
Season 2[]
- "Legends of Today"
DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]
Season 1[]
- "Left Behind"
Season 2[]
- "The Legion of Doom"
- "Aruba"
Season 3[]
- "Necromancing the Stone" (vision)