Memory Delta Wiki
Leslie Thompkins
Leslie Thompkins (Earth 92)
Biological Information
Species Human
Status Alive
Universe Information
Home universe Earth 92
General Information
Occupation Doctor
Medical examiner
SCIS agent
Affiliation Birds of Prey
Family Typhuss James Halliwell
unborn daughter
Actor Morena Baccarin

Doctor Leslie "Lee" Thompkins is a female Human who lives in the 24th century who is a former medical practitioner in the female ward of Arkham Asylum. She later becomes the medical examiner at the Starfleet Criminal Investigative Service and the ex-girlfriend of Typhuss James Halliwell and the mother of their unborn child. Leslie loses the child and temporarily leaves the SCIS. A few months later she rejoins the SCIS.

Lee also serves as chief medical officer for the vigilante team Birds of Prey. (Birds of Prey)
