- "Fates be praised."
- — Humanity cherishing the Fates
Loomworld is an alternate reality created by the Fates after obtaining the Loom of Fate and using it to rewrite reality.
In "Loomworld", people no longer possess free will. Anyone who refers to the Fates must recite the benediction "Fates be praised". People are only able to eat mush, different colors are allowed, and after work can only watch any of four different TV shows. While the Legends do exist in this world, they are only permitted to do so as TV characters, existing in shows on Fate+ made by Clotho Productions. These include: Ultimate Buds, Highcastle Abbey, Mr. Parker's Cul De Sac and Star Trip.

Loom of Fate
The Fates were reunited when Clotho entered the Waverider that Atropos and Lachesis had already hijacked; since Clotho had obtained the rings, they had all they needed to re-create the world. Clotho noticed that all of the Legends were killed in various ways, such as the England Zombie Apocalypse or by the hands of Atropos herself.
Remembering the conversation she had with the Legends about what they wanted if they could change the world, Clotho made a deal with her older sisters that her friends could exist if she found a way to keep them from rebelling against the new world they were creating; thus, Clotho Productions was created.
Lachesis felt that the world was in chaos, so the Fates removed it by eliminating free will; she would govern what a person's path in life was, as she did in ancient times. Atropos hated rebellion; she was in charge of the "Historical Revision Department", where its employees were tasked with removing from historical records all signs of people rebelling against the status quo, for good or bad. Choice was removed down to food and clothing; people were only allowed to eat mush and dress in robes. The Fates did have some leeway, allowing people to have choice in the colors of their mush and for the characters on television, as it was viewed as fictional outfits, to wear different clothing.
The Fates would have regular meetings with the common folk to demonstrate their power as gods; as their gods, if someone said their names, a benediction was invoked to keep their wrath from occurring. Atropos had no problem with cutting someone's life at the exact time she viewed it finished.
When Loomworld was created, people's memories of the past were erased; however, they still retained their lifestyles, except for Gary Green. Somehow, he retained knowledge that Loomworld was not correct, but had no evidence support his claims, so he was viewed by the populace as a "crazy guy". Meanwhile, since Mona Wu was not an active Legend, she worked as a history writer, reflective of her being a writer in Earth-Prime. Ali and Lita had a fondness of watching "Star Trip", with Ali being attracted to Dahn and Lita being disgusted by her mother's desires.
When the Legends escaped their fictional lives, they lead a two-pronged attack against the establishment. They succeeded in destroying the Loom and killing Atropos, but, to save themselves, they were forced to time-jump to four months later.

In those four months, Lachesis shamed Clotho into further submission and she became a living exhibit of the evil of free will in a museum. Meanwhile, Gideon was transformed into the new Loom and her programming was used to addict people to the Fatewatch, a device everyone wore that told them what to do, down to emotional responses. Lachesis ranked in museums the worst of offenders of history with the Legends and Clotho ranked two and one, respectively. With the original Loom destroyed though, Lachesis had lost her immortality; she was forced to influence the young and naturally rebellious by giving tours in the museum.
Ultimately, Lachesis was confronted by the Legends. Loomworld was destroyed when Zari Tarazi unplugged Gideon, causing humanity to be able to think for itself.
DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]
Season 5[]
- "The One Where We're Trapped On TV"
- "Swan Thong"
- Loomworld is technically an after-effect of the Crisis.
- The Fates likely only have control of Earth in the Prime reality.
- As there is no free will, and therefore no option of choice, no mortals could be damned to Hell by their actions.
- Loomworld shares many similarities with the Legion of Doom's reality (that was dubbed "Doomworld") from the Season 2's episode "Doomworld".
- Both worlds are alternate realities that were created when the season's big bads acquired the reality-changing item both them and the team were seeking.
- Both first appeared in the penultimate episodes of the respective seasons in which they appeared.
- Both had alternate villainous takes on the title card.
Chronological events |
Recurring in the Multiverse:
Ides of March • Fourth of July • Halloween • Olympics • Thanksgiving • Hanukkah • Christmas