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Full name: Lorian Tucker
Species: Vulcan/Human hybrid
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Enterprise
Born: 22nd century (alternate timeline)
Mother: T'Pol
Father: Charles Tucker III
Previous Assignment: CO Enterprise

Lorian is a male Vulcan-Human hybrid, was the son of T'Pol and Charles Tucker III, in an alternate timeline where he commanded the Enterprise (NX-01). He was half-Vulcan and half-human. (ENT episode: "")

An alternate version of Lorian, appears as a 16-year-old living on Vulcan with his parents, Lorian was the son and younger child of T'Pol and Charles "Trip" Tucker III.

He was half human and half Vulcan.

In 2186 he was living with his parents and older sister in outer ShiKahr on Vulcan. A reporter who encountered him throught he was about 16. He had tousled blond hair, a fair complexion and lacked the upswept brows of full-blooded Vulcans, though he had pointed ears. He was bored by his discussion with the reporter. (ENT novel: To Brave the Storm)
