Memory Delta Wiki

Malcolm Reed
Malcolm Reed (mirror)
Major Malcolm Reed in 2155
Full name: Malcolm Reed
Nickname(s): Reed the Knight
Species: Terran
Gender: Male
Birthplace: England, Earth
Born: September 2, 2122
Affiliation: Terran Empire,
Imperial Starfleet
Marital Status: dating: Talas
Occupation: MACO detachment leader,
armory officer,
Tactical officer
Previous Assignment: Tactical officer,
ISS Enterprise
Assignment: Tactical officer,
USS Defiant
Final Assignment: Commander of the Imperial Guard of Emperor Tucker III
Rank: Colonel, Major
Malcolm Reed, IAMD2
Major Malcolm Reed on board the USS Defiant in 2155

In the dark mirror universe, Malcolm Reed was a Terran male who was a major, Reed was the leader of the MACO detachment on the ISS Enterprise, as well as armory officer. Reed was not fully trusted by the ship's first officer Commander Jonathan Archer, who noted that Reed tended to be overly ambitious and insubordinate at times. As a result, when Archer mutinied against Captain Maximilian Forrest and seized command of the Enterprise, he made T'Pol his first officer instead of Reed who, as tactical officer was next in line under the ship's chain of command. He was very eager to kill suspected traitors, and cited that an "accident" might occur while escorting Captain Maximilian Forrest to the brig. Reed and his MACO detachment were later sent by Archer to investigate the sabotage of the Suliban cloaking device, much to the infuriation of Commander Tucker, who wanted the Engineering department to investigate. When Tucker was later thrown in the agony booth by Archer, Reed took great pleasure in overseeing Tucker's torture, and taunted him over his predicament.

Reed and Dr. Phlox designed a prototype for the agony booth, where Reed was later ironically placed in for several hours as revenge by Captain Forrest when he regained control of the Enterprise.

When Archer commandeered the USS Defiant, Major Reed again served as tactical officer and commander of the MACO detachment. When it was determined that a Gorn named Slar was responsible for stealing key engineering components and for the violent death of one of the engineers, both Archer and Reed led a team of MACOs handpicked by Reed to kill Slar. Reed was later severely injured by a booby-trap laid by Slar during the hunt. Reed said apologetically to Archer: "I've failed you, captain."

Reed was treated by Doctor Phlox, who commented to T'Pol that Reed only had a fifty-fifty chance of surviving his injuries and noted that if Reed had died, there would have been a number of discreet celebrations amongst the crew.

In 2155, Reed was promoted to Colonel and became a member of the Terran Imperial Guard for the Imperial Palace stationed in the city of Rome on Earth where he meet an Andorian woman named Talas who was a member of the Andorian Imperial Guard who later became his mistress.
