- "We made a promise to always keep fighting, to be there for each other no matter what—all of us—you, me, Roy, Diggle, Oliver, Typhuss and Felicity."
- — Dinah Drake to Rene Ramirez
The Mark of Four is a code developed by Oliver Queen for Team Arrow in 2392. Based on the four pillars of heroism (courage, compassion, selflessness, and loyalty), it acted as a means of contact for the team after its disbandment. The mark appears to have had a big impact on Team Arrow in the years after it was formed.
- "It symbolizes the four pillars of heroism—courage, compassion, selflessness, and loyalty. We all got them as a reminder that no matter what happened, if one of us was in trouble, the other ones would be there. That's why Roy came with you back to Star City. He saw the symbol written on the inside of your father's bow."
- — Dinah Drake to William Clayton
According to Dinah Drake, Oliver Queen came up with the Mark of Four sometime before "everything". She mentioned that it represented the four pillars of heroism: courage, compassion, selflessness, and loyalty. It is assumed that the four arrows each represent one of the pillars. It also acts as a reminder that no matter the circumstances, if anyone bearing the mark saw the mark somewhere else, they would all come and band together, to be there for one another.
Original multiverse
- "What am I supposed to do? Just tell me what I'm supposed to do."
- "Lean into the best parts of yourself—your loyalty, your selflessness, your courage, your compassion, and show that side to Emiko. You are living proof that people can change, and you have got to find a way to see that in her, too."
- —Oliver Queen and Tommy Merlyn's ghost
Oliver Queen's vision of Tommy Merlyn inspired him to end the cycle of violence in the Queen family by embracing his best traits: his loyalty, selflessness, courage, and compassion. Oliver credited Team Arrow's success to saving Star City towards their courage, compassion, selflessness, and loyalty, which John Diggle stated to be the four pillars of heroism. Upon Dinah Drake's insistence to symbolize their friendship, Felicity Smoak suggested that she, her husband, Typhuss, John, Roy Harper, Rene Ramirez, and Dinah create a signal to unite them in times of crisis. Oliver dubbed it "the Mark of Four."

Roy burning the message with the Mark of Four drawn on it
In 2411, William Clayton found Roy on Lian Yu and asked him for help, but Roy was hesitant until after digging up Oliver's Green Arrow equipment, Roy found a message hidden inside Oliver's bow which had the Mark of Four drawn on it. Roy then proceeded to burn the message and agreed to return to Star City with William.
After reuniting with Dinah, Roy revealed the message to her, which made her question William's intentions for returning to Star City. Soon after questioning Blackstar however, Dinah began to trust William and revealed the origins and meaning of the Mark of Four to him.
New multiverse
Dinah Drake asked Roy Harper to give her the Mark of Four tattoo.
Season 7
- "The Longbow Hunters" (unseen; flashforward)
- "Unmasked" (flashforward)
- "My Name is Emiko Queen" (flashforward)
- "You Have Saved This City" (mentioned)
Season 8
- "Fadeout"