- "Too hot? A little. Why don't you specify a lower temperature? No, no, no. Coffee should be a little too hot to drink right away. Why? It slows down the experience, gives you time to savour the taste. Ah, yes, taste. Typhuss, I know you don't like coffee but did you ever try anyway? Once, when I was under the influence of a artificial intelligence. And? My friends and I became more inclined to drink coffee, thinking it had been given a hint of cinnamon it was very unsatisfying. Not to mention hot. Hot? I'd rather not talk about it. Kira, how nice to see you again. John. You left Quark's last night just when I was about to buy everyone another round. I was devastated that you didn't say goodbye. We were having such a pleasant conversation. As I recall, you were the one doing all the talking. Well in that case you have me at a disadvantage. You know all about me, and I know next to nothing about you. Oh please. Oh, no. Stay. You know Typhuss, my husband. I'm a very lucky man. I'm a lucky woman. And you make a most interesting couple. So, Typhuss, what is it that you do? I have done many things, you know my work well most of it anyway. Oh, it must be a very challenging job. I hope you're well compensated? Oh, money doesn't matter. All we need is each other. Isn't that right, sweetheart? Yes, sweetheart. You see? Money isn't everything. Oh no. But it can buy everything. Well, I'm afraid I must be going. Goodbye. Oh, good riddance. Thank you, Typhuss. I wish you'd been around last night. I'd better get back to Ops. See you later, sweetheart. I will see you later, sweetheart."
- — Kira, Typhuss and John, 2394

A wedding
Marriage is a social union or legal contract between individuals that creates kinship. It is a common practice among most groups of humans in all encountered galaxies.
When Ronon Dex and Teyla Emmagan journeyed to a village to meet three people who bragged about killing Wraith (who turned out to be Satedans), Teyla was approached by a Villager who believed her to be the arranged bride for him, when he discovered otherwise he asked if she was perhaps seeking a husband. (SGA: "Reunion")
Dr. Rodney McKay was planning to ask Dr. Katie Brown to marry him but he changed his mind. (SGA: "Quarantine")
- In an alternate reality which Daniel Jackson visited in 2361, Brigadier General Jack O'Neill and Doctor Samantha Carter were engaged. However, they were both killed during the devastating Goa'uld attack on their Earth before they could marry. (SG1: "There But for the Grace of God")
- In another alternate reality, Colonel Jack O'Neill and Doctor Samantha Carter had been married for a year by 2362. Sam was widowed when Jack was killed by the First Prime of Apophis, during the Goa'uld invasion of Cheyenne Mountain in that year. (SG1: "Point of View")