- "My whole life, I heard nothing but stories about you, you know, this legendary Green Arrow and his team. I should have been proud of you. Because you were a hero, and... all I could see is that that is the reason that you weren't with me, and it's... it's kind of hard to let that go."
- — Mia Queen to her father, Oliver Queen
Mia Queen (born 2392), previously named Mia Smoak in an erased timeline, is a female Human who is the daughter of Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak, the younger paternal half-sister of William Clayton, the granddaughter of the late Robert Queen, Moira Queen, Noah Kuttler, and Donna Smoak, and the niece of Emiko Adachi and Thea Queen.
In an erased future in the original multiverse, she was an undefeated cage fighter in Star City known as "Blackstar". To enter on Galaxy One, Mia disguised herself as "Margot", William's assistant. She later become a vigilante and fight alongside the Canaries before traveling through time due to the Monitor's intervention and having the chance to finally meet her father during the Anti-Monitor Crisis. However, the version of Mia from this future was eventually killed in an antimatter wave on December 10, 2392.
In the new future of 2411, Mia is a resident socialite and darling of Star City. After being given back her original counterpart's memories and some encouragement by Laurel Lance, she takes up Oliver's mantle as the second Green Arrow. Sara Lance came to the future to take Mia back to the past so she could attend her father's funeral.
According to Mar Novu, Mia's fate is tied with the fate of the world, suggesting that she will one day become a great hero, much like her parents.
Original multiverse[]
Early life[]
Mia was born in 2392 to Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak. In order to protect her from the Ninth Circle, Oliver and Felicity moved into a small suburb on the outskirts of Star City until the threat had passed. Shortly after her birth, Oliver was forced to leave his family in order to keep his promise to the Monitor and help him save the multiverse from the upcoming crisis.
Erased future[]

Baby Mia
After Oliver passed away in the Anti-Monitor Crisis, Felicity decided for the two of them to continue to live in secrecy, believing it to be the safest option for Mia. In doing so, Mia never knew that she had a half-brother or met her parents' family members and friends. She also didn't have an normal average childhood and never got see other places. She also never went to Star City. In turn, no one from her parents' old lives knew she existed, aside from John Diggle, Typhuss James Kira and Laurel Lance.

Young Mia during Nyssa's training
Throughout her childhood, she was trained to fight by Nyssa al Ghul at the behest of her mother. By the time she reached her late teens, she was told by Nyssa that her training was complete, and was gifted with a compound hunting bow, similar to her father's, to celebrate her success.

Mia Smoak in 2411
In 2411, Mia found out that her mother had secretly been acting as a vigilante, so she ran away from home and went to Star City. Shortly after arriving, Mia got involved in underground cage fighting as a "stress release". While in Star City, Mia met Connor Hawke and the two began to have a romantic relationship together. Unknown to Mia, however, was that Connor was an agent of the peacekeeping agency Knightwatch and John Diggle's adopted son.
Also at some point, she came into contact with her mother again and sold her technology to trigger bombs—although it's unknown if this is actually true or just a cover so as not to reveal her true identity. When she first reveals this information while interrogated by William Clayton, Dinah Drake, and Zoe Ramirez, she claimed that she had no knowledge of Felicity's plan, but it's later revealed that she does.
One night, Mia found a copy of, and watched Emerald Archer: The Hood and the Rise of Vigilantism, a documentary about Oliver Queen that had been banned sometime before 2040. When Connor asked how she got a copy of it, she said she stole it. She then led Connor to the old Arrowcave. After arriving at the Arrowcave, they were interrupted by Roy Harper, Dinah, William, and Zoe. They tied them all up, while Mia interrogated the latter two as to why they were there before she sought codes to activate the Archer program.
They were joined by Connor, who was supposed to be watching the others. Dinah and Roy entered the room, causing a fight. Mia got the upper hand on Dinah and held a knife to her throat. William then pulled a gun on her, threatening to shoot, before Mia revealed her identity as Oliver and Felicity's daughter and his half-sister.
After revealing her identity, she tried to get the group to help her find her mother, but when they wouldn't, she got upset and left to go find her mother on her own.
Later, William showed up at her office in the underground fight club. He and Mia talked about their parents and then Mia found a clue to finding Felicity in William's Rubik's cube: a mini-cassette tape. William then told Mia they would find Felicity together.

Mia Smoak wearing her father's quiver
Mia and William went to get a mini-cassette player to play the tape Felicity left them but ran into some trouble when William was swindled. They managed to get the player back after William faked a ”Canary sighting” to distract the SCIS. Mia and William struggled to decide whether or not to listen to the tape, but ultimately decided they would do it together. In the message, Felicity gave them coordinates of a location in the Glades. Felicity also told them not to come looking for her, but the siblings decided to ignore her and go to the Glades anyway.
Finding Felicity[]
When Mia and William follow Felicity's coordinates to Galaxy One headquarters, where the security almost caught Mia, Connor as an agent of Knightwatch save them by putting an end to the situation. With his help, the three of them infiltrate the sub-basement and find Felicity in her cell who tells them that the coordinates were supposed to show where are the bombs and not where she is. William and Felicity share a hug but Mia is pissed to learn that her mother wants to stay behind to disarm the bombs instead of fleeing with her. Mia hangs back to argue with Connor, with whom she is still pissed for lying and believing that she needs protection, Connor than confesses that he cares for her, eventually convinces Mia to join the rest of the team in disarming the bombs. Unfortunately, it turns out that Galaxy One has already placed the bombs and Rene, who found out that there wasn't an evacuation plan for Star City, joins them and reveals that the bombs are set to go off during the Glades celebration in 38 minutes. Rene than ask who she is and Felicity reveals that she is her daughter with Oliver.
At the celebration, They start to check people's DNA to until they manage to identify Keven Dale. Mia confronts Dale at his office and ask him to give her the cube but guard star enter the room and Mia fights them until none is left standing but Dale manages to escape. Outside Mia can't find him but Rene creates a distraction with the help of Dinah and Roy so that the crowd could disperse and she managed to find and recognize Dale among those that doesn't flee the scene. Connor than throws a bow with arrows and Mia shot an arrow on Dale's cube so that the bombs are disarmed. Later, when they celebrate their victory, Felicity goes to have a little talk with Mia who realize that she has spent the past few years hating vigilantes because of her and now she realize the good they have done.
Stopping Galaxy One and embracing her father's legacy[]
Two weeks later, she and Zoe were targeted by a ZETA soldier. Mia was about to attack him until Zoe convince her that it's a bad idea since the Archer program give them the opportunity to predict her movement but before the soldier can see them, they vanished. Later Dinah confronts Mia about her wanting payback on Galaxy One after destroying the canaries but Dinah explains the story and the meaning behind the Canaries and Mia leaves. Later, in an alley, Mia tries to fight a ZETA soldier that have just killed another Canary but the soldier easily puts her down and before she could be finished, Black Canary saves her at the last minute. Laurel lectures her about being a hero is the same as being a Canary and gives her the soldier helmet so that Felicity could use it.
Later, after giving to her mom the helmet, she went to see her and after a talk, they still can't work on it neither does coming up with a plan to stop Galaxy One. Later, in a Black Market, she founds intel about someone that sells Galaxy One merch but the problem, is that it's on Deathstroke's territory. Connor tells her that he it's not a problem but Mia insist that he is back up. When Mia almost pick a fight with the Deathstroke gang member, Connor reveals himself being part of the gang allowing them to enter. Connor explains that his brother, John Diggle, Jr. is the leader of the Deathstroke gang which make Mia laught as he is a Knightwatch agent. After getting the Galaxy One power module, Connor reveals that he haven't seen JJ in a year and reveals that he may be the real reason JJ is Deathstroke. The Deathstroke agent from earlier then shows up telling him that JJ has a "message" for him and Connor disharm and knock him out before they both escape. Later, at the lair, they analyzed the data and realize that the archer program was upgraded by Galaxy One making it better than the original Archer. They realize that Galaxy One are planning on creating an army of ZETA soldiers.
Later, with her mom, she witness the ZETA program promotion on a screen. Felicity tells them that the only way to stop that, is to destroy Archer and decided that she will call a friend that help create Archer. Later, she express concern about if the "mysteriy contact" is as good as Felicity to cover his track. When the discution is about to turn into an argument between Wiliam and Felicity as she does not apporve William idea of going undercover, she left. Some times later, she meet Alena Whilock who show her excuses for stealing Archer and selling it to Galaxy One but at this moment, Felicity realized that William is gone and they are raided by Zeta soldiers.

Mia Smoak in a black hood
The ZETA soldiers started to cuff them but one of them gave a knife to Mia and she killed a guard with it starting a fight. During the fight, the soldier that gave mia the knife, had killed the remaining of the soldiers and he is revealed to be Connor in disguise. Mia brought the team to her lair trying to figure out a plan to stop Galaxy One before they start Star City massacre. Mia learned that her mom has erased her from every databases. They came up with a plan that involved Mia infiltrating the one of the wall's tower and trigger the self-destruck system. Later, she said their goodbye to her mom as she believes that she won't survive the explosion. At the checkpoint, William managed to hack the archer system causing the ZETA's helmet to malfunctioned. They are interrupted by Keven Dale who orders the guards to shoot them. Since William has hacked the command of all weapon, this caused the rifle to be useless. Mia used this opportunity to punch Dale in the face. When William, noted that his virus didn't killed Archer, Mia had no choice than to go up in the tower of the wall and destroy archer manually. Up there, she killed all guards that blocked the main door and place the new virus that would cause the explosion. She said goodbye to everyone before pressing the button but once she pressed, it turned out that William has added a countdown to save Mia. Mia ran outside and fought the remaining soldiers before jumping off the wall. At the bunker, she learned about the departure of Roy, Dinah and Fekicity since after the wall, they have to take credit and become fugitives. Felicity would later bring Mia and William to her father's grave and explain the promise that she kept for her father. Mia than cried wishing to knew him before he died. Felicity made them promise that they will look after each other before leaving them.
Facing the Deathstroke gang[]
Month later, the team tried to secure a gala of the Glades reunification hosted by Alberto Vazquez. It turned into a disaster when the Deathstroke gang attacked while another playing a security guard incapacitated Mia. After the fight, Connor revealed that the security guard was his brother. Later, at the bunker, they figured out a plan to attack the gang while they had Vazquez hostage. Mia trusted Connor to volunteer as a bait for Deathstroke. Once at Deathstroke's lair, Connor fought all gang members before Mia came to face JJ. JJ easily defeated her. He told her that she can't save the city before escaping. Connor apologized for the failure of the plan and Mia told him that it would not happen again since on now on, they will always do things her way.
At the bunker, Mia complained that because of Connor, they failed to stop Deathstroke. Connor explained that the Deathstroke had stolen all of Vazquez's money leaving only a disk that could reveal their next step. Zoe told her that she knew a place where JJ could sell all the stolen goods. Mia ordered William to fix the fried disk while they go inside Deathstroke's black market. At the market, Mia argues with Connor about the fact that he isn't responible for JJ becoming Deathstroke but they are interrupted by JJ who captured Zoe. Mia ordered him to put down their weapon and after a chat, JJ agreed to have a "friendly" talk with Connor. When the talk started to degenerate, Mia threaten JJ but he replied that if she attacked him, the men that stormed the bunker, would kill her brother. The team than leaves than left to check out if William is fine.
Sent to the past[]

Novu transports future Team Arrow to the present
Back at the Bunker, it turned out that William had neutralized the two thugs. William informed them that the Deathstrokes are not there for the money but they planned to destroy the reunification by killing all of his members. Mia than argued with William when he proposed to use himself as a bait. Mia planned to storm the Deathstroke headquarter. There, they infiltrated the server room and when Mia and William were alone, William argues with Mia for being an overprotective sister and after a brief chat, William noted that he identified Deathstroke's location in the building. While they fought the Deathstroke gang, Mia came face to face with JJ/Deathstroke. JJ almost killed her but Zoe interfered she lost her life in the process. While Connor started to beat Deathstroke, Mia cried over Zoe's body until a light took her. Connor, William and Mia are teleported inside a new Arrowcave where the old Team Arrow and her dad are surprised of their presence.
Stopping the Deathstroke gang uprising[]

Mia Smoak about to fight Deathstroke Gang
After an emotional talk with the past version of the Team Arrow, they realized that they're actually in 2392. When the team talked in private, they made it clear that none of them should be aware of the future regarding Star City or the fact that JJ is Deathstroke. Later, at her father's old apartment, they talk about the fact that they didn't grew up together and her father told her where is her bedroom.

Oliver and Mia in the field together
After a bombing Starling General Hospital caused by Deathstroke, Mia stated that the future is better and when the conversation was about to reveal to much about the future, she stated that she wanted to see the city instead of the Bunker. At the apartment, Mia learned from Connor that the new Deathstroke is JJ since this Deathstroke catchphrase was "This city's cancer are the rich" which is also JJ's favourite line. They decided to face the Deathstroke gang in their 2392's headquarters. There, they realized that it's a trap. Deathstroke disarmed Mia but when Connor called Deathstroke "JJ", he removed his helmet revealing to be Grant Wilson. The team Arrow arrived and save them from the bombs. At the bunker, they finally revealed how is the future and that the city is overrun by gangs, corrupt politicians and that JJ is actually Deathstroke and he killed Zoe. They explained how the Deathstroke gang history came to be, but since their headquartered never blew up, the history has already changed leaving all information useless. Mia would later argued with her father for leaving his family just to play the hero while her mom raised her alone.

Oliver and Mia in front of Emiko and Robert's graves
At the crime scene, she had a talk with Laurel about the fact that she is planning to kill Grant Wilson to unkill Zoe but she still disagree even if Laurel expalined that she once talked her mom out of murdering Ricardo Diaz. Later, at the Bunker, they learned the location of the Deathstroke and she volunteers to be part of the team that stoped Grant in order to kill him. During a fight with the Deathstroke, she tried to kill Grant but her father interfered and managed to dissuade her from killing him. At the Bunker, the team made a promise to change the future. Later, her father brought her to her grandfather's tombstone and he started to explain stories about how he came to know him better after his death.
Fighting in Russia[]

Oliver accepts Mia's help
Then next week, after a training session with her dad, they went to Moscow and meet Anatoly Knyazev in order to obtain the pulse wave generator from general Alexi Burov an amateur of cage fight. Though she is restricted from fighting in a cage fight, as her father did not apporve her being a fighter and he fought a man in order to obtain the plan of the pulse wave generator.

Oliver and Mia in the Bratva fight club
When Oleg double crossed them, she was captured with her dad and was tasked to ring a bell while fighting. She failed but it turned out that Oleg's gun wasn't loaded and she was tied on the chair again. After escaping, she and her dad accepted a cage fight with six killer in order to cause distraction while Laurel and Anatoly stole the plans. Once they won, they escape and return to the U.S..
Mar Novu's alternate reality[]
When the Monitor placed her father and Laurel in an alternate reality where Quentin Lance was alive and were both stuck in a time loop that reset whenever Quentin died. Oliver had to wake up seconds before Mia, Connor and William enter the room back from a Big Belly Burger. Once her father broke the loop, they were captured by A.R.G.U.S. agent and sent to Lian Yu.
Facing ghosts on Lian Yu[]

Team Arrow realise they're on Lian Yu
After returning to Star City, Mia (along with the other team members) was in the Bunker when the place was invaded by A.R.G.U.S. agents at the command of Lyla Michaels to take them to Lian Yu. After being taken to the island, Mia saw her father come out of a tent and went towards him to question him where they were, receiving as an answer that they were in Lian Yu.

Oliver rallies Team Arrow for an attack on Fyers' forces
Lyla explained that they needed to build a weapon on the island due to a high exposure of energy, which is why she was all alive after Adrian Chase blew it up. Mia questioned Lyla if the weapon would prevent the crisis, but Michaels replied that there is no way to prevent the event, but that they would survive thanks to her. After everyone left the tent, Oliver spoke privately with Mia and William, revealing that he will die during the event. Although she had hidden her emotions, Mia left the tent to start building the weapon. Mia and the group got together to find out where the plane carrying Dinah, Rene and Roy crashed, although the plutonium they were carrying had crashed elsewhere on the island. After the group split up, Mia stayed at the camp to protect William.
In the island's bunker, Mia heard William complain about the 2392 technology. After she started playing with the dwarf star particles, her brother removed them from her hands. After offering her help, Mia answered William's question ("what is the volume of a sphere"), which shocked him and reminded him that she was also Felicity's daughter. After receiving another question, she said that she hadn't paid as much attention to her mother's classes. Mia and William talked about the news of Oliver's death, where she said she was right not to trust him, and that she always put her heroic activities first over her family. Mia and William returned to the tent and saw Roy in agonizing pain, discovering that they had amputated his arm after he was trapped in the wreckage of the plane. After realizing that Oliver was not with the group, she left to pick him up, although everyone advised her not to do so. William tried to stop her, but his words had no effect on her. Although she didn't show it, Mia was saddened after receiving the news of her father's death in the impending crisis, and revealed her true emotional state to William after he managed to convince her to be honest.

Team Arrow vs Fyers' mercenary forces
Mia and the group were taken to the bunker after finding out they were about to be attacked. Oliver returned and told everyone that they should buy time for the plutonium to finish the weapon. At night, the Archer team, including Mia and Connor and the aid of the recently resurrected Yao Fei Gulong, went to confront Byers and his soldiers. During the confrontation, the ghosts disappeared after the weapon was activated. The next day, they found out that Lyla had asked for a boat to leave the island. Mia asked him how much time they had before the crisis started, but Oliver replied that there was not much time. Mia talked to her father and revealed the truth, that she was sad to think that Oliver had put his heroic activities first instead of his family. After the conversation, the moment between father and daughter was interrupted when the sky above Lian Yu became red. Suddenly a white light revealed Lyla, now a "Harbinger to things to come", dressed in a costume . She then revealed that, after many years, the crisis had started.
Anti-Monitor Crisis[]
Evacuation of Earth-38[]

Mia arrives on Earth-38 with the heroes
Mia and Oliver, along with other heroes the Harbinger recruited, were taken to the D.E.O. on Earth-38, which would be the next universe to be destroyed. She introduced herself as Oliver's daughter, which left J'onn J'onzz, as well as others, surprised. The heroes gathered in a room where they heard Lyla say that they would have to stop antimatter before destroying the universe, since this Earth is "a critical point". After that, Supergirl thanked everyone for coming. Suddenly, a quantum tower appeared in the middle of National City. When Supergirl left to take her down, she was prevented by the arrival of Flash and the Legends, where they guaranteed that the tower is not a problem and that it would be the last way to save the inhabitants of the universe.

Mia in her suit in the original timeline
Mia and the heroes discovered that the Monitor had placed the towers in some Earths, and that they would have defended her from the shadow demons. She and Oliver talked privately, where she received a suit courtesy of her father. She and her allies set out to defend the tower so that the planet could be evacuated, where they faced an army of shadow demons, receiving praise from their father. Due to being outnumbered, Oliver asked everyone to protect themselves. Mia noticed that they were trying to enter the tower, also complaining that Ray Palmer talked too much and saving his father from one of the demons who was going to attack him from behind.

Oliver dies
When the quantum tower failed, Supergirl and Superman used their heat vision to recharge it. After that, the shadow demons attacked again and the heroes positioned themselves around the tower to protect it. The Monitor appeared during the confrontation saying that the battle had been lost, and then began to teleport the heroes back to Earth-1, including Mia. Returning to the Team Arrow bunker in Star City, she saw her father's body being teleported to a stretcher. Due to his injuries, Oliver was in his last moments. After saying his last words to Barry and Kara, Oliver asked Mia to find Felicity and it is said that he loves her, saying afterwards that he loved her and asking not to forget him. After saying goodbye to his closest allies, Oliver passed away.
Resurrecting Oliver[]

Sara trying to convince Mia
After being taken to Earth-74 Waverider, Mia heard about the existence of a book that can rewrite fate and Kara's question whether the object could bring the destroyed Earths back. Hopeful, Mia asked Novu if the book could resurrect her father, but the cosmic being replied that Oliver was destined to die in the crisis, and that this could not be changed. After this, she and Barry talked and decided that they would use a Lazarus Pit Well to resurrect Oliver after discovering that the Book of Destiny could not do this. Since all of the Wells on Earth-1 were destroyed by Thea and Nyssa, Mia went looking for Lands that had a Well. After saying her plan to Sara, she tried to dissuade her and change her mind to give up, but Mia didn't listen to Lance's words.

Mia on Earth-18.
Sara called John Constantine to help them find an available Earth, finding an active Lazarus Pit in North Dakota on Earth-18. After Barry and John left to bring Oliver's body, Sara, Typhuss and Mia stayed in the cave to clear the place. Sara compared Mia's actions to her father's, but her intelligence came from her mother. Hex, the "owner" of the cave, confronted them, but was defeated by the union of Mia and Sara. They then placed Oliver's body in the waters of the pit, where they waited for a while. When they were about to give up, Oliver jumped out and tried to attack Constantine, but was saved by Barry. Mia tried to talk to him, but her body was sedated by Sara. They put Oliver's body around a circle for Constantine to recite his spell and bring his soul back, however it didn't work. John theorized that due to antimatter, he lost his powers.
Going to Purgatory[]

Mia telling Lucifer Earth-666 what she desires
Due to the flaws in Constantine's powers, he had another card up his sleeve. Mia, Constantine, Typhuss and John Diggle went to Los Angeles on Earth-666 to charge a favor to John's old friend, Lucifer Morningstar. The trio talked to Lucifer as he left his club accompanied by two women. Lucifer introduced himself to Mia, making the woman find the man's name strange. Lucifer questioned what was Mia's greatest desire, in which she responded by saying that it was resurrecting her father. Lucifer delivered a card that allowed the trio to go to Purgatory for a limited time, and if they didn't leave their souls would be wiped out. Constantine held the letter and they were taken to Purgatory. In limbo, they discovered that the place had taken the shape of the island Lian Yu (whose name means "purgatory" in Mandarin), also discovering that Oliver's memories were "destroyed".

Mia and Oliver meet again
While Diggle calmed Mia, they were attacked by Oliver himself, who managed to defeat the trio. Diggle managed to get him to recover his memories, and Oliver hugged him, Typhuss and Mia. When they were about to leave, the quartet was interrupted by the arrival of Jim Corrigan, a "specter". Mia ordered the "crazy eyes" to go, but Corrigan said that Oliver would have to "light up the spark" to save everyone. Oliver accepted Jim's offer, and although Mia begged him not to, Corrigan teleported her, Diggle and Constantine back to Waverider. On the ship, she revealed to everyone that Oliver did not want to return with them.
During the Crisis, Mia as well as everyone in the multiverse except for the seven Paragons, was killed in an antimatter wave by the Anti-Monitor on December 10, 2392, only to be restored a month later, after the Paragons and the Spectre created a new universe.
New multiverse[]
Early life[]
Mia was born to Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak. She grew up with her older half-brother, William. At some point, she became friends with John Diggle, Jr., Zoe Ramirez, Connor Hawke and Bianca Bertinelli.
At some point when Mia was young, her father, Oliver died after he sacrificed his life to save the multiverse. Eventually she would enter into a relationship with JJ and then get engaged.
New future[]
Becoming the new Green Arrow[]
While celebrating Mia's college graduation and her engagement to JJ, she is approached by Laurel Lance and Dinah Drake. They tell her that her friend, Bianca Bertinelli has been kidnapped and that they need her help. Initially, Mia did not recognize them and much less believed her story, however, Laurel used a ring that restored the memories of her former life before the crisis.

Mia, Laurel and Dinah infiltrates JJ's art gallery
Initially, Mia was irritated with both of them for having restored her memories, which also showed that J.J., the man whose engagement, was a murderous villain. She believed that he remained the Deathstroke in this new timeline, and that he had kidnapped Bianca. Mia confronted him, but found that he was innocent, also resulting in the end of their relationship.

Future Mia as Green Arrow
Later, Mia received a suit to save Bianca and become the new Green Arrow. After finding Bianca's location, Mia and the Canaries found out that her ex-boyfriend, Trevor, was the real Deathstroke. Although the site was full of blockers of metahuman powers, in which it prohibited Dinah and Laurel from using their abilities, the trio was able to defeat the various soldiers who were in place while looking for a way to escape. Upon reaching the terrace, Trevor said that they could not prevent "what is coming" and that "she will not allow". After Mia questioned who that person was, Trevor set fire to the terrace. They used a special arrow to escape.

The Green Arrow and the Canaries save Bianca Bertinelli
After taking Bianca home, the trio returned to Dinah's bar. There, she decided that she will continue her activities as the Green Arrow, and that she will continue her life as a socialite. Laurel warned her that this would not be easy, but Mia said that she would not abandon her old life, but that she would honor her father's legacy. Before saving the world again, the three toasted the future.
Mia returned to her home and met with J.J., where she resumed her relationship with the man. After this, Mia and William met in front of their father's statue. However, the siblings were hit by tranquilizer darts and suddenly two hooded individuals took William away, leaving Mia to pass out on the floor.
Oliver's funeral[]

Mia in the Arrowcave
Three weeks after her brother was kidnapped, Mia woke up and noticed Sara in her room. Although scared, Mia questioned what she was doing there, and Sara responded by saying that she was going to take her to Oliver's funeral. Dinah Drake (a younger version than the one in 2411) was surprised to see her, but Mia soothed her by saying that the Monitor did not bring her "because there is going to be another crisis" and explained that Sara brought her back to the funeral. Mia said that she has already started to fail in her activities as Green Arrow. Dinah assured her that her job would not be easy, but that her father would be proud of her. Both noticed a report announcing that William, from 2020, had been kidnapped. Some time later, she saw her mother arrive at the bunker to help them.

Mia saves William from John Byrne
In the evening she was able to find William and his kidnapper, John Byrne, on top of a roof. She questioned the man about who he was, discovering that Oliver had imprisoned him in Iron Heights for eight years. She then decided to spare him, since her father had done the same thing years ago, but the boy would return to prison. In the bunker, she taught William about her bow. She saw a newscast that reported her action to save William, and Dinah reaffirmed that Oliver would be proud.

Mia shows William the "fadeout" component of her bow
In the evening of the following day, Mia and others attended an event organized by the recently resurrected Quentin Lance, the mayor of Star City. The man said that although at first he disliked Oliver and his vigilante activities, he began to like the Green Arrow over time, saying he was a hero. After that, he revealed a statue built in honor of the first hero.

Mia opens a portal for 2411
On the day of the funeral, Mia met the version of her mother from 2393. Felicity was shocked, and Mia said that Oliver had the same reaction when he first saw her. Felicity asked her if she met her father, and Mia said yes and that he trained her to be a hero. After hugging, Mia was reunited with Barry Allen and Kara Danvers, who hugged Felicity to honor their condolences. Anatoly Knyazev questioned whether the coffin was empty, in which Tommy Merlyn confirmed and that homage to the man was being buried. After Oliver's funeral, Mia went to the place where Oliver's statue was built, and used a time portal to return to 2411.
Search for William[]

Mia talks with Iris on her search for William
Mia spent the next 2 years looking for William. At some point, she detected the Reverse-Flash invading the CC SCIS in 2394 and decided to interrogate him to see if he knew about William, but unfortunately he had no idea who William was. Reverse-Flash nearly killed Mia, but she was saved by the Flash. Mia then went with Barry to S.T.A.R. Labs and told Team Flash the story. Frustrated at not being able to find her brother, Mia lashed out at Iris when she tried to offer advice. Mia was later possessed by Despero, using her as a pawn to attack and kill Team Flash for choosing to not kill the Reverse-Flash. With the help of Iris and Cecile, she fought of Despero and apologized. Mia celebrated the end of Armageddon with Team Flash and received a probable lead from Iris before leaving to visit her mother.
Possible future[]
Battle with Magog[]
In a possible futue in 2449, Mia fought a mob in Star City and was saved by Nora West-Allen and Bart West-Allen from the crowd controlled by Will Parker, being informed about the threat of Magog. The trio of heroes defeated Will and she celebrated her victory, before disappearing out of nowhere.
Being saved by the Spectre, Mia, and the other heroes went to help Bart and Nora to face Magog with his army of villains. In the fight, Mia faced Clayface until the West-Allen siblings defeated Magog. After the battle, Mia took Will back to prison.

Mia in her civilian persona

Mia as Green Arrow

Mia of 2411 in an erased future

Mia in her suit
- "My mom once told me that all the starlight we see has so far to travel that the stars might not even exist anymore. Eventually, they all just fade to black, erased. That's where I want to be."
- — Mia Smoak
As noted by Mia's half-brother, William Clayton and her mother, Felicity Smoak, she shares many similarities with her father, Oliver Queen, but to a much greater degree; she is tough and not afraid to use force or violence to get what she wants, when she first met William and Zoe Ramirez, she is nothing but aggressive and distant, displaying no sign of interest or respect in what they had to say, she can also be quite stubborn and single-minded, which has led her to make rash decisions, this is likely due to her not being able to trust others easily after feeling betrayed by her own mother. After mending fences with Felicity, Mia had begun to show more compassion and consideration for her teammates, particularly with William.
Mia is extremely arrogant (far more than Oliver ever was) to the point of being reckless, as she jumps into situations without any plan, as she lacks her father's intellect and tactical abilities, wasted her abilities on brute force instead of intellectual means, which repeatedly backfires on her; for example, when Mia faced off against John Diggle, Jr. (the leader of the Deathstroke gang) without any plan or strategy, she was almost killed by the latter, Mia only survived due to the intervention of Zoe, but unfortunately, her friend was killed by JJ; which makes Mia indirectly responsible for Zoe's death.
When Zoe died, Mia's anger for her comrade's death overwhelmed her to the point of wanting to kill Deathstroke despite the fact that said criminal was different from the one that killed Zoe. In her moment of deep anger, she soon escalated from trying to avoid her father from displaying great rage and even (arrogantly) threatening to kill him if he continued to stood in her way.
But after Mia got to spend some time with her father, Oliver in the past, she was more understanding of why her father did what he does.
After Oliver gave her a suit and suggested she should become the next Green Arrow, Mia fought in the Crisis. During the battle, Mia was determined to help her father to fight. After the battle, she also held the same attitude on resurrecting her father and eventually saved his body in a Lazarus Pit.Abilities[]
- Peak of human physical condition: Due to being trained since childhood, Mia is in top physical condition, able to withstand Dinah Drake's bo-staff strikes and even managed to briefly overpower several of Keven Dale's zeta soldiers. In the new timeline, she was never trained by Nyssa al Ghul. However, Laurel restored Mia's memories and training from the initial timeline.
- High-level intellect: Mia was able to find the abandoned Arrowcave from hints in the documentary, Emerald Archer: The Hood and the Rise of Vigilantism. Felicity Smoak raised her to be an intelligent individual, so intelligent that she was able to quickly solve a Rubik's Cube to demonstrate a cube within a cube within a cube, whereas her genius half-brother could only do a cube within a cube.
- Master hand-to-hand combatant/Martial artist: After many years of being taught by Nyssa al Ghul since childhood, Mia is proven to be a highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant and martial artist, as she would go on to become an undefeated cage match fighter, skilled enough to beat bigger opponents, while training with Nyssa, Mia had proven to be evenly matched with her, Mia was able to fight on par against and even briefly overpower an older Dinah Drake in a duel, she was a scrappy yet stealthy combatant, as she was able to defeat a room full of Keven Dale's armed security, Mia had even proved skilled enough to (initially) fight on par against John Diggle, Jr. (under the persona of Deathstroke) but her combat skills were proven to be ultimately inferior to JJ's. Mia's fighting style appears to include Aikido, Boxing, Hapkido, Judo, Karate, Kali, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Sambo, Kickboxing, Kung Fu and Krav Maga.
- Master knife-wielder/Knife thrower: Mia is highly skilled at using a knife in combat; as seen in her fight with Dinah and can also improvise an arrow as a stabbing weapon. She once accurately threw a knife into a Zeta soldier's head.
- Expert stick-fighter: Mia is accomplished at wielding sticks and staffs and similar weapons in combat. She was prepared to improvise a loose pipe as a weapon against an enemy and readily used one of the Canaries' staffs against an attacker, like her father, Oliver Queen, Mia often uses her bow as a blunt weapon in close combat.
- Master markswoman: Mia is highly proficient with firearms; managing to shoot several of Keven Dale's security guards.
- Master archer: After many years of being taught by Nyssa since childhood, Mia is proven to be a highly proficient archer; once, while practicing, she managed to cleanly split an apple in two with an arrow.
- Acrobatics/Free-running: Since becoming Green Arrow, Mia has developed free-running skills and could drop from a height of several feet without injuring herself.
- Indomitable will/High tolerance for pain/Expert survivor: Mia is a very resilient, driven, determined and nearly fearless individual.
- Expert driver/Pilot: Mia is capable of driving motor vehicles with ease.
Erased future[]
- Oliver Queen's bow and quiver: Gifted to Mia by her half-brother, William Clayton and Roy Harper, Mia used her father, Oliver Queen's bow and quiver to destroy the wall that separated the Glades and Star City.
- Knives: Mia pulled a knife on Dinah Drake during a fight with her. she threw one to kill a Zeta solider, and puled a combat knife during a confrontation with JJ.
- Recurve bow: Mia uses a black recurve bow gifted to her by her trainer, Nyssa al Ghul.
- Hunting arrows: Mia uses standard hunting arrows to fire from her compound bow or as an improvised melee weapon.
- Trick arrows: Mia uses trick arrows while using her father's bow. She was seen using the grappling hook arrow to lift herself up and down the wall that separated the Glades from the rest of Star City.
- Suit: During the Anti-Monitor Crisis, Oliver Queen gave her a protective suit as he claimed "there should always be at least one Green Arrow".
Possible future[]
- Recurve bow: Mia uses a blackish green recurve bow.
- Hunting arrows: Mia uses standard hunting arrows to fire from her compound bow or as an improvised melee weapon.
- Trick arrows: Mia uses trick arrows while using her father's bow. She was seen using the grappling hook arrow to lift herself up and down the wall that separated the Glades from the rest of Star City.
- Green Arrow suit: Mia wears a protective suit as her alter-ego, Green Arrow, to hide her identity from enemies when she goes out fighting crime.
- Time courier: After Oliver's funeral, Mia used a time courier to return to 2411.
Season 7[]
- "Due Process" (mentioned)
- "Unmasked" (flashforward)
- "Emerald Archer" (flashforward)
- "Star City Slayer" (flashforward)
- "Brothers & Sisters" (flashforward)
- "Training Day" (flashforward)
- "Star City 2040" (flashforward)
- "Lost Canary" (flashforward)
- "Spartan" (flashforward)
- "Living Proof" (flashforward)
- "You Have Saved This City"
Season 8[]
- "Starling City" (flashforward)
- "Welcome to Hong Kong" (flashforward)
- "Leap of Faith"
- "Present Tense"
- "Prochnost"
- "Reset"
- "Purgatory"
- "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Four" (mentioned)
- "Green Arrow & The Canaries"
- "Fadeout"
Season 5[]
- "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part One"
Season 1[]
- "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two"
The Flash[]
Season 6[]
- "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three"
- Mia was named after her paternal grandmother, Moira Queen. Thea previously used the name Mia as an alias while in Corto Maltese.
- It is implied Mia and Connor Hawke were in a romantic relationship at some point.
- Mia sports several tattoos much like Oliver, but they have a meaning. They include a bee on her right back shoulder, that references her father's surname Queen, and a key with the black star on her right inner arm.
Behind the scenes[]
- In the comics, the name "Blackstar" has been used by several different characters (both male and female), but most notably by Rachel Berkowitz, a girl from Poland who was raised by Nazis and grew up to be a brilliant scientist. She is an enemy of Supergirl.
- The name Blackstar also resembles Nightstar, the daughter of Nightwing and Starfire in the Kingdom Come series set in the DC Universe's future.
- In the Kingdom Come comics series that are set in an alternate future reality, Oliver Queen does have a daughter named Olivia Queen. Her mother is Dinah Lance and Olivia is the second Black Canary in her universe.
- Her name, Mia, is a reference to Mia Dearden, the second Speedy and Thea's comic book counterpart.
- When her character was originally announced in the press, she was called Jessie Bowden, although this was later changed to Maya. The character was initially only referred to as "Blackstar", leaving her real name then-unknown.
- "Jessie Bowden" was initially going to be "the rookie recruit in the Star City Police Department and is both athletic, comedic and intelligent. But underneath her youthful attitude, lies a woman who has had enough of vigilantes in Star City and is willing to get rid of them no matter what it takes.".
- "Maya" was later described similarly as "A scrappy street fighter and thief from Star City who is a rookie recruit in the Star City Police Department. She is athletic, comedic and intelligent. But underneath her youthful attitude, lies a woman who has had enough of vigilantes in Star City and is willing to get rid of them no matter what it takes.