The Military Assault Command Operations, also referred to as MACOS, is the primary military and covert operations group operated by United Earth.
- General
- Major
- Sergeant
- Corporal
- Private
Fleet analysis[]
Shuttle classes[]
- Quinjet class
- Alcatraz class - Containment modules
Terrestrial ship classes[]
Starship classes[]
- NX-Alpha class - Rapid response
- Zephyr class - Heavy cruiser
- Terra class - Sensitive cargo transport
Earth air fleet[]
- 492 Bus class
- 122 Truck class
- 3,318 Corvette class
Earth ocean fleet[]
Interstellar fleet[]
- Combat uniforms
- Environmental suits
- Phase pistols
- Particle rifles
- I.C.E.R pistols
- Sol system
- Earth
- Yosemite station (Orbital research base)
- The Hub (primary terrestrial HQ)
- Lighthouse (primary field operation base)
- Cube (high-security detainment and storage facility)
- Playground (hidden base)
- Mars - Verteron array
- Earth
- In other star systems
- Deep space one (interstellar outpost)
- Coventry (primary extraterrestrial HQ)
- As of 2153, MACO tactics and technology were two to three years more advanced than those of Starfleet, but their combat expertise was initially limited to simulations conducted on Earth or in the Sol system.
- MACOS utilise Quantum key distribution channels which is a secure communication method that implements a cryptographic protocol involving components of quantum mechanics. It enables two parties (MACO command and another) to produce a shared random secret key known only to them, which can then be used to encrypt and decrypt messages.
- The MACOS operate a satellite network that monitors all activity on Earth including transporters and communications.