Memory Delta Wiki
Nancy Leigh
Character image.
Nancy Leigh in 2394
Full name: Nancy Romijn Leigh
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Homeworld: Earth
Birthplace: San Francisco, Earth
Born: November 5th, 2333
Affiliation: Federation, Starfleet
Icon: UFP emblem image. Uniform badge image.
Mother: Sarah Leigh
Father: Jack Leigh
Marital Status: Single
Spouse(s): Typhuss J. Halliwell
(ex-husband; m. 2359; divorced)
Occupation: Starfleet officer
Serial number: SP-124-234-799
Assignment: Commanding officer,
USS Ravenous
Rank: Captain
Insignia: Starfleet badge insignia. Rank insignia.
Character image.
=Nancy Leigh in 2381

Nancy Romijn Leigh is a female Human who is a Starfleet officer during the 24th century and the commanding officer of the Pike-class starship USS Ravenous, she is the ex-wife of Typhuss James Halliwell. (Star Trek: Intrepid)


Early life[]

Nancy was born on Earth on November 5th in 2333 in San Francisco to Jack and Sarah Leigh.

Background information[]

Nancy is portrayed by Rebecca Romijn in Star Trek: Intrepid.
