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Negh'Var class
2400s Negh'Var.
A Negh'Var-class vessel of the early 25th century
Affiliation: Klingon Empire,
Klingon Defense Force
Klingon-Cardassian Alliance,
Klingon Empire
Type: heavy carrier,
heavy battlecruiser
Service period: 24th-25th centuries
Length: 682.32 meters
Width: 470.09 meters
Height: 136.65 meters
Mass: 4,310,000 metric tons
Crew: 2,500
Speed: warp 9.6
Armaments: 1 large forward disruptor;
20 disruptor cannons;
4 torpedo launchers
Defences: deflector shields, cloaking device
Auxiliary craft: shuttlecraft
IKS Negh'Var leading a Klingon fleet.
The class prototype IKS Negh'Var leading Gowron's fleet at Deep Space 9 in 2372

The Negh'Var-class was a type of large Klingon warship used beginning in the late 24th century. (DS9 episode: "The Way of the Warrior"; ST video games: Armada, Armada II, Star Trek Online)


The Negh'Var-class was a powerful new form of warship developed by the Klingon Empire in secret, with very few even among the Klingon High Council knowing of the project's existence. It was a significant departure from "traditional" Klingon designs which favored swift, agile vessels, instead offering heavy firepower and pure brute strength.

Negh'Var-class ships were slightly smaller than Starfleet's Sovereign-class ships, and were capable of carrying a security detail of 2,700 personnel. They were armed with disruptors, heavy disruptors and photon torpedoes, and were equipped with a cloaking device. (ST video games: Armada, Armada II, Star Trek Online)

Kurak, daughter of Haleka was the main designer of the prototype IKS Negh'Var. (TNG novel: Diplomatic Implausibility)


(forward top view)


The prototype Negh'Var was launched in 2372 and became the flagship for the Chancellor during the Klingon-Cardassian War. (DS9 episode: "The Way of the Warrior")

Negh'Var-class vessels would continue to participate in major engagements at least as late as 2409. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)

Mirror universe[]

The Negh'Var-class was also present in the mirror universe under the command of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. Regent Worf used one of these vessels, also called IKS Negh'Var, for his flagship. The vessel led an attack on Terok Nor in 2372 but was forced to retreat after suffering heavy damage at the hands of the Terran Rebellion. In 2375 both she and a cloaking device stolen from the primary universe Klingon Empire were captured by the Rebellion. (DS9 episodes: "Shattered Mirror", "The Emperor's New Cloak")

Mirror Negh'Var

A 2400s-era Alliance Negh'Var-class

In late 2409 several examples of the mirror universe class were captured by the primary universe Klingon Empire and incorporated into the Klingon Defense Force. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)

Ships of this class[]

See also unnamed Negh'Var class starships.
  • IKS BajnISlu'
  • IKV Bey
  • IKV Bom
  • IKV CharghwI'
  • IKV Chon bom
  • IKS Chang
  • IKV Chong
  • IKS Chot
  • IKV Gha'tlhIq
  • IKV Ghob
  • IKS Ghol'quS
  • IKS GhuH'nov
  • IKS Giz'ta'bek
  • IKV Hargh
  • IKS Hegh'mar (IKC-7503)
  • IKS HI'a'pIm
  • IKS Ho'a'chaID
  • IKS Hurgh'ragh
  • IKS JeH'jhong
  • IKS Kang
  • IKS K'mpec (IKS-7502, also known as the IKS Kempec)
  • IKS Koloth
  • IKS Kormat (IKC-7501)
  • IKS Loj'boq
  • IKV Lop
  • IKS LoS'SaD
  • IKS Ma'tlhej
  • IKS Mogh (IKC-7504)
  • IKV Nan
  • IKS Negh'Var (IKC-7500)
  • IKS Negh'Var (mirror universe)
  • IKS Nov'Hoch
  • IKS Pe'egh
  • IKS Pey'Suq
  • IKS PoHmey'vav
  • IKV QajunpaQ
  • IKS QaStaHvIS
  • IKV Qa'Vak
  • IKS Qetbogh
  • IKS QIghpej
  • IKV Qom
  • IKS Satlh'QaH
  • IKV SIQwI'
  • (IKS Sword of Kahless)
  • IKS Ta'rom
  • IKS Vangshu'a'
  • IKV VaQ
  • IKS Yinlu'taH
  • IKV YoHwI'