Memory Delta Wiki

"The time has come. Execute Order 76."
Supreme Leader Vur'naa to numerous stormtroopers

Order 76, also known as Protocol 76, was a top secret order identifying all Der'kal as traitors to the Der'kal Empire and, therefore, subject to summary execution by the Der'kal Army and called for their immediate execution. It was one of a series of contingency orders that the stormtroopers of the Der'kal Army were trained to obey without question or hesitation.

In 2388, a group of renegade Der'kal officers and leaders sought to bring back the Separatists and the Civil War but Supreme Leader Vur'naa sought to arrest the renegade Army for treason against the Empire, when their efforts failed, Vur'naa used the incident as evidence that the Der'kal leaders committed treason and, as such, directed the Der'kal Army to execute their Der'kal commanding officers in accordance with Order 76. Across Der'kal space thousands of Der'kal were killed by their own stormtroopers while the Federation led the Federation fleet in a direct assault on Hosnia Prime, the Der'kal homeworld.

With the exception of a few surviving Der'kal and human officers, the attack was largely accomplished through the initial activation of Order 76.


Order 76 was a top secret order identifying all Der'kal as traitors to the Der'kal Empire and, therefore, subject to summary execution by the Der'kal Army and called for their immediate execution. The order would also cause the stormtroopers to view the Der'kal as a dangerous threat that needed to be eliminated at all costs.



Around ten years prior to the outbreak of the Federation-Der'kal War, Order 76 was put into use by Supreme Leader Vur'naa as a fail-safe in case of traitors in the Der'kal military.


Order 76, 2

Stormtroopers kill their Der'kal commanding officers

With the secrets of Order 76 secure, Vur'naa continued with his plans during the Federation-Der'kal War. By the war's end, public support for military had weakened due to their management of the conflict, while Vur'naa remained a popular figure. Renegade Der'kal officers and leaders would betray the Empire and restart the Separatists and go to war with the Empire.

Vur'naa used the Separatists as a pretext for declaring that the renegade Der'kal were traitors, ones who had attempted to assassinate him and take control of the Empire for themselves. The Supreme Leader issued Order 76 to various stormtroopers across the galaxy and the military killed thousands of Der'kal throughout the galaxy.


The Empire had weakened due to fighting and killing the traitors during Order 76 while the Federation led a fleet in a direct assault on Hosnia Prime, the Der'kal homeworld. The Der'kal military was unprepared for the Federation fleet when they attacked the planet and the Der'kal fleet was surprised and caught off guard when the Federation arrived.
