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Affiliation: Federation Starfleet
Classification: Advanced tactical combat shuttlecraft
Service period: 24th century
Length: 16 meters
Width: 9 meters
Height: 4.5 meters
Decks: 1
No. of decks: 1
Capacity: 1
Speed: warp 6
(for 7 days),
warp 7.5
(for 3 days)
Maximum speed: warp 9
Cruising speed: warp 5
Armaments: pulse phaser cannons,
two micro photon torpedo launchers
Defences: deflector shields, ablative hull armor,
unimatrix shielding

The Phantom-class (later Phantom I-class) is a combat oriented shuttlecraft in use by Starfleet and the Federation during the late 24th century. They were developed and built for use with starships that belong to the Akira, Invincible, Suzerain, Yamato, and other carrier type classes of starships. Sovereign-class starships also have this class of shuttle and use these shuttles if they are going into heavy combat.


The Phantom-class is classified as a multi-role advanced tactical combat shuttle. It possesses the spaceframe of the type 11 shuttlecraft and the retractable warp nacelle configuration of a Flyer-class shuttlecraft. It is 16 meters long, 9 meters wide, and 4.5 meters high.

Functions and capabilities[]

The Phantom-class is a type of fighter shuttle that is designed to do the following:

  • Enter and seize control of enemy space while in the offensive
  • Engage in direct combat with defending enemy fighters of comparable size
  • Provide defense to a specific target (e.g. a moving or stationary starship, or a starbase/space station)
  • Provide defense over a large area of territory from attack (e.g. a star system)
  • Defend a fleet of starships traveling in sub-warp speeds, or in warp speeds but within short distances.
  • Perform reconnaissance missions
  • Conduct orbit-to-surface strikes
  • Suppress enemy ground defense


Because its propulsion, defensive and offensive systems occupy a great amount of space, the Phantom-class cockpit is designed only for one pilot. It has a maximum rated mission duration of one week or seven days. As such, it is equipped with a simple food replicator for nourishment. It also has an emergency transporter for situations where there is imminent destruction of the craft and the pilot must escape.

There is no rear hatchway on the Phantom-class, as usually found on standard shuttlecrafts. Instead, in the traditional manner that fighter pilots do it, the Phantom-class pilot embarks and disembarks through the cockpit canopy, which can be lifted up from its hatches.


The Phantom-class is larger than a Rogue-class starfighter. Nevertheless, it is light, very agile, very fast and more powerful. It incorporates many state-of-the-art technologies like high warp capabilities at short distances and high maneuverability in both sub-warp and warp speeds. It can travel at warp 9 for a period of one hour, warp 7.5 for three days and warp 6 for seven days

Weapons systems[]

The Phantom boasts of an arsenal of two micro-torpedo launchers, at one on each shoulder of the warp nacelle. It also is equipped with one ventral torpedo pod. That is capable of loading and launching up to four standard sized torpedoes.

For face to face combats against fighters of comparable size, the Phantom-class uses its four micro pulse phaser cannons.

Defense systems[]

The Phantom-class is coated with a thick parametallic ablative hull armor, and is protected by regenerative unimatrix shielding.
