Reincarnation is the religious and spiritual belief that when one dies, their soul is reincarnated into another body. In Hinduism, a person's Karma has great control over reincarnation: if one has sinned in life, then they would be reincarnated as something lower in the Karmic ladder, where as if they have done good in life (or have repented their sins), then they would be born as something higher in the Karmic ladder. Often, the same individuals spend eternity together and are endlessly reincarnated into each other's lives. Such individuals are quite literally soul mates. Xena, Gabrielle, Craig and Joxer are all soul mates. Were Hercules not immortal, it is likely that Iolaus, Jason and perhaps Deianeira of Thebes or Serena would be his soulmates. Another feature of reincarnation is that certain individuals find themselves inexorably drawn to certain paths or situations- for example, Alti in all of her lives is drawn to dark power and in each life eventually achieves mastery over some powerful ability- be it shamanism (Alti), military strength (Khindin), or science (Alexis los Alamos). Each time, however, it is an incarnation of Xena who will rise and defeat her.