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Federation Relay Station 47
Station image.
Class: Unknown
Type of Facility: Starbase
Space station
Affiliation: Federation
Location: Milky Way Galaxy,
Beta Quadrant
Constructed: 31st century
Status: Operational
(heavily damaged; 3189)
(repaired; 3190)

The Relay Station 47, also referred to as Sahil's Relay Station, is a technologically advanced Starfleet outpost operating in the 31st and 32nd centuries.


The station was damaged long ago, with the probable cause being a main reactor breach; a wrecked Worf-class starship was also in the vicinity.

Decades before 3188, the long range sensors of the station had failed. With these sensors down, the station could only scan the nearest thirty sectors with access to more distant sectors restricted.

For forty years, this station had been manned by Aditya Sahil who every day scanned a six hundred light years radius for traces of the collapsed Federation. In 3188, he met Michael Burnham who was looking for the warp signature of the USS Discovery. Although the search failed, Burnham brought hope to Sahil and commissioned him as an acting communications chief tasked with finding her ship. Together, as commissioned officers, Burnham and Sahil raised the flag of the Federation by planting it on a wall in Sahil's office.

Burnham remained behind with Sahil while Booker left. As time went on, Aditya teached Michael regarding 32nd century history, politics, and technology.

In 3189, Sahil sent a communicay to Michael Burnham who was on Bookers ship at the time and informed her of USS Discovery's arrival.

When the Federation regained dilithium stock stability, they sent two vessels to Relay Station 47 in order to conduct repairs and reman the facility with newly promoted Commander Sahil functioning as the chief.

Technical data[]

Energy generation[]

It is equipped with eight fusion reactors, fueled by deuterium, which creates energised plasma that is then distributed to the systems. As of 3189, only one of them was operational but when the station was repaired all of them came online.


Weapon systems[]

Until 3190, no offensive capabilities were online. However, it has since been upgraded with the following:

  • Torpedo launchers: It is armed with 24 torpedo launchers that shoot out self-propelled torpedoes each equipped with plasma warheads.

Defensive systems[]

  • Deflector shields: For protection, it employs sophisticated Forcefield Armor comprised out of energetic distortion containing a high concentration of graviton waves thus absorbing incoming energy discharge and kinetic impacts.


The habitable section of the outpost had offices as well as a brig, an engineering department, two shuttlebays, officer quarters, and etc.

The exterior design resembled that of a 21st century cone upside down.


The relay station is somewhere in the Beta Quadrant, around 100 light years from Hima - an Emerald Chain planet. It is surrounded by a debris field of Starfleet ships.


  • In the surviving habitable sections of the station, the furniture and control panels were made of programmable matter.