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Memory Delta Wiki
Remus from orbit in the 2370s.
Classification: Class Q
Affiliation: Romulan Star Empire
(subject world),
Location: Eisn system, Tarod sector, Beta Quadrant
Dominant Species: Reman (native), Romulan
The surface of Remus.

Remus was the tidally-locked, Q-class sister world of Romulus, and the homeworld of the Reman species with both being located in the Romii system It was also known as ch'Havran (meaning "of the Travelers" in Rihannsu) and 128 Trianguli III-B (in Earth's astronomical notation). In addition, it is known as Rav's which meant "Brother" in the Romulan language. Remus and the planet Romulus had a "Trojan relationship" in their revolution around one another.


22nd century[]

The Romulan Star Empire made first contact with the Terran Empire at some point ih the year 2155.

In 2155, Empress Sato ordered the Imperial Starfleet to make an example of those who dared to oppose the Terran Empire. Using the nearest blood-cousins of the traitorous Vulcans as example, Sato ordered the fleet to Romulus. There Hoshi wiped out most of the planet's population, including that of its moon Remus. This caused the power to shift back into favor of the Terran Empire: it also caused the extinction of the Romulan race since they all committed suicide after the destruction of their world. However some Romulans and Remans survived the battle on cloaked warbirds.

23rd century[]

By the mid-2290s, the Remans joined the Maquis in their fight against the Terran Empire.

24th century[]

By the 24th century, the Remans fought against the Terrans helping the Maquis kill them and attacked several starbases.
