Memory Delta Wiki
Samuel Elias Brett
Samuel Brett
Brett in 2360
Vital statistics
Title Engineering technician
Gender Male
Race Human
Faction Nostromo
Status Deceased (2360)
Location Earth
"Whenever he says anything you say, 'Right,' Brett, you know that?"
Brett and Ripley

Samuel Elias Brett was a male Human who was the engineering technician aboard the Lockmart CM-88B Bison freighter Nostromo.

He was serving on the ship during its fateful voyage in 2360 when it encountered a Xenomorph on LV-426, an incident that eventually led to the destruction of the ship and the loss of all but three Starfleet officers.

Brett was the first victim of the fully-grown Alien, and was killed while searching for the creature not long after it was born; he is later found by Ripley, cocooned in the Nostromo's hold and being transformed into a Xenomorph egg.
