Memory Delta Wiki

Sarah MacDougal
Character image.
Sarah MacDougal in 2364
Full name: Sarah MacDougal
Species: Terran
Gender: Female
Hair color: Blonde
Born: 2337
Affiliation: Terran Empire,
Imperial Starfleet
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Imperial Starfleet officer
Previous Assignment: chief engineer,
ISS Enterprise-D
Assignment: chief engineer,
ISS Victory
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Insignia: Uniform badge image. Uniform insignia image.

In an alternate mirror universe, Sarah MacDougal is a female Terran who was a Imperial Starfleet officer in the 24th century. She was the chief engineer of the ISS Victory. She was responsible for the operation and maintenance of the ship's systems. She held the rank of lieutenant commander.

She served as one of the ISS Enterprise-D's two chief engineers under Captain Thomas Halloway in 2363, splitting her duties with Michael Argyle. She was responsible for the operation and maintenance of the ship's systems. They were both still in the position at the time of launch under Captain Jean-Luc Picard, but she departed in 2365.
