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Sarah Sato
Sarah Sato
Sato in 2270
Full name: Sarah Sato
Nickname(s): The Murderess of Bajor
Species: Terran
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan, Earth
Born: May 5th, 2247
Died: 2287
Affiliation: Terran Empire
Mother: Hiroshi Sato
Assignment: Empress
Rank: Empress
Insignia: Seal of the Terran Empire.
Office Held: Empress of the
Terran Empire

In an alternate mirror universe, Sarah Sato (2270-2287) was a female Terran who was the Empress of the Terran Empire. Sarah looks exactly like Empress Hoshi Sato I, because Sarah was also a direct descendant of Hoshi Sato I, the first Empress of the Empire. Sarah ruled the Terran Empire from 2270 to 2287. During her reign, she gained the sobriquet "The Murderess of Bajor".


Early life[]

Hoshi was born on May 5th in 2247 to Hiroshi Sato and a male Terran slave in Kyoto, Japan, on Earth and spent most of her youth there. She was knowledgable in anthropology, diplomacy and computer programming; Sato was considered very cunning and treacherous.

Reign as Empress[]

Sarah became Empress of the Terran Empire in 2270 after she took over the Empire declaring herself Empress, attacked Starfleet and forced the Empire's military to recognize her as leader.

Shortly after Spock's successful assassination of Matt Decker and rise to Grand Admiral of the Imperial Starfleet in 2277, Empress Sato ordered the Enterprise-A to proceed to Earth so she could officially endorse his promotion.

Sensing that this was merely a prelude to his assassination, Spock took Saavik in his confidence and told her about the Tantalus field device that had helped him in his rise to prominence. Although he was taking a risk, Spock told Saavik to use the device to kill Empress Sato and her Imperial guards should they make a move against him.

Saavik found that she couldn't support Spock's illogical mission to stage a coup and used the Tantalus field to kill Spock. Unbeknown to Saavik, Spock's wife, Marlena Moreau, was watching from the shadows and shot Saavik dead with her phaser though her intervention was too late to save her husband.

In 2287, Sato was killed by her senior military advisor in the Kyoto Imperial Palace.

Monarchs of the Terran Empire
by century Icon of the Terran Empire.
21st century George the Second
22nd century Sato I
23rd century Sato ITyphuss James HalliwellSatoSatoUnnamed man
24th century John FrederickSato IISato IIIKathryn JanewaySato IV
24th century
(Parallel timeline)
Annika Hansen