- "Pierce used me to design weapons and the Titanic-class starship. I helped him realize his vision of a militarized Starfleet, leading to one inevitable outcome: war with the Klingons. Pierce would finally have the war he talked about, the war he always wanted."
- — Jonathan Mandrake
The second militarization conspiracy was a plot by some Starfleet officers to militarize Starfleet in the year 2388 in the aftermath of the failed coup d'etat of the Federation a year before.
The second militarization conspiracy was another plot by some Starfleet officers to militarize Starfleet in the year 2388 in the aftermath of the failed coup d'état of the Federation a year before. They still wished to militarize Starfleet.
This, coupled with numerous other threatening events that had happened throughout the Presidency of Nanietta Bacco, led these Starfleet officers to the idea that the Federation was still not strong enough to deal with these modern threats.
These officers gathered together and planned another coup d'état of the Federation, this coup, if successful, would militarize the Federation on a drastic scale, as well as cut off diplomatic relations with foreign powers including the Klingon Empire. This would also, as Julian Bashir called it, effectively turn the Federation into a dictatorship. (Star Trek: Intrepid episode: "Into Darkness")
Stopping the conspiracy[]
Battle over Luna[]
- "War is coming – and who's gonna lead us? You?! If I'm not in charge, our entire way of life is decimated!"
- — Jonathan Mandrake, 2388
- "There will always be those who mean to do us harm. To stop them, we risk awakening the same evil within ourselves. Starfleet had risked becoming as warlike as its enemies. But that's not who we are. We are here today to rechristen the USS Intrepid, and to honor those who lost their lives one month ago. When I took command of the Intrepid ten years ago, Admiral Janeway had me recite the Captain's Oath, words I did appreciate at the time. Now I see them as a call for us to remember who we once were, and who we must be again."
- — Typhuss James Kira
One month later, Typhuss spoke at a memorial for the lives lost as a result of Rear Admiral Jonathan Mandrake's actions. In his speech, Typhuss reminded the attendees that Starfleet's true mission was the exploration of the galaxy. Typhuss spoke out against what the Titanic class represented and reminded the assembled audience that Starfleet had risked becoming as warlike as its enemies. (Star Trek: Intrepid episode: "Into Darkness")