Memory Delta Wiki

As Sentinel, Alex Danvers has a protective suit while using the Hand of the soldier. As a former agent and director of the D.E.O., Alex also wore a black suit. After she quit the D.E.O., she returned the suit.


D.E.O. suit[]

Alex in her DEO uniform

Alex in her D.E.O. suit

As a former D.E.O. agent, Alex had a protective suit. It was black and made out of leather. The suit also consisted of a utility belt which had an emergency broadcast signal emitter similar to the signal watch that only Supergirl could hear. The sides of the legs were made with gun holsters and were connected to the utility belt. The gloves were also covered with magnets. The upper layer could also be detached from the suit for comfort.

Sentinel suit[]

Alex as Sentinel

Alex as Sentinel

Since Alex was no longer employed at the D.E.O., she began wearing her protective suit less and less. Kelly Olsen, observing her lover, noted that if Alex was going to be a vigilante anyway, she needed protection in the field.

Alex wearing her new suit in Kara's room

Alex wearing her new suit

Using the Hand of the soldier, Alex created a new suit this second suit is black and blue and has a hood. Alex debuted her new suit first to Kara who screamed because she was so excited and impressed. Alex wore the suit, coupled with the Hand of the soldier, as she went into battle against Leviathan.



  • Magnets: The suit's gloves are magnetic, which allow Alex to pull her weapons towards her if disarmed. She has also used the magnets in the suit to make a magnetic shield to defend herself or to contain explosives.


DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]

Season 5[]

  • "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five" (D.E.O. suit)


Season 5[]

  • "The Bottle Episode" (D.E.O. suit)
  • "Back From the Future - Part One" (D.E.O. suit)
  • "Back From the Future - Part Two" (D.E.O. suit)
  • "It's a Super Life" (D.E.O. suit)
  • "Reality Bytes" (D.E.O. suit)
  • "Immortal Kombat" (Sentinel suit)

Season 6[]

  • "Rebirth" (Sentinel suit)
  • "A Few Good Women" (Sentinel suit)
  • "Phantom Menaces" (Sentinel suit)
  • "Lost Souls" (Sentinel suit)
  • "Fear Knot" (Sentinel suit)
  • "Welcome Back, Kara!" (Sentinel suit)
  • "Dream Weaver" (Sentinel suit; pictured)
  • "Still I Rise" (Sentinel suit)
  • "Mxy in the Middle" (Sentinel suit)
  • "Blind Spots" (Sentinel suit)
  • "The Gauntlet" (Sentinel suit)
  • "Magical Thinking" (Sentinel suit)
  • "Nightmare in National City" (Sentinel suit)
  • "I Believe in a thing Called Love" (Sentinel suit)