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Ship image.
Affiliation: Andorian Empire, Andorian Imperial Guard
(Coalition of Planets/Federation)
Type: light cruiser
Service period: 22nd century
–24th century
Armaments: particle cannons
Defences: deflector shields
Auxiliary craft: at least one shuttlepod

The Sevaijen-class was a type of light cruiser starship that was in service in the 22nd century, first in the Andorian Imperial Guard, and later in the Federation Starfleet.


The class was put into service some time in the 22nd century. In the year 2154 ships of this class defended Andoria from invasion by the Vulcan High Command and later participated in the hunt for the Romulan drone ship. (ENT episodes: "Kir'Shara", "United")

When the United Federation of Planets was formed and the member nation's space services were integrated these vessels were transferred over to Starfleet authority. Their primary role, along with most of the Andorian ships, was the defense of Federation territory.

In 2163, the USS Thejal was assigned to a combined task force to defend against Mute attacks, and she was destroyed in the conflict. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: A Choice of Futures)

In 2165, three Sevaijen class light cruisers were assigned to Captain Malcolm Reed's task force, which was charged with learning everything they could about the Ware and their creators and stopping them. One of the vessels was the USS Kinaph, which was commissioned by the Arkenites, a former Andorian subject race, upon their admission into the Federation. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Uncertain Logic)

They were still used by the Imperial Guard in the 24th century. (Star Trek: Intrepid)

Known vessels[]

ship name registry ship commissioning disposition
USS Flabbjellah AGC-6-16 Active (2165)
USS Kinaph AGC-6-34 Active (2165)
USS Thejal AGC-6-38 Destroyed (2163)
USS Trenkanshent sh'Lavan AGC-6-49 Active (2165)


Andorian starship classes
By name AtliraAtlirithCharalChimesh • (D3) • IlthirinKhyzonKumariKutharOmtilShranSevaijenSpiritTaholsinTanathooefThofsinThozynThrisUmarevYravas Emblem of the Andorian Empire.
By type attack shipcourierescape podescort (2370s-80s)escort (2400s onwards, Charal-class)cruiserdestroyerescort (2400s onwards, Khyzon-class)escort (2400s onwards,Kumari-class)battlecruiser (2140s-2260s)battlecruiser (Interstellar Union, 2290s)battlecruiser (2380s)fighterfreighterfrigatelight cruiser (2150s-2160s)light escort (2400s)pilot escort (engineering variant)pilot escort (science variant)pilot escort (tactical variant)science vesselshuttlesurveyorwarship (2140s-2150s)warship (2360s)
translated names in parentheses