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Shakaar Edon Kira
Character image.
First Minister Shakaar Edon Kira in 2409
Full name: Shakaar Edon Kira
Species: Bajoran-Human hybrid
Gender: Male
Homeworld: Bajor
Birthplace: Deep Space 9
Born: May 17th, 2383
Affiliation: Third Republic of Bajor
Mother: Kira Nerys
Father: Typhuss James Kira
Sibling(s): Kira Hoshi Sato
Kira Meru II
Marital Status: Single
Other relatives: Piper Halliwell
Phoebe Halliwell
Prue Halliwell
(aunt, deceased, 2386),
Paige Halliwell
Michael Alan Halliwell
Occupation: Politician
Previous Assignment: farmer
Rank: First Minister of the Third Republic of Bajor
Office Held: First Minister of the Third Republic of Bajor
In Office: 2409
"Perhaps the lady is just what the doctor ordered. She seems lovely and wise. I've never been in love before, dad. Go to her. Tell her how you feel. She wants someone else, not me. Let the lady decide, mm? I didn't let John Martin take your mother from me and you shouldn't let another man do the same to you."
— Typhuss and Shakaar, 2409

Shakaar Edon Kira is a male Bajoran-Human hybrid who is the son of Kira Nerys, a Bajoran woman and Typhuss James Kira, a Human man.

Early life[]

Shakaar was born in 2383 aboard Deep Space 9 on May 17th. Shakaar was named in honor of Shakaar Edon, First Minister of Bajor. Shakaar shared a striking resemblance to First Minister Shakaar Edon, Kira's former lover. Shakaar rarely ever saw his parents, having grown up most of his life under the care of the nannies hired to take care of him and his sister. Shakaar was a farmer on his parent's farm in Dahkur Province. (Star Trek: Intrepid)

Becoming First Minister of Bajor[]

In 2409, Shakaar became the First Minister of the Third Republic of Bajor. Shakaar was popularly elected by the people and serves as the head of the Chamber of Ministers, the Bajoran legislature. A First Minister typically serves a term of six years, although there are no known limits on reelection to the office. Later Shakaar was on Earth with his father, when Typhuss got promoted to Admiral. (Star Trek: Intrepid)

Other universes[]

Dark mirror universe[]

In the dark mirror universe, Shakaar was born in early 2374 to Kira Nerys and Typhuss James Halliwell.

Background information[]

Shakaar is played by Duncan Regehr as an adult and by unknown actor as a baby and little boy.


First Ministers of the Third Republic of Bajor
BajoranEmblem Verin KolekLale UsborKalem AprenShakaar EdonAsarem WadeenShakaar Edon Kira BajoranEmblem