Memory Delta Wiki

Sigol Rusot
Character image.
Sigol Rusot in 2378
Full name: Sigol Rusot
Species: Cardassian
Gender: Male
Born: 24th century
Died: April 4th, 2063
Affiliation: Klingon-Cardassian Alliance
Occupation: Alliance officer
Assignment: third-in-command,
Tantok Nor
Rank: Gul
Insignia: Rank insignia.
Alliance insignia.

In the mirror universe, Sigol Rusot is a male Cardassian gul in the service of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance during the 24th century.

By late 2378, Intendant Kira Nerys was the commanding officer of Tantok Nor, the station was located in the Kelrab system in Cardassian space and Gul Rusot was her third-in-command. (Star Trek: Intrepid)
