Star Trek: The Rookies is an action/adventure, sci-fi drama series based on Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry and also an adaptation of the 1970s Police Action Drama the Rookies.
Like Star Trek: Lower Decks, it is set in the early 2380s. Also following the adventures of now Lieutenant Sina Parker from Star Trek: Jemison and her fellow crewmates of the USS Anaheim (NCC-979840).
The USS Anaheim (NCC-979840) a California-class starship with red markings on its hull launches into orbit taking over for the recently destroyed USS Solvang who and her crew perished too soon. now carrying out Diplomatic and First Contact the junior officers including Sina Parker are based in the Lower Decks and they rely on their teamwork and contributions to the ship as their new commanding officer takes the chair to a new beginning and a new whole frontier.
Name | Rank | Role | Species |
Blythe Warner | Captain | Commanding officer | Human |
Josef Petrol | Commander | First officer | Human |
Kerala Guinn | Lieutenant Commander | Chief Security Officer | Rutian |
Marcy O'Conner | Lieutenant Commander | Counselor | Human |
K'Tania | Commander | Chief science officer | Klingon/Romulan hybrid |
Sina Parker | Lieutenant | Tactical Officer | Human |
Christopher Diamantopoulos | Lieutenant | Chief engineer | Human |
Cristina Diamantopoulos | Lieutenant Commander | Chief medical officer | Human |
Karona | Lieutenant Junior Grade | Ensign/Flight control officer | Ligonian |
List of episodes[]
Title | Written by |
The Decks of Life | Starlina |
A Thin Line of Peace and War | Starlina |
Promotion Day Pt. I | Starlina |
Promotion Day Pt. II | Starlina |
Battle of the Matrix | Starlina |
Planetary Adjustment | Starlina |
Quarter Tone Changes | Starlina |
Ranking in Rank | Starlina |
Uprising | Starlina |
Title | Written |
As the Ship Turns | Starlina |
As the Ship Turns | Starlina |
An Officer’s Affair to Remember | Starlina |
If you were still here | Starlina |
The Hunting Witch | Starlina |
The Cause, Effects, and The After | Starlina |
Protect Picard | Starlina |
A Battle Worth Fighting For | Starlina |