The Federation Starfleet, also referred to as Starfleet, is the deep space exploratory and defense service maintained by the United Federation of Planets specifically in the very late 24th-25th century.
Its principal functions included the advancement of Federation knowledge about the galaxy and its inhabitants, and advancement of science and technology. Starfleet's secondary duties included the defense of the Federation, and the facilitation of Federation diplomacy.
Since, at least 2380, Starfleet had been involved in random conflicts with the Pakleds but as of 2390 the Pakleds had become braver and more coordinated now starting to run terrorist attacks on strategically valuable locations and taking over mining operations of Vervuvian ore.
Starfleet was infiltrated by members of a Romulan secret cabal within the Tal Shiar, known as the Zhat Vash. Under the command of Commodore Oh, the Attack on Mars took place in 2385, which led to the total ban on synths and all forms of artificial life enacted by the Federation Council. Five years later, Oh issued a black flag directive to Captain Alonzo Vandermeer of the USS ibn Majid, which led to the deaths of the Coppelius androids Beautiful Flower and Jana. In 2399, Commodore Oh led a full scale assault on the newly claimed planet Coppelius where they were met by retired admiral Picard and soon William Riker captaining a fleet of Curiosity class' heavy cruisers.
In 2401, an interesting spatial anomaly was detected by the USS Avalon. The anomaly produced mass subspace distortion, tachyon fluctuations, and a large spike in Hawking radiation. The USS Stargazer-A, a brand-new Sagan class starship, was deployed from spacedock to investigate. Upon arriving, the anomaly begins broadcasting a message on all subspace frequencies in dozens of languages repeating the same phrase over and over again: "Help us, Picard". Picard is subsequently brought aboard and answered the call. It emitted a massive burst of Adler-Lasky temporal radiation that interrupted ship systems and an a-typical borg vessel emerged. Soon after, 38 other starships dropped out of warp and reinforced the USS Stargazer-A. This "armada" was comprised out of 5 Sovereign class, 6 Curiosity class, 4 [[Galaxy class (25th century)]|Galaxy class]], 3 Comet class, 9 Parliament class, 2 Armstrong class, 4 Sisko class, and 5 Magee class. The Borg Queen beamed aboard the Stargazer and began assimilating the bridge consoles as well as neutralising the attacking security teams. At first, Admiral Jean Luc Picard responded by activating the ship's self-destruct function after learning that the Queen was using the USS Stargazer-A as a technological hub in her attempt to seize control of the armada through hijacking the borg improvements to the flagship but later let her proceed and authorised full control to the Borg queen. The Stargazer's sensors picked up a nascent wormhole in the middle of the Alpha Quadrant that was releasing massive tri-quantum waves to point where it would have expelled a massive torrent of energy that would threaten billions of lives. The fleet, joined by the allied Borg, warped into the sector and began harmonizing their shields to block the energy wave. The anomaly then transformed into a massive transwarp conduit that was unlike any seen before. The Queen revealed that not even the Borg with all of their collective knowledge knew who was behind the creation of the conduit and she called it a piece of the puzzle that's final image was unclear but was tied to a threat. At the Borg Queen's request, Picard granted the Borg provisional membership in the Federation so that they could keep the conduit under close observation as "the Guardian at the Gate." What was unknown to them at the time was that this was the first act of aggression by remnants of the Iconian empire who had intended to wipe out key Federation member worlds before launching their amassed fleet of Iconian war vessels.
The Federation established the first links of its own system of transwarp conduits in 2399, and by 2405 would link the Sol system to key starbases in and around Federation territory. The network was created based on data gathered by the USS Voyager from their encounters with the Borg and was assisted by the Borg themselves in its creation with minor problems in relation to support stations and temporal mechanics. Also, 2405, Barzan II officially joins the United Federation of Planets.
The Federation Starfleet is involved in a devastating war, starting in 2409, against the Iconian empire as earlier pre-luded to.
Starfleet and by extension the Federation now has a permanent presence inside the Delta Quadrant by 2471 thanks to their transwarp conduits with their network now having been expanded to encompass routes to every Federation member world and starbase inside the Beta and Alpha quadrants.
Sometime during this century, the methods or materials that had been used to construct starships since the 23rd century, were no longer used.
Starfleet's function was to explore unknown territory on the behalf of the Federation government, to defend the Federation and its allies from threats, to further Federation policies and interests throughout interstellar space, and, when applicable, to initiate first contact with newly-discovered worlds and to engage in diplomatic negotiations on the behalf of the Federation.
As per its mandate of deep-space exploration, its personnel were frequently brought into contact with cultures and sentient species whose existences were unknown to the Federation. Starfleet officers therefore acted as official representatives of the Federation in these cases. Starfleet vessels were also frequently used to ferry ambassadors on diplomatic missions.
Species with current representatives in Starfleet[]
- Andorians
- Jurati-type android
- Antarans
- Arcturians
- Argosians
- Arkenites
- Bajorans
- Barzans
- Benzites
- Betazoids
- Betelgeusians
- Bolians
- Boslics
- Brunali
- Caitians
- Deltans
- Edosians
- Efrosians
- Elaysians
- Exocomps
- Ferengi
- Haliians
- Humans
- Kaelons
- Kelpiens
- Klingons
- K'normians
- Megazoids
- Napeans
- Orions
- Osnullus
- Pelians
- Phylosians
- Rhaandarites
- Rigelians
- Rotciv
- Saurians
- Soong-type android
- Tamarians
- Tellarites
- Tiburonians
- Trill
- Tyrellians
- Vulcans
- Zakdorns
- Zaldans
- Zaranites
Affiliated species[]
In addition, the Arkarians provided baryon sweeps for Starfleet starships, and Bynars provided their technical services in upgrading the computers of Starfleet ships. Starfleet also employed sentient artificial photonic lifeforms as holographic emergency personnel, such as the Emergency Medical and Emergency Command and/or Tactical Holographic programs.
The Tamarians are allies of Starfleet and the Federation as a whole. Multiple Tamarians serve in Starfleet and their species fleet aids Starfleet whenever needed.
- Dominion (Gamma Quadrant - Peace treaty)
- Borg collective (Delta Quadrant - Probational peace treaty)
- Breen Confederacy
- Hirogen
- Species 8472
- Romulans (Zhat Vash + Tal shiar only)
- Cardassians (formerly: friendly terms currently)
- Pakleds
- Klingons (situational: currently allies)
- Iconians
- Vaadwaur
Fleet analysis[]
25th century Starfleet has a number of fleets active Stationary and Mobile fleets.
Among the duties of Starfleet in Peacetime are exploration and scientific research, diplomatic missions and general defense of the Federation from known and unknown enemies.
Small craft classes[]
Ship classes[]
Like is the case in most Starfleet eras, the 25th century Starfleet maintains at least fifteen active starship classes.
- Kiley class - Combat cruiser, escort, troop deployment
- Wallenberg class - Convoy transport, evacuation
- Curiosity class - Heavy cruiser
- Comet class - Light cruiser
- Magee class - Science cruiser, scout, survey
- B'Elanna class - Quantum slipstream test-bed, exploratory cruiser
- Parliament class - Engineering utility cruiser
- Intrepid class - Long range explorer, light cruiser
- Galaxy class - Heavy cruiser, explorer, diplomatic platform
- California class - Utility support light cruiser
- Sovereign class - Heavy cruiser, explorer, diplomatic platform
- Armstrong class - Tactical cruiser, light explorer
- Hoover class - Medical cruiser
- Sisko class - Explorer, light cruiser
- Sagan class - General purpose heavy cruiser
First fleet[]
The 1st fleet is comprised out of 112 vessels, based in the Sol system, operating as a permanently stationed unit of protection, defence, and support.
Among the classes the fleet is made up of is; multiple Federation attack fighters, anywhere between 9-12 Danube class runabouts, 2 Curiosity class, at least 1 Comet class, and multiple Armstrong class.
Second fleet[]
During the Dominion War in the earlier century, the 2nd fleet was a combined military force organised by the alliance. In the 25th century, the 2nd fleet remained a military unit but was only operated by Starfleet.
It was composed out of at least 600 starships as of the 25th century. The notable classes of its composition included; Galaxy class, Sovereign class, Osler class, Comet class, Curiosity class, and Federation attack fighters.
Third fleet[]
The third fleet was organised as a humanitarian aid focused unit under the jurisdiction of Starfleet medical. During the Iconian war, they transferred over two dozen hospital ships to the Klingons.
As of the 25th century, the third fleet is comprised out of at least 900 starships consisting of a multitude of classes including; Hoover class, California class, Wallenberg class, Danube class runabout, and Magee class.
Fourth fleet[]
The 4th fleet was assigned the role of within-border support to fleets, planets, affiliated colonies, and etc. It was comprised out of around 620 starships and consisted of classes including; California class, Wallenberg class, Parliament class, Danube class runabout, Hoover class, Magee class.
Fifth fleet[]
During the Dominion War in the earlier century, the 5th fleet was a combined military force organised by the alliance. In the 25th century, the 5th fleet remained a military unit but was only operated by Starfleet.
It was composed out of at least 300 starships as of the 25th century and consisted of numerous ship types including; Comet class, Armstrong class, Sisko class, Federation attack fighters, and Curiosity class.
Sixth fleet[]
The sixth fleet was organised as a humanitarian aid focused unit under the jurisdiction of Starfleet medical and Starfleet Diplomatic corp. It was comprised out of at least 600 starships of types such as; Hoover class, California class, Danube class runabout, and Magee class.
Seventh fleet[]
The 7th fleet was assigned the role of deep space exploration and within/outside borders and for diplomatic missions. It was comprised out of at least 900, likely more, starships consisting of Intrepid class, Sovereign class, B'Elanna class, Armstrong class, Sisko class, Galaxy class, Curiosity class, and Comet class. This was considered a most prestigious posting among cadets.
Eighth fleet[]
The eighth fleet was assigned the role of within-border support to ships, installations and planets. Specifically in relation to engineering and science/medical matters.
It was comprised out of at least 415 starships consisting of; Hoover class, Parliament class, Magee class, Danube class runabout.
Ninth fleet[]
The 9th fleet is organised as a large unit of short-long term tactical mission profiliers. It was comprised out of at least 98 starships.
Resident ship classes include; Osler class, Curiosity class, Comet class, and Sovereign class.
Tenth fleet[]
The 10th fleet was organised as a deep space exploratory team with secondary missions in diplomacy and frontline defense (if the situation calls for it).
The unit was comprised out of 900 starships consisting of; Intrepid class, Sovereign class, B'Elanna class, Galaxy class, Curiosity class, and Comet class.
Other units[]
- Battle Group Alpha: Twelve ships, organised as an unknown unit, comprised out of Osler class and Danube class runabouts.
- Battle Group Omega: Nine ships, organised as a rapid response unit, consisting of Intrepid class, Armstrong class, Curiosity class, and Osler class.
- Battle Group Beta: Six ships, organised as short-term hit and run attackers, consisting exclusively of Federation attack fighters.
- Reserve fleet: Starfleet also has 1,230 vessels in reserve, which is known informally as the Phantom Fleet, or the Ghost fleet. The reserves are for backup in time of battle, and for other shifting reasons when quick replacements are needed in established fleets.
Bases and installations[]
Starfleet operates at least 780 starbase facilities set aside for resupply of the service's vessels and the relaxation of vessel crews. In addition, the service also maintained facilities beyond Federation territory. The most well-known of these is Deep Space 9, in the Alpha Quadrant. Other starbases include Starbase earhart, Starbase K-9, Starbase 375, Starbase 1, multiple space-dock types, and etc.
The service also maintained a number of shipyards at which it constructed its vessels and designed and tested new vessels and vessel types. Among the most famous of these shipyards were:
- Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, located in orbit around Mars. (destroyed in 2385: rebuilt by 2410)
- San Francisco Fleet Yards, located in orbit around Earth
- Beta Antares Ship Yards, located in the Antares sector
- 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards
Training facilities[]
Apart from Starfleet Academy, on Earth, the service also maintained several training facilities for both officers and enlisted personnel. These included a number of Academy annexes, located in different systems. Known annexes were Starfleet Academy (Beta Aquilae II), Starfleet Academy (Beta Ursae Minor II), and Starfleet Academy (Psi Upsilon III).
The service also maintained at least one testing facility to evaluate prospective Starfleet Academy undergraduates for admission into the academy. This facility was located on the planet Relva VII.
Starfleet Academy also had a training program for enlisted personnel. In addition, at least one other such facility was located on Mars, known as the Starfleet Technical Services Academy.
Member worlds[]
In the 25th century, at least 184 worlds were officially members of the Federation with several other planets petitioning for membership and somee undergoing the initial processes.
They maintain hundreds of embassies and consulates (one on each member world plus on various non-alligned planets).
Starfleet operates buildings in San Francisco, Paris, New York, Tokyo, and Australia.
Direct commanding authority over Starfleet was a power of the Federation President. In addition, the Federation Council, the Federation's legislature, often directly influenced the service's operations and even issued orders on occasion. The day-to-day operations of the service were managed by Starfleet Command, under a commander in chief.
- Federation President
- Fleet Admiral Kirsten Clancy (commander in chief)
- Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (humanitarian/diplomatic fleet commander; formerly retired currently reinstated)
- Commodore Oh (director of Starfleet Intelligence; formerly)
- Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway
- Admiral Owen Paris (resigned)
- Commodore Geordi La Forge (director of Starfleet Engineering Corps)