The Federation Starfleet, also referred to as Starfleet, is the deep space exploratory and defense service maintained by the United Federation of Planets specifically in a version of the 26th century.
Its principal functions included the advancement of Federation knowledge about the galaxy and its inhabitants, and advancement of science and technology. Starfleet's secondary duties included the defense of the Federation, and the facilitation of Federation diplomacy.
Species with current representatives in Starfleet[]
- Tamarians
- Humans
- Klingons
- Romulans
- Vulcans
- Tellarites
- Cyborgs
- Osnullus
- Betazoids
- Andorians
- Betelgeusians
- Bolians
- Boslics
- Xindi
- Brunali
- Caitians
- Deltans
- Edosians
- Efrosians
- Elaysians
- Exocomps
- Ferengi
Starfleet's function was to explore unknown territory on the behalf of the Federation government, to defend the Federation and its allies from threats, to further Federation policies and interests throughout interstellar space, and, when applicable, to initiate first contact with newly-discovered worlds and to engage in diplomatic negotiations on the behalf of the Federation.
As per its mandate of deep-space exploration, its personnel were frequently brought into contact with cultures and sentient species whose existences were unknown to the Federation. Starfleet officers therefore acted as official representatives of the Federation in these cases. Starfleet vessels were also frequently used to ferry ambassadors on diplomatic missions.
It's duties expanded with the advent of wide spread time travel technology to include; monitoring use of time travel methods, watching the time stream for abnormalities, upholding and enforcement of the temporal accords.
- Temporal Liberation Front
- Vorgons
- Sphere builders
- Borg
- Breen Confederacy
- Na'kuhl
- Species 8472
- Dominion (Peace treaty)
Fleet Analysis[]
Starship classes[]
Like most federation eras, 26th century Starfleet of this timeline maintains 15 active starship classes fitted for warp travel. Although only the following have been seen;
- Universe class
- Dauntless class
- Columbia class
- Paladin class
- Theseus class
- La Sirena class
- Cestus class
- Andromeda class
- Yeager class
- Victorian class
Timeship classes[]
First fleet[]
The 1st fleet is comprised out of 900 starships organised as humanitarian aid focused unit with priorities in medical, infrastructural support, engineering, and sciences.
It is comprised out of classes such as Andromeda class, La Sirena class, Paladin class, runabouts, Universe class.
Second fleet[]
The 2nd fleet is comprised out of 3,000 starships organised as a exploration unit beyond Federation borders. With secondary missions in diplomacy, Starfleet infrastructural expansion.
It is comprised out of several classes including; Victorian class, Universe class, Dauntless class, Theseus class, Andromeda class, Columbia class, and an unknown type.
Third fleet[]
The 3rd fleet is comprised out of 2,500 starships organised as a military unit with priorities in defense of Federation borders, taking aggressive and defensive action as ordered with secondary missions in within-border diplomacy.
It is comprised out of several classes including; Columbia class, Yeager class, Dauntless class, Andromeda class.
Fourth fleet[]
The fourth fleet is comprised out of 900 starships organised as a humanitarian aid focused unit with priorities in medical, colony transport/assistance, infrastructural support, engineering, and sciences.
It includes classes such as; Andromeda class, La Sirena class, Paladin class, Theseus class, and Cestus class.
Fifth fleet[]
The newest addition to Starfleet. The fifth fleet is organised as the Temporal arm of the federation responsible for enforcing the temporal accords and taking part in the Temporal Cold War.
It is comprised out of two classes; Chronos class and Ouroboros class. The fleet numbers around 300 in total.
Reserve fleet[]
Starfleet maintains a reserve fleet serving as a backup in time of battle, and for other shifting reasons when quick replacements are needed in established fleets.
It is comprised out of multiple classes including; Universe class, Paladin class, Cestus class, Andromeda class, and Yeager class. Totalling around 1,234.