The Federation Starfleet is the deep space exploratory and armed services department of the Federation in a possible 29th century.
Starfleet's function was to explore unknown territory on the behalf of the Federation government, to defend the Federation and its allies from threats, to further Federation policies and interests throughout interstellar space, and, when applicable, to initiate first contact with newly-discovered worlds and to engage in diplomatic negotiations on the behalf of the Federation.
As per its mandate of deep-space exploration, its personnel were frequently brought into contact with cultures and sentient species whose existences were unknown to the Federation. Starfleet vessels were also frequently used to ferry ambassadors on diplomatic missions.
It's duties expanded with the advent of time travel technology to include; monitoring use of time travel methods, watching the time stream for abnormalities, and patrolling the timeline.
- General (chief tacticians and fleet officers)
- Admiral (administrative directors)
- Commodore (division heads)
- Captain (Ship commanders)
- Commander (First officers)
- Lieutenant Commander (ship department heads)
- Lieutenant Junior Grade
- Ensign (commissioned officer)
- Cadet (commissioned trainee)
- Crewman (enlisted officer restricted to entry level duties)
Operational divisions[]
- Exploration: Humans/Orions
- Engineering: Humans/Voth/Romulans
- Defense: Andorians/Humans/Klingons
- Operational support: Hysperians/Tellarites/Talarians
- Research: Vulcans/Humans/Romulans
- Medical: Denobulans
- Administration: Humans/Vulcans
Fleet analysis[]
Space station classes[]
Starship classes[]
Like most Starfleet eras, 29th century Starfleet maintains at least fifteen active starship design types.
- Avalon class - Heavy colony transport
- Warbird class - Tactical cruiser
- Monaveen class - Explorer
- Excelsior class - Heavy cruiser
- Centaur class - Light cruiser
- Typhuss class - Heavy carrier cruiser
- D'deridex class - Heavy science cruiser and warship
- Magic class - Heavy utility cruiser
- Sao Paulo class - Escort
- Aenar class - Science cruiser + support carrier
- Callister class - Light cruiser
- Concorde class - Explorer + diplomatic cruiser
- McCoy class - Medical frigate
- Thunderchild class - Explorer
- Raven class - Short range science + survey cruiser
Timeship classes[]
- Wells class - Temporal light cruiser
- Frog class - Wells class variant
- Paragon class - Temporal dreadnought
- Mobius class - Temporal heavy cruiser
Shuttle classes[]
- Aeon class - One-man temporal vessel
- Talon class - Runabout
- Delta class - Shuttlecraft
- Argo class - Shuttlecraft
- Solvang class - Shuttlecraft
First fleet[]
The 1st fleet was assigned the role of exploration and stellar documentation outside of Federation borders while setting up indefinite space assets there.
It is comprised out of at least 600 starships consisting of Concorde class, Thunderchild class, Callister class and Magic class.
Second fleet[]
The 2nd fleet was assigned to humanitarian aid, routine support, and large-scale population movements within Federation borders. It is comprised out of at least 300 starships including types such as; Excelsior class, D'deridex class, Magic class, Aenar class, and Raven class.
Third fleet[]
The 3rd fleet was assigned humanitarian relief and large-scale population movements outside Federation borders offering aid to allies and anyone else in need. Transporting civilians and resources to potential colony sites was also a task of this fleet.
It is comprised out of at least 900 starships including types such as; Avalon class, Raven class, McCoy class, Excelsior class, Magic class, and Callister class.
Fourth fleet[]
The 4th fleet is organised as a deep space capable military wing against the borg prepared for rapid response anywhere in Federation territory in large numbers.
It is comprised out of at least 1,254 starships including classes such as; Warbird class, Centaur class, D'deridex class, and Sao Paulo class.
Fifth fleet[]
The 5th fleet is organised as a support unit ferrying people of interest and importance around as well as delivering new supplies, personnel, and support vehicles to Starfleet in deep space.
It is comprised out of at least 112 vessels including; Aenar class and Typhuss class.
Sixth fleet[]
The 7th fleet is organised as a military response unit focusing primarily against neighboring empires such as Tholians and the Breen Confederacy. It is comprised out of around 900 starships including such as D'deridex class, Warbird class, Centaur class, and including attack fighters.
Seventh fleet[]
It is assigned the role of an exploratory arm focusing on deep space with interests in first contact and establishing diplomatic relations with them.
The 7th fleet is comprised out of at least 900 starships including types such as; Monaveen class, Thunderchild class, Concorde class, spread out over light years of space.
Eighth fleet[]
The 8th fleet is designated as a stationary home fleet with units and task forces located in the Andorian star system, Vulcan, Alpha Centauri, Sol system, Tellarite star system, and Benzar. It is comprised out of 216 vessels of such classes as; Warbird class, Sao Paulo class, Centaur class, and Typhuss class.
Tenth fleet[]
The 10th fleet is organised as a support unit to Starfleet's frontline forces and is comprised out of around 900 starships including classes such as Magic class, Aenar class, McCoy class, Excelsior class, and Callister class.
Eleventh fleet[]
The eleventh fleet is organised as a gross reserve unit which are for backup in time of battle, and for other shifting reasons when quick replacements are needed in established fleets. It is comprised out of 2,800 starships of every active class but also two older types no longer in production.
Twelve fleet[]
The 12th fleet is organised as a deep space exploration unit operating outside of Federation space with classes such as; Avalon class, Thunderchild class, Concorde class, and Monaveen class. It numbers around 600 starships.
Time fleet[]
The "Time Fleet" was assigned the role of monitoring and patrolling the timeline protecting it from alteration while simultaneously observing historical events. It is comprised out of 629 vessels of such classes as; Wells class, Frog class, Paragon class and Mobius class.
Other equipment[]
- As a condition on entry to the Federation, member worlds donate resources with the amount depending to their Gross Planetary Product. Worlds that are very “wealthy” like Earth donate massively, less wealthy worlds donate less, but they all share equally in the benefits of membership such as defense against threats and the sharing of technologies.