The Federation Starfleet, also referred to as Starfleet, is the deep space exploratory and defense service maintained by the United Federation of Planets specifically in the 32nd century within the Alpha, Beta, and Delta Quadrants.
Its principal functions included the advancement of Federation knowledge about the galaxy and its inhabitants, and advancement of science and technology. Starfleet's secondary duties included the defense of the Federation, and the facilitation of Federation diplomacy.
Recent fleet history/missions[]
Since the Burn's decimation of universal forces, Starfleet has been mostly dedicated to putting out fires over what remains of the Federation.
In the year 3189, Captain L'Teis Kardashev is assigned to deliver extra shields to Reilling VII to protect against solar flares. Captain Rahma delivered replicator technology to Kaijur XII, which has a severe food shortage. Captain Bandra of the USS Le Guin was assigned to the two-month-long supply run to Na'Seth. The planet Argeth has been placed on yellow alert due to a potential impending threat from the Emerald Chain in the forthcoming 12 hours.
Starfleet sends a fleet of starships to Kaminar who was under threat of Emerald Chain military action.
A large number of fleet resources have been commited to mining operations specifically relating to Theta Zeta. In 3190, numerous ships of the fleet have been assigned routine delivery roles in supplying member worlds and associates as well as anyone else in need with dilithium. USS Discovery and her crew has been largely commited to diplomatic missions thereby reestablishing peaceful relations with species lost during the Burn or had previously abandoned all contact with the Federation due to no confidence.
5 months into 3190 and the existing fleet is undergoing technological retrofits as well as the next generation of starships being built. Some effort has also been made in order to clean up wreckage from old Starfleet ships cluttering up space and the Transwarp network.
A cadet training mission aboard a Type 6A shuttlecraft travels to a previously uncharted moon in order to engage in a 6 hour planetary survey.
Starfleet hosts an assembly with representatives from all four quadrants of the galaxy including members of the Federation, the Sarrotheyn, Ckaptir, Deakohn, Facians, Hornish, Xindi-Insectoids, the Dominion, the United Earth, Brunali, Caatati, Kazon, and Talaxians to discuss the threat of the Iconians and methods to destroy the artificially created primordial wormhole. The United Earth suggested to launch a massive armada at the Iconians effectively starting another war with them, however, this time the allied forces vessel's would be equipped with next generation spore drives allowing them to near-instantly travel to their extra-universal planet. They also proposed that Archer spacedock would be the headquarters of building such a large fleet. The Dominion stated they believed their efforts are better focused, at this time, destroying the anomaly also revealing they had fired 1,500 quantum torpedoes into it with no result. The Kazon and Ferengi commented how much latinum they had spent trying to figure out the location of the Iconians and the Federation was adamant about finding a diplomatic solution given the Iconian's technological superiority.
Starfleet's function was to explore unknown territory on the behalf of the Federation government, to defend the Federation and its allies from threats, to further Federation policies and interests throughout interstellar space, and, when applicable, to initiate first contact with newly-discovered worlds and to engage in diplomatic negotiations on the behalf of the Federation.
As per its mandate of deep-space exploration, its personnel were frequently brought into contact with cultures and sentient species whose existences were unknown to the Federation. Starfleet officers therefore acted as official representatives of the Federation in these cases. Starfleet vessels were also frequently used to ferry ambassadors on diplomatic missions.
Species with current representatives in Starfleet[]
- Betazoids
- Brunali
- Caitians
- Tamarians
- Tellarites
- Kweijan
- Kelpiens
- Osnullus
- Barzan
- Risians
- Denobulans
- Humans
- Saurians
- Vulcans
- Romulans
- Trill
- Talaxians
- Xindi
- Ba’ul
- Alshain
Former/Unknown species representatives[]
- Andorians
- Antarans
- Arcturians
- Cardassians
- Klingons
- Argosians
- Arkenites
- Bajorans
- Betelgeusians
- Bolians
- Boslics
- Deltans
- Edosians
- Efrosians
- Elaysians
- Exocomps
- Ferengi
- Haliians
- Kaelons
- K'normians
- Napeans
- Orions
- Pelians
- Phylosians
- Rhaandarites
- Rigelians
- Rotciv
- Soong-type android
- Tiburonians
- Tyrellians
- Zakdorns
- Zaldans
- Zaranites
- Emerald Chain (formerly; dissolved)
- Dominion (Gamma Quadrant - friendly terms)
- Borg
- Breen Confederacy
- Hirogen
- Species 8472
Fleet analysis[]
Small craft classes[]
Ship classes[]
Like is the case in most Starfleet eras, the 32nd century Starfleet maintains at least fifteen active starship classes. As of the 3190s, several types were retired from active production or heavy rotation but were still kept on the active duty role for lesser missions or in case of large scale response. New designs were commissioned in place of them to fill the void left.
- Apogee class - Scout + Patrol + Escort
- Oracle class - Support + Agricultural habitat
- Courage class - Command level science ship
- Noble class - Capital heavy cruiser
- California class - Exploration
- Worf class - Capital cruiser
- Janeway class - Mid-level cruiser + Long-range explorer
- Mariner class - Heavy cruiser
- Nautilus class - Scout + Civilian transport + speed freighter
- Nog class - Survey + science
- Crimson Light class - Light medical cruiser + scout
- Yang class - Mid-size cruiser
- Kepler class - Heavy medical
- Friendship class - Explorer
- Crusher class - Medical
- Tikhov class - Seed vault
- Cuyahoga class - Exploration
- Crossfield class - Science + rapid reactionary (suspended as all models destroyed; ongoing research to revitalise class taking place)
3190 foreign additions[]
Newly active starship classes under Starfleet authority thanks to new memberships in the Federation. Regarded as separate from pure Starfleet designed, constructed, and operated classes.
- Ni'var Razors - Attack ships
- Spock class - Heavy cruisers
- Cretak class - Heavy transport + science cruisers
- Coloma class - Mining ships
Starfleet operates a small yet very advanced fleet of ships some of which have remained in service since the burn while others have been taken out of mothball status or historical museums and have been retrofitted for modern standards.
As of 3189[]
- Home fleet: This fleet serves to protect, be at the instant disposal of, comprise, and power Federation HQ. It totals around 21 starships plus a large yet unidentified number of shuttlecraft which includes
- Active field fleet: It totals around 29 starships plus an unidentified number of shuttlecraft which includes
- At least 2 Oracle class
- 1 Nautilus class
- 1 Crossfield class (formerly; destroyed)
- 1 Tikhov class
- At least 4 Nog class
- At least 2 Janeway class
- At least 1 Cuyahoga class
- At least 1 Verity class
- At least 2 Worf class
- At least 5 Apogee class
- At least 3 Courage class
- At least 6 California class
- Rapid defense fleet: A small flotilla organised for rapid response against enemy attacks against Federation members designed to "hold the line" until larger reinforcements can arrive. In 3189, this fleet was sent to Kaminar to defend it from Osyraa and the Emerald Chain.
- At least 2 Apogee class
- At least 5 Yellowstone class
As of 3190-present[]
- Home fleet: This remodeled fleet serves to protect and be at the instant disposal of Federation headquarters with substantially decreased numbers compared to previous organisation. It totals around 5 starships plus a large yet unidentified number of shuttlecraft which includes
- New additions: During the 3190s, Starfleet gained a number of new vessels with some coming in from new memberworlds like Ni'Var and some Starfleet has constructed themselves with their new Dilithium stock. It totals around 20 or so starships which include
- 9 Ni'var Razors - curtesy of Ni'var
- One Noble class
- 3 Spock class - curtesy of Ni'var (one destroyed)
- At least 2 Crusher class
- At least 1 Cretak class
- At least 1 Coloma class
- At least 1 Yang class
- At least 1 Crimson Light class
- At least 1 Kepler class
- At least 1 Friendship class
- At least 1 Burnham class
- Relay station fleet: This fleet was commisioned when news of Relay Station 47's operational status reached Starfleet command thanks to Michael Burnham. It totals around 3 starships plus an unidentified number of Shuttlecraft.
- DS253 fleet: It totals around 5 starships plus an unknown number of shuttlecraft.
- 1 Oracle class
- 1 California class
- At least 3 Yellowstone class
- Expanded field fleet additions: As of 3190, the active field fleet expanded significantly due to the reduction of the home fleet at Federation Headquarters as well as newly built constructions and Ni'var contributions. Some of these vessels may appear in other sections but should not be double counted.
- 3 Spock class (one destroyed)
- At least 3 Crusher class
- At least 1 Cretak class
- At least 1 Coloma class
- 2 Courage class
- At least 1 Worf class
- 2 Nog class
- 2 California class
- 1 Janeway class
- 3 Mariner class
- 1 Nautilus class
- 2 Apogee class
- 1 Cuyahoga class
- At least 1 Yang class
- At least 1 Crimson Light class
- At least 1 Kepler class
- At least 1 Friendship class
- At least 1 Burnham class
- One Noble class
Bases and Installations[]
Deep Space 253, Repair beta six, various listening posts, Relay Station 47, Federation and Starfleet Headquarters, Deep Space outpost 36 and Deep Space outpost 72. As of 3190, Deep space outpost 72 has been abandoned.
The Archer Spacedock was commissioned in early 3190 to upgrade the existing fleet and become the staging ground for designing new classes and constructing the next generation Starfleet forces. Starbase 22 and Starbase 39-Tango has re established contact with the rebuilding Federation and thus were under proper Starfleet command again.
They maintain 84 small embassies (one on each member world plus on various non-aligned planets).
Member worlds[]
38 including: Kaminar, Barzan II, Argeth, Denobula, Beta VI, Kaijur XII, Na’Seth, Reilling VII, Benthos IV, unnamed Kili homeworld, Talax.
As of late 3189; Kweijan, Titan, Ni’var, and Trill have joined/rejoined thus bringing the total up to 42 with numerous other worlds moving to join or considering. Later, it was confirmed by Michael Burnham that there are 59 member worlds as of 3190 indicating that over a comparatively small time frame 17 more planets have officially joined. Once successful contact with species 10-c was made, Earth was in diplomatic talks to rejoin as well as Andor.
Numerous including: Sanctuary 1-4, the Coridanite Colony discovered and helped by temporally displaced USS Discovery (pre retrofit), Tulgana IV, Alpha Centauri, and Tendara colony.
- Theta-Zeta (sole dilithium nursery)
Direct commanding authority over Starfleet was a power of the Federation President. In addition, the Federation Council, the Federation's legislature, often directly influenced the service's operations and even issued orders on occasion. The day-to-day operations of the service were managed by Starfleet Command, under a commander in chief.
- Federation President Laira Rallik
- Fleet Admiral Charles Vance (commander in chief)
- Admiral Senna Tal (deceased: former rear admiral)
- Admiral Rahma (vice admiral)
- Commodore Paris (Director of Starfleet Medical)
- Commodore Kovich (Head of Section 31)
- Commodore Audrey Willia (Director of Starfleet Security)
- Fleet Admiral Charles Vance (commander in chief)