Memory Delta Wiki

Typhuss is reviewing the evidence that was recorded as well as the footage and gives instructions to the computer.

Computer, begin visual playback of the footage Typhuss says as he looks at the screen.

Working the computer says in its female voice.

The footage plays as Typhuss has his arms folded watching it when John enters his office.

Watching the footage John says as he joins him.

Typhuss turns to him.

Yeah I am, I need to do something anything to help Typhuss says as he looks at John.

John turns to him.

I've got Beverly doing an autopsy on the body of the Starfleet officer but it may take awhile John says as he looks at Typhuss as they're watching the footage.

Typhuss looks at John.

I appreciate that, really I do Typhuss says as he looks at John.

The footage freezes.

Computer what's wrong with the playback? Admiral Martin says as he speaks into the com.

Playback malfunction the computer says in its female voice.

Computer, what is the cause of the malfunction Typhuss says as he looks at the screen.

Unknown the computer says in its female voice.

They're both surprised by how it did that.

Computer reverse at time index 14:34 Admiral Martin says as he gives orders to the computer.

The screen shows the incident.

They see the Starfleet officer get shot by gunfire as they see Helen and Kate.

Computer freeze they have their guns drawn but that doesn't make any sense Helen respects Starfleet John says as he looks at Typhuss.

Both men are confused by this.

They wouldn't kill that officer, that really isn't prove and this looks fake to me Typhuss says as he looks at John.
