At the apartment in Star City Helen is sleeping as Typhuss walks to the bed and looks at her.
Typhuss kisses Helen on the forehead then walks out of the bedroom to do some work, as she smiles and turns over.
Typhuss is in the living room working on some reports on his desktop monitor as he is sitting on the couch.
Helen walks into the living room and walks over to Typhuss.
Good morning darling, do you want some breakfast Helen says as she looks at him.
Typhuss looks at Helen.
Sure, that would be nice Typhuss says as he looks at Helen.
Helen looks at him.
I will make you some pancakes Helen says as she looks at Typhuss then starts making the pancakes.
Then a few mintues later Helen is done making pancakes for herself and Typhuss.
Typhuss quickly finishes his pancakes as Helen looks at him.
What's the rush? asked Helen says as she looks at Typhuss.
Typhuss looks at her.
I have to get to Starfleet Command I have a big day ahead of me Typhuss says as he looks at Helen.
She looks at him.
All right, then have a great day at work Helen says as she looks at him.
Typhuss looks at her.
I will, see you later Typhuss says as he looks at Helen then kisses her on the cheek then walks out the door.