Memory Delta Wiki

Both the USS Intrepid and USS Valiant are side by side after dispatching a pair of Der'kal combat cruisers.

On the bridge of the Intrepid red lights are flashing as Commander Curtis reports.

Sensors show there's no sign of any remaining Der'kal combat cruisers in this sector sir, and the Valiant has confirmed it as well Commander Curtis says as she looks at her console then at Admiral Kira.

Admiral Kira goes to his center chair and gives Commander Jenkins the order to set a course back to Earth and turns to Commander Curtis for her to instruct the Valiant to follow.

Set a course back to Earth, Commander Curtis tell the Valiant to follow us Typhuss says as he looks at Commander Jenkins then at Commander Curtis.

Aye, sir Commander Curtis says as she inputs commands into the console.

Meanwhile at Earth both vessels are in orbit of Earth as the Home Fleet is in orbit as well.

At his apartment, Typhuss gets out of the shower and is wearing regular clothes and the doors chimed and he opened it and it was his mother Kim as he's surprised by this visit.

Hi mom, what are you doing here Typhuss says as he looks at her.

Kim enters.

I came to see you and needed to show you this it came from Admiral Janeway at Starfleet Command its your father Kim says as she looks at him.

They sit at the couch and she puts the device on the coffee table.

My father is dead, how could this be true Typhuss says as he looks at her.

She looks at him.

I don't know but if he is alive Typhuss you've got to bring him home Kim says as she looks at him.

Typhuss picks up the PADD and looks at it.

It says that these transmissions are coming from the Delta Quadrant, you want me to go back to the Delta Quadrant Typhuss says as he looks at her.

She nods at him.

If he's alive Typhuss you've got to bring him home to us Kim says as she looks at him.

Typhuss looks at his mom.

Do you have any idea how awful the Delta Quadrant was when I was lost there for 7 years, I will Typhuss says as he looks at his mom.
