Memory Delta Wiki

At one of the drydock berths the USS Intrepid is docked to get worked on and refitted with new technologies that SG teams have gained from trading with the people in the Milky Way Galaxy.

In his ready room Typhuss is looking at some reports when the doors chimed he looks up at them.

Come Typhuss says as he looks at the doors.

Doors opened and Admiral Martin enters the office.

Hey I stopped by your place in Star City you weren't there so I had to guess that you were up here hiding from the reporters, and digging into your work do you ever take a break? John says as he looks at him as he sits in the chair in front of the desk.

Typhuss snickers a bit and explains what just happened.

Some woman just came to my apartment and told me she is my biological mother, cazy right Typhuss says as he looks at John.

He looks at him.

Very crazy John says as he looks at him.

Typhuss looks at him.

Just some nut playing a mind game on me Typhuss says as he looks at John.

He looks at him.

Maybe who knows John says as he looks at Typhuss.

Meanwhile at the Halliwell Manor Kim is sitting with Patty and Victor.

You didn't tell my son about me or that he was adopted Kim says as she looks at Patty.

Patty looks at her.

No, we never found the right time to tell him Patty says as she looks at Kim.

Piper walks into the house.

Oh Kim I didn't know you were visiting what's going on? Piper says as she looks at them.

Victor looks at his daughter.

I need to tell you something, Typhuss is adopted Victor says as he looks at Piper.

Piper looks at her dad.

Typhuss is adopted, why would you keep this from me and does Typhuss know Piper says as she looks at her dad.

Victor shakes his head.

No he doesn't Kim tried to tell him but he didn't believe her where is he? Victor says as he looks at her.

She looks at them.

He's on the Intrepid overseeing its repairs and refit Piper says as she looks at them.

In his ready room Typhuss is working on stuff when the doors chimed he looks at them.

Come Typhuss says as he looks at the doors.

They opened and Kira enters the ready room.

Hey you Kira says as she looks at him.

Typhuss smiles.

Hi honey, this is a nice surprise Typhuss says as he looks at Kira.

She looks at him.

I thought you might be getting bored looking at reports of repairs and the refit Kira says as she looks at Typhuss.

Typhuss looks at Kira.

I am, we are also getting 40 new MACO officers Typhuss says as he looks at Kira.

She looks at him.

Nice Kira says as she looks at him.

He looks at her.

Yeah, so how are you Kira, I miss you Typhuss says as he looks at Kira.

She looks at him.

I'm good been in meetings Kira says as she looks at him.

He looks at her.

I have been overseeing the repairs and refit Typhuss says as he looks at Kira.

She smiles at her husband.

Yeah Kira says as she looks at him.

He looks at her as he goes to the replicator to order two drinks.

Two cups of jumja tea Typhuss says as he looks at the replicator.

The replicator makes the two cups of tea and Typhuss hands Kira her cup.

Thanks Kira says as she looks at him.

He sits in the chair behind his desk.

Your welcome, did you come here to play or do you need something Typhuss says as he looks at Kira and takes a sip of his jumja tea.

She looks at him.

I am only joking Kira, its good that you are here and I have really missed you Typhuss says as he looks at Kira.

She smiles.

I've missed you too Kira says as she looks at him.

She sips her tea.

Typhuss looks at Kira.

I have a lot of work to do Typhuss says as he looks at Kira.

She looks at him.

Ok, I will let you get back to work and I will see you later Kira says as she looks at Typhuss.

He smiles at her as she leaves his ready room then Piper enters his ready room.

Hey you busy? Piper asked as she looks at him.

He smiles at his sister.

A little bit but I can make time for my sister Typhuss says as he looks at Piper.

She walks over to the desk and sits in front of the desk.

Mom and dad told me what happened this morning Piper says as she look at him.

He looks at her.

It was nothing, really just some cazy woman Typhuss says as he looks at Piper.

Typhuss looks at Piper.

You are worried about me aren't you Typhuss says as he looks at Piper.

She looks at him.

Yes I am, you need to see mom and dad, please come with me Piper says as she looks at Typhuss.

Typhuss puts the PADD down and thinks and chimes in.

All right, let's go Typhuss says as he looks at Piper then gets up from his chair.

They leave his ready room and head to the transporter room.

Meanwhile Lex is watching the news when Gina enters his office.

I thought I asked not to be disturbed? Lex asked as he turns to her.

She walks over to him and chimes in.

Mr. Luthor you have to see this its footage from Admiral Kira's apartment Gina says as she looks at him.

He takes the isolinear chip and inserts it into the recorder and the screen shows the footage from Admiral Kira's apartment as he paused it and it zooms in on the woman and Lex chimes in.

Who is the woman? asked Lex as he looks at Gina.

Gina chimes in.

Unknown but she was at the Admiral's apartment for a few hours before she was thrown out by him Gina says as she looks at the screen then at Lex.

Lex leans back in his chair thinking.
