Memory Delta Wiki

At the Halliwell Manor Typhuss and Piper beams down to the house and Patty and Victor smile.

Typhuss you've got a lot of questions that need to be answered and we'll answer them to the best of our ability but understand that we still love you with all our heart and soul Patty says as she looks at him.

They sit down as Victor chimes in and explains it.

Typhuss, you are adopted Victor says as he looks at Typhuss.

Typhuss looks at his dad.

I'm adopted, is that true? Typhuss says as he looks at his mom.

Patty looks at Typhuss.

Yes, its true, your biological mother is Kim Roberts, she is a old family friend Patty says as she looks at Typhuss.

Patty chimes in.

Typhuss she had issues back then after your father died in the Battle of Sector 001 she couldn't afford to keep three kids and so she asked us to adopt you because you enjoyed our company while your father was away on missions and assignments, but we still love you no matter what your last name is Patty says as she looks at him.

Typhuss smiles and hugs Patty, Victor, and his adopted sisters.

We love you Typhuss and we always will Piper says as she smiles at him.

Typhuss chimes in.

I love you too, I turned her away I thought she was just a crazy woman now I have to find her Typhuss says as he looks at Piper.

Piper nods and he leaves to go find Kim.

At a local bar Kim is drinking three bottles of vodka.

Typhuss walks into the bar and sees Kim, he walks over to her and sits down next to her.

Typhuss looks at Kim.

Hi mom Typhuss says as he looks at Kim.

Kim turns to him and chimes in.

Typhuss hey Kim says as she looks at him.

He turns to her.

I talked to my adoptive parents, they told me the truth, you are my mother Typhuss says as he looks at Kim.

Kim chimes in.

Yeah its true please understand that after your father died in that uncalled for battle we lost everything my job shutdown when word that the Borg were coming to attack Earth again, and not to mention the so call "Dominion attack" in 2372 and I didn't want an abusive family to get you so I turned to the one family I trust and that was my friends Patty and Victor we sobbed for hours when we heard Voyager was lost with all hands I almost lost myself but your adopted sister Prue kept me from going down that deep dark path Kim says as she looks at him.

He looks at her.

I was lost in the Delta Quadrant for 7 years, I survived the Borg, Hirogen, Kazon, Malon, Vaadwaur, Species 8472, Vidiians, Hazari, and Devore, you know why because I am a survivor and a fighter Typhuss says as he looks at Kim.

Kim chimed in.

Yeah you are so do I have any grandkids? Kim says as she looks at him.

He looks at her and chimes in.

Yes, some from other women that I have dated or have been married to Typhuss says as he looks at Kim.

Kim looks at him.

Interesting Kim says as she looks at him.

Typhuss chimes in.

Yeah, its a long story Typhuss says as he looks at Kim.

Meanwhile their being watched by Gina who is in a shuttle.

In Lex's office their listening to the audio as Lex chimes in.

So this woman is Typhuss's biological mother Lex says as he looks at Gina.

Gina chimes in.

It seems that way Mr. Luthor Gina says as she looks at him.

Lex smirks and chimes in.

Well its to time to go after his real family and kill them Lex says as he looks at Gina.

They look at the footage.
