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The message plays over again.

Atlantis, this is Replicator Weir, I propose that we form a alliance, I know where several ZPMs and Aurora-class ships are in this galaxy, in exchange for helping the Federation defeat the Der'kal Empire, I await your answer Replicator Weir says over the com again.

On the bridge of the Ares Admiral Martin is hearing the message.

Why would she be asking to form an alliance? Admiral Martin says as he spoke into the com.

In the ops center of Starbase Atlantis Typhuss chimes in.

To help us defeat the Der'kal Empire and give us ZPMs and Aurora-class ships Typhuss says as he talks into the com.

General Carter chimes in.

I don't trust her this could be a trap Typhuss Sam says as she looks at him.

Chuck chimes in.

We're being hailed Chuck says as he looks at them.

General Carter chimes in.

Chuck don't answer that hail General Carter says as she looks at him.

He looks at her.

Ma'am Chuck says as he looks at her.

She looks at him.

You heard me Chuck General Carter says as she looks at him.

Typhuss looks at her.

What do you think you are doing Sam, you aren't in command of the expedition and the starbase anymore, on screen Typhuss says as he looks at Sam then at Chuck.

Chuck inputs commands into the console and Replicator Weir appears on the viewscreen.

Its about time you hailed I was beginning to worry Replicator Weir says on the viewer.

Typhuss chimes in.

Sorry about that, now why do you want to help us Typhuss says as he looks at Replicator Weir on the viewscreen.

Because you defeated Oberoth and the Asuran Replicators and that gave us room to focus on our goal of ascension, and we wanted to repay you for that Replicator Weir says on the screen.

Typhuss looks at Sam then back at the screen and chimes in.

Let me talk to the other members about your alliance and I will get back to you Typhuss says as he looks at Replicator Weir on the viewscreen.

She nods and ends the transmission.

Chuck recall the ships we need to talk General Carter says as she looks at him.

He nods and sends the message.

In the briefing room the others are hearing this.

I am against this idea we don't need them all the Replicators care about is destroying all life in both the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies Colonel Wilson says as she looks at them.

Admiral Martin chimes in.

I've read the reports from Doctor Weir's time as commanding officer of this starbase when they allied with the Wraith it didn't end well for them Admiral Martin says as he chimes in about this idea of an alliance.

I don't need you two telling me that the Replicators are dangerous, I know and I am the commanding officer of this expedition and starbase, the decision is mine and mine alone, you all have your opinions and objections to this alliance, none of you can override or circumvent my authority, I am in command and Colonel Wilson if you don't like this idea of a alliance you and your crew can leave the expedition and return to the Milky Way galaxy Typhuss says as he looks at Colonel Wilson.

Colonel Sheppard chimes in.

I thought she was killed when the Asurans over ran her and the Replicator versions of my team Colonel Sheppard says as he looks at them.

McKay chimes in.

We saw their Puddle Jumper get shot down we thought they were all destroyed by them Doctor McKay says as he chimes in.

Teyla chimes in.

Don't we already have a ZPM one for this starbase the other for our second base and the other two for the defense outpost on Earth and for the Valiant to keep fighting the Der'kal? Teyla says as she looks at them.

Ronon chimes in.

I say we blow them up Ronon says as he looks at them.

Typhuss turns to Sam and asked for her opinion.

What do you think Sam? asked Typhuss as he looks at Sam.

She looks at him and chimes in.

I don't know, on the one hand she knows where several ZPMs and Aurora class ships are, on the other hand can we trust her Sam says as she looks at Typhuss.

Typhuss looks at Sam.

No, we can't but we can't past this up, the decision is mine and for right now we are doing this Typhuss says as he looks at them.

Typhuss looks at them.

Dismissed Typhuss says as he looks at them.

The others leave as Typhuss sits and is thinking about the idea of a alliance with Replicator Weir but John remains.

Typhuss you maybe commanding officer of this starbase but I am the ranking Admiral speaking for Starfleet Command on this matter, and I outrank you in case you forgotten and need I remind you that Admiral Janeway made the same alliance with the Borg Collective in the Delta Quadrant in 2374 and it blew up in her face we could be facing the same thing here John says as he looks at his friend.

He leaves the briefing room as Typhuss thinks about what John said.

The Asuran warship docks with the starbase.

On deck 23 a security team armed with ARGs are escorting Replicator Weir and two of her officers to the briefing room.

In the briefing room Vice Admiral Kira, Admiral Martin, General Carter, Colonels Wilson and Sheppard are at the table in their dress uniforms as Typhuss looks at Replicator Weir.

Now where are those ships and ZPMs, how did you find them Typhuss says as he looks at Replicator Weir.

She looks at him.

All in good time Admiral Replicator Weir says as she looks at him.

They sit down at the table.

How can you help us defeat the Der'kal Empire and their forces? Admiral Martin says as he looks at her.

She smirks and looks at them as she remains standing and explains the reason for this stab at diplomacy.

We can help defeat them with our Aurora class ships and our fleet Replicator Weir says as she looks at them.

Typhuss looks at her.

What stops you or the others from betraying us, how can I trust you for that matter Typhuss says as he looks at Replicator Weir.

Admiral Martin looks at her.

How can we trust you because after what the Wraith done to us in the past we're very skeptical about this Admiral Martin says as he looks at her.

Replicator Weir looks at them.

We have no reson to betray you, we just want to help defeat the Der'kal Empire Replicator Weir says as she looks at them.

Admiral Martin looks at her.

Speaking on behalf of Starfleet Command we have to send your proposal to our superiors and Federation President Admiral Martin says as he looks at her.

She thinks.

Very well Replicator Weir says as she looks at them.

She leaves the briefing room as security officers escorts them out.

We need to contact Starfleet Command and inform them of what is going on Admiral Martin says as he looks at them.

Typhuss looks at him.

Be my guest, tell them Typhuss says as he looks at John.

John looks at him.

I said we're going to brief them you're a Starfleet Admiral as well John says as he looks at Typhuss.

Typhuss looks at John.

I just hate briefings, not fun at all Typhuss says as he looks at John.

In the ops center the jumpgate is activated and Starfleet Command is on the viewscreen as they are surprised to hear that the Replicators are wanting to ally with the Federation to help defeat the Der'kal Empire as Fleet Admiral Akaar chimes in.

We can't accept her proposal we almost lost Earth due to an alliance with the Wraith that resulted in almost our near destruction Fleet Admiral Akaar says on the viewscreen.

Typhuss looks at Akaar.

She knows where several Aurora class ships and ZPMs are we can't pass this up, you don't have to remind me about our alliance with the Wraith I was there I know what happened Typhuss says as he looks at Akaar.

And you believe her? Fleet Admiral Akaar says on the viewscreen.

Typhuss looks at Akaar.

Up to a point sir, it is possible but she hasn't told us anything yet Typhuss says as he looks at Akaar.

I don't trust this proposal at all I recommend that you reject it and destroy her and her warship Fleet Admiral Akaar says on the viewscreen.

No sir, I will not do that Typhuss says as he looks at Akaar then walks over to a console and closes the channel.

John turns to him.

The briefing wasn't over John says as he looks at him.

Typhuss looks at John.

What is there left to talk about, this my command and I can close the channel if I want to, why don't you go back to Earth and finish the briefing Typhuss says as he looks at John.

He looks at him.

You're going to lose this command if you keep doing stuff like that Typhuss he's a Fleet Admiral you're a Vice Admiral do you want to end up like Kirk demoted back to Captain I suggest you stop with this cowboy crap and start acting like a Vice Admiral not make the same mistake Weir made with the Wraith! John says as he looks at Typhuss then walks out of the ops center.

Typhuss looks at John.

It dosen't matter what I do Akaar dosen't like me and he hates me! Typhuss says as he looks at John.
