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The Replicator warship is docked at Starbase Atlantis.

In the briefing room John is pacing about.

This is a bad idea we shouldn't even be speaking with her John says as he is pacing about still.

Typhuss looks at John.

Then you can go back to Earth, I don't need you here for this Typhuss says as he looks at John.

He looks at him.

I'm here representing Starfleet Command and if I say we're not agreeing to this you can't override me because I outrank you Vice Admiral John says as he looks at Typhuss.

Then Replicator Weir enters with two marines armed with ARGs escorting her into the briefing room.

Welcome back, ready to talk Typhuss says as he looks at Replicator Weir.

She nods and they sit down as she looks at them and explains why she's doing this and how she can help with the Der'kal.

You destroyed the Replicators during the Battle of Asuras and with Ancient warships we can help defeat the Der'kal Empire once and for all, come on you need allies Replicator Weir says as she looks at them.

Admiral Martin looks at her.

As the representive for Starfleet Command and the Federation Council you have to understand we got all the help we need from our allies in the Klingon, Romulan, and Cardassian governments and after being double crossed by the Wraith in the past and nearly losing Earth to the Borg during their invasion of the Alpha Quadrant in 2381 we are very cautious about excepting your offer for an alliance John says as he looks at Replicator Weir.

Replicator Weir looks at Admiral Martin.

Our ships are more powerful then your allies and I am willing to give the Federation Aurora class ships and ZPMs are you telling me that you don't want that Replicator Weir says as she looks at Admiral Martin.

Admiral Kira looks at her.

I want that, Admiral Martin thinks that this is a bad idea Typhuss says as he looks at Replicator Weir.

Admiral Martin looks at him.

Admiral Kira doesn't understand that I'm looking for what's best for the Federation Admiral Martin says as he looks at Admiral Kira and then Replicator Weir.

Typhuss looks at John.

I understand that, you are a fool John, we need those Aurora class ships and ZPMs but no you want to pass up the opportunity of a lifetime we may never have a chance like this again Typhuss says as he looks at John.

John looks at him.

I'm no fool I know what these things no offense have done look what they did to me they gave me those damn nanites that yes has slowed down my aging by 60 years, but I still get the look from our comrades people that we fought side by side with in some of the most brutal wars and they almost killed my daughter so don't you dare call me a fool Typhuss John says as he looks at him.

He leaves the briefing room as Typhuss feels like he hit a nerve with his friend that he didn't want to hit.

In the training room John is shooting the P90 at some holographic targets when General Carter enters and walks over to him.

You here to yell at me General? Admiral Martin says as he still is shooting at the targets.

General Carter looks at him.

No, to explain Typhuss's reasons, he doesn't want to lose those Aurora class ships and ZPMs can you blame him during the Ares incident you and your former crew destroyed a Aurora class ship and wanted to do the same to the Ares and yes sometimes Typhuss doesn't think before he speaks, I don't want to lose Lantean ships and ZPMs we could really use them Sam says as she looks at Admiral Martin.

John turned to her.

To keep them out of Wraith hands those were the orders keep any and all Ancient technology out of enemy hands, and it was 12 Aurora class ships that we destroyed before we found the Ares John says as he looks at Sam.

Sam looks at him.

You destroyed 12 Aurora class ships, anyway the Wraith can't use those ships they don't have the ATA gene and we could have used the ships do you see his point they were wrong orders Sam says as she looks at Admiral Martin.

He looks at her.

Its call reverse engineer and it was the orders of a Fleet Admiral John says as he looks at Sam.

Sam looks at him.

Give me a break, you are a officer that says yes sir to every order you don't even question the order now I understand Typhuss's philosophy, to hell with orders and following wrong orders is wrong Sam says as she looks at Admiral Martin.

He looks at her.

When it comes to an officer that outranks you and you're in hot water with then yes, because its a high ranking officer that has every power and authority to reassign you to a back water starbase so far off the star charts you couldn't find it with a squad of hunting dogs John says as he look at her.

Sam looks at him.

You have no backbone to stand up for yourself maybe you should be more like Typhuss Sam says as she looks at him.

He leaves the shooting range as Sam looks on.

The Ares emerges from hyperspace in an uncharted area of the Pegasus galaxy.

On the bridge Admiral Martin is sitting in the center chair.

We've arrived at the coordinates mind telling us where those ships are now Admiral Martin says as he looks at Replicator Weir.

She turns to him.

You still don't trust me do you Admiral? Replicator Weir asked as she looks at him.

He looks at her.

No not by a long shot and remember one wrong move you're gone Admiral Martin says as he looks at her.

He gets up and walks over to Rodney.

Doctor McKay anything on long range scanners? Admiral Martin asked as he look at him.

Doctor McKay checks the sensor scanners and reports.

Yes, they are on a planet dead ahead and I am also picking up the ZPMs Rodney says as he looks at Admiral Martin.

Admiral Martin looks at the helm officer.

Mehra take us in slowly Major Lorne be ready with weapons if we get attacked I want you to open up with everything we've got don't wait for my orders Admiral Martin says as he gives orders to Sergeant Mehra and Major Lorne.

Both officers comply with his orders.

The Ares enters orbit of the planet.

On the bridge McKay scans the surface to find where the battleships and the ZPMs are at and he reports.

They are inside a big outpost Rodney says as he looks at Admiral Martin.

Then Typhuss walks onto the bridge.

We've arrived and so far no sign of anything that could attack us, I've got Rodney scanning the surface for defense drones Admiral Martin says as he sits in the center chair.

Typhuss gathers a away team to head to the launch bay.

Sheppard, Teyla, Ronon, Sergeant Mehra and Major Lorne you're with me Typhuss says as he looks at them.

They head to the launch bay as other Atlantis personnel take the helm and navigational stations.

The ventral hatch opens and Jumper 23 flies down to the surface and cloaks to avoid getting shot down by defense systems.

In the cockpit Colonel Sheppard is at the pilot station as Admiral Kira is at the co-pilot station.

I understand the Admiral's position Typhuss and he's in a tight spot right now, and I know he wants what's best for the Federation Colonel Sheppard says as he looks at Typhuss.

Typhuss looks at John.

I want to protect the Federation that's my mission Typhuss says as he looks at John.

Sheppard looks at him.

And so does he but he doesn't want to take risks to do it Typhuss this is risky, how do we know we're not walking into a trap? Colonel Sheppard says as he looks at him.

The Puddle Jumper lands still cloaked.

In the outpost the team has the flashlights on their P90s shining a path for them.

Typhuss looks at Sheppard.

If this was a trap we would have been attacked when we took the Jumper, Admiral Martin's flaw is that he doesn't question his orders and he says yes sir to every order even if it is wrong Typhuss says as he looks at Sheppard.

He looks at him.

That's your friend Typhuss and its a Fleet Admiral I speak from experience dealing with superiors I was court martialed for going back for my friend Colonel Sheppard says as he looks at Typhuss.

Typhuss looks at Sheppard.

I make a good point, Admiral Martin won't stand up against Akaar and tell him no but I will, I learned not to follow wrong orders from my friend Jyn Erso a long time ago and she is still right about that Typhuss says as he looks at Sheppard.

Meanwhile in orbit of the planet.

On the bridge of the Ares Admiral Martin is looking out the window at the planet surface with his arms folded.

Rodney anything on long range? Admiral Martin says as he is still looking out the window.

Doctor McKay checks the sensors and reports.

Nothing, its all clear as far as I can tell Rodney says as he looks at Admiral Martin.

Admiral Martin folds his arms.

I don't like it we shouldn't even be here right now we should of destroyed her ship when we had the chance but no Vice Admiral Kira wants to risk an alliance with the enemy Admiral Martin says as he looks out the window.

Rodney looks at him.

I may not be a Starfleet officer but I know when its right to trust someone we trusted Todd and he helped us defeat the Asurans Rodney says as he looks at him.

Admiral Martin looks at him.

Its wrong to disobey orders that means an immediate court martial and placed in the stockades, every Starfleet officer is trained to obey orders without question no matter if its wrong or not and did you know what happened after the Enterprise returned to Earth for a full debrief we were placed on stem bolt escort for an entire month escorting nothing but engineering parts! Admiral Martin says as he looks at Rodney.

Meanwhile on the surface the away team is searching through the outpost.

Typhuss takes out his tricorder and starts starts scanning for the Lantean battleships.

Typhuss looks at John.

I found something, it is a Aurora-class battleship and there are a lot of them in hangars it appears to be 60 ships, this place is a gold mine Typhuss says as he looks at Sheppard.

Colonel Sheppard looks at him.

The Ares is in orbit of the planet.

On Earth at Starfleet Command Admiral Martin who traded places with Fleet Admiral Akaar via the stones is briefing Admirals Janeway, Cornwell, Cain, and Riker of their findings.

Its 60 Aurora-class battleships from what Typhuss told me they appear to be in hangers but they can't access them Admiral Martin says as he looks at them.

Admiral Cain looks at him.

Give Typhuss time to open the doors to the hangers, a few hours Helena says as she looks at Admiral Martin.

He looks at her.

Or we could blow them up and destroy Replicator Weir and her crew while we still have a chance Admiral Martin says as he looks at her.

Kathryn looks at John.

No, you already did that 5 years ago destroy 60 Aurora-class ships when we could use them and their powerful weapons, you can go after Replicator Weir and her crew but leave the 60 Aurora-class ships alone and I will let Admiral Kira decide what do with the ships Kathryn says as she looks at John.

He looks at her.

Kathryn listen to me when I say that we don't need these vessels we've already got the Infinity-class super carriers coming out, we have to destroy those vessels before she double crosses us and takes those vessels Admiral Martin says as he looks at her.

Kathryn looks at John.

We won't let her take the ships away from us, I'm sure Typhuss agress with me Kathryn says as she looks at John.

He looks at her.

Are you willing to risk our alliance with the Klingons or the Cardassians just to get ships that are useless to us because there's barely anyone in Starfleet that has the ATA gene John says as he looks at the Admirals.

Riker turns to him.

Are you willing to destroy powerful ships that we can use, Admiral Kira told me what happened 5 years ago and you don't know that these ships are useless to us until Admiral Kira and his people look at the ships to see what can be done I won't let you destroy these ships Admiral Riker says as he looks at him.
