The Ares is in orbit of the planet.
In the briefing room Admiral Kira is briefing Fleet Admiral Akaar who is there via the Ancient communication stones that were recently installed.
There are 60 Aurora-class battleships and 80 ZPMs down there at the outpost maybe even drone weapons or even design plans for weapons we could really use this sir and I would suggest not destroying the outpost Typhuss says as he looks at Akaar.
Fleet Admiral Akaar looks at him.
That's up to the Federation Council and the Admiralty Fleet Admiral Akaar says as he looks at them.
Typhuss looks at him.
I already know what to do about it, sir Typhuss says as he looks at Akaar.
Fleet Admiral Akaar looks at him.
That's not your call Vice Admiral you will wait for the decision from the Admiralty and the Federation Council or I will demote you back to Captain and place you on Starbase 80 that's an order and I expect you to follow it and if they decide to destroy the ships and take the ZPMs you will respect their choice and will follow their orders without question or refusal do you understand me Vice Admiral Kira Fleet Admiral Akaar says as he looks at him.
Typhuss has his fist balled up but he unclenches his and looks Akaar in the eyes.
Yes sir Typhuss says as he looks at Akaar then turns off the device using a cloth to remove the stone.
John comes back.
I'll never get use to that what did I miss? John says as he looks at them.
Colonel Sheppard looks at him.
Fleet Admiral Akaar told us to wait for the decision of the Federation Council and the Admiralty Colonel Sheppard says as he looks at him.
Doctor McKay looks at him.
He also is allowing us to keep the ZPMs but not the 60 Aurora-class battleships in those hangars should the Admiralty and Federation Council decide to destroy them Doctor McKay says as he has a disappointed look on his face.
John looks at them.
You look like you've been defeated Rodney we get to keep the 80 ZPMs Admiral Martin says as he looks at him.
Typhuss looks at Admiral Martin.
We should also keep the 60 Aurora-class battleships, we could use them! but no you want to blow them to hell, Sheppard and Rodney argee with me and we would be fools to destroy those ships Typhuss says as he looks at Admiral Martin as Typhuss hits the table with his fists.
Meanwhile in the communications room Replicator Weir sends a encoded transmission to her battleship docked at Starbase Atlantis.